Brick TeeVee is a preview of the Sunday Talking Head Shows beamed across America by Corporate Media, plus some good progressive radio and who will be on which show. If you have other Sunday Talkie shows' guest lists we don't have, please share below. Post your comments while you watch! It's fun, it's healthy and doggonit at least we'll know others can also see through the media manipulation that blankets our public airwaves. DEBUNK HERE!
So, with no further ado, I present to you This Week's Brick TeeVee entry!
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ALL LINKS OPEN A NEW WINDOW!!!Convention Season is over and the Race for the US Presidency begins in earnest: McCain/Palin vs. Obama/Biden. And three of the four will be on the Sunday Talkies (guess which one isn't). The Big Three get first dibs on the candidates while U-Boat Captain Blitzer gets the circus lineup of JON KYL vs. BARBARA BOXER, KAY BAILY HUTCHINSON vs. TIM KAINE and two advisors from each camp. FauxNews settles for camp advisors as well. 60 Minutes features BOB WOODWARD. Don't forget Ring of Fire Radio and Massa in the Morning if the spin gets to you. Of course there will be no mention of the raids that took place in St. Paul or Eight RNC Protesters Face State Terrorism Charges. As Glenn Greenwald puts it, "After all, if you don't want the FBI spying on you, or the Police surrounding and then invading your home with rifles and seizing your computers, there's a very simple solution: don't protest the Government. Just sit quietly in your house and mind your own business." That's right, don't even THINK about your First Amendment rights or your door just might get kicked in. What do you think they've been doing with all those illegal domestic wiretaps, anyhow? Don't look for CYNTHIA MCKINNEY, BOB BARR or RALPH NADER on the Sunday Funnies, either. You're not supposed to know there are more than two political parties! The Brick TeeVee crew have been enjoying our bumper crop of tomatoes, beans and cukes and the eggplants are fabulous! Have a great week!
National Football League - Week 1! Games galore on CBS, FOX and ESPN - check your local listings
MLB ON TBS TBS joins the MLB family with their NEW weekly Sunday Afternoon Baseball Game. This week it's the LA Angels @ Chicago White Sox - 2 pm et

image ©2006 arkysue
133 days until our national nightmare is over
4,155 Military Dead as of Sept 5, 2008
1,957 days since "Mission Accomplished"
- This Week (ABC)
• Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. - Face The Nation (CBS)TOPIC: The Republican National Convention
• Republican presidential nominee John McCain - 60 Minutes (CBS) NEW SHOW!
• The War Within In his latest inside-the-White-House book, legendary reporter Bob Woodward reveals the thoughts and strategies governing the war in Iraq that come directly from President Bush and his inner circle.
• Alec Baldwin Morley Safer profiles the versatile actor, who talks candidly about his career and his personal life – including his very public divorce and custody battle.
• The King Of Sushi Highly coveted as the definitive dish in sushi, bluefin tuna are being captured in rising numbers by modern methods that threaten to endanger the species. - Meet the Press (NBC) Tom Brokaw, host
• Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden.
• New York Times columnist Tom Friedman - Late Edition (CNN) John McCain and Barack Obama accept their party's nominations and set their sights on the White House. Wolf sits down with key supporters from both campaigns Plus, the best political team on television gets you ready for the final two months of this historic presidential race.
• Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.
• Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.
• Sen, Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas
• Gov. Tim Kaine, D-Va.
• Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs
• McCain economic adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer - Seder on Sunday! CANCELLED - WATCH THIS SPACE for Seder News :: Air America’s Sam Seder will be on Ring of Fire Radio to discuss a few of the many scandals of John McCain.
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and
• Documentary filmmaker Rory Kennedy will be joining us to talk about the life of Helen Thomas, which she chronicles in her lates film “Thank You, Mr. President – Helen Thomas At The White House.”
• Executive director of the Blue Green Alliance David Foster will be here to tell us all about their green-collar jobs initiative.
• Author TJ English will stop by to talk about how the mob that was controlling Havana in the 1950’s failed to stop Fidel Castro’s uprising
• And cartoonist Matt Filipowicz will join us from Minnesota to talk about this week’s most absurd news stories, and he’ll tell us how he survived being around all those crazy conservatives.
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern featuring The PAP Attack! - "Massa In The Morning"
"Massa In The Morning" is quick, topical, smart, sometimes hilarious, and ALWAYS kind. With co-host Bill Berry, EVERY Sunday morning from 10am til noon Eastern time!
WHHO-AM 1320 Streaming ON-LINE at
(you do have to register, so go register now if you want to listen tomorrow.)
CALL IN! 607-324-2000 (yer cell phone minutes are FREE on the weekends!) - fauxnews EXCLUSIVE! (Surprised? -Ed.)
• Obama chief strategist David Axelrod
• McCain campaign manager Rick Davis.
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Are you going to brave the Sunday shows?
So if you're going to be watching, jot down which show you're watching,and how many minutes in it was from the beginning of the show. We'll have every moment of every show recorded. And please include the subject line "Sunday Shows" on any email tip you send in. Send tips to
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
First brick is on us!

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