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CISPA and the Bitches We begin this week with a FUKUSHIMA UPDATE from Fukushima is Falling Apart: Are You Ready? By Christina Consolo – the host of “Nuked Radio” Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12-1:00 pm EST on the Orion Talk Radio Network. Thirteen months have passed since the Fukushima reactors exploded, and a U.S. Senator finally got off his ass and went to Japan to see what is going on over there. What he saw was horrific. And now he is saying that we are in big trouble. See the letter he sent to U.S. Ambassador to Japan Ichiro Fujisaki, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and NRC’s Chairman Gregory Jaczko here.But what is so ironic about this is that we have been in this heap of trouble since March of 2011. March 17th, to be exact, when the plume of radioactive materials began bombarding the west coast of California. And Oregon. And Washington. And British Columbia. And later Maine, Europe, and everywhere in between. Independent researchers, nuke experts, and scientists, from oceanography to entomology and everywhere in between, having been trying to sound the alarm ever since. The scientists most upset are those who have studied the effects of radiation on health. I’ll say it again, so its really clear: we are in big trouble. ...... But back to the research: reports in the past week indicate the pollen in southern California is radioactive now too, and it is flying around, and if you live there and go outside, you are breathing it in. And so are your children. Along with fission products blowing over from Japan. And radiation in your drinking water. And in your rain. And in the fish you are eating. And your vegetables. And the milk supply. And its happening every second, of every day. For 13 months. Are you starting to see a problem here? Problem is, that’s not even the biggest problem. The biggest problem is what Senator Wyden is all bent out of shape about, even though independent researchers and nuke experts have been warning about this for a year. And that is that the Reactor #4 building is on the verge of collapsing. Seismicity standards rate the building at a zero, meaning even a small earthquake could send it into a heap of rubble. And sitting at the top of the building, in a pool that is cracked, leaking, and precarious even without an earthquake, are 1565 fuel rods (give or take a few), some of them “fresh fuel” that was ready to go into the reactor on the morning of March 11th when the earthquake and tsunami hit. If they are MOX fuel, containing 6% plutonium, one fuel rod has the potential to kill 2.89 billion people. If this pool collapses, as Senator Wyden is now saying too, we would face a mass extinction event from the release of radiation in those rods. That is, if we aren’t in one already. Nuke experts like Arnie Gundersen and Helen Caldicott are prepared to evacuate their families to the southern hemisphere if that happens. It is that serious. ..... Iodine pills, anyone? Over at they've put together a great resource Tracking Fukushima Fallout – Maps & Sources so spend some time over there digging through the links. Next Tyler Durden at Zerohedge notices Russia And Mexico Both Buy Nearly $1 Billion Worth of Gold in March While gold demand from the western investors and store of wealth buyers has fallen in recent months, central bank demand continues to be very robust and this is providing strong support to gold above the $1,600/oz level. IMF data released overnight shows that Mexico added 16.8 metric tons of gold valued at about $906.4 million to its reserves in March. Russia continued to diversify its foreign exchange reserves and increased its gold reserves by about 16.5 tons according to a statement by its central bank on April 20. .... Central banks are expanding reserves due to concerns about the dollar, euro, sterling and all fiat currencies. There is an increasing realisation amongst central bankers that gold is a less risky alternative to most paper currencies and a recent survey showed that that majority of central bank reserves managers were favourable towards gold. Signifying the mood of caution among the world’s central bankers, 71% of those polled said gold was a more attractive investment than it had been at the start of last year. Central banks added 439.7 tons last year, the most in almost five decades, and may buy a similar amount if not more in 2012, the World Gold Council and many analysts believe. Also at Zerohedge we have a good long read Guest Post: What Happens When All The Money Vanishes Into Thin Air? by Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds. A snip: "Here is the primary point: issuing debt and printing money do not create wealth. All they can create is a temporary illusion of wealth." Matt Taibbi in RS explains how Jon Corzine Is the Original George Zimmerman ....To make an obvious comparison: Much like the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, the outrage here goes beyond the fact of the horrific crime. An equally profound insult in both cases lay in the fact that that serious crime obviously had been committed, and yet authorities refused to act for months. This situation with former Goldman chief and U.S. Senator Jon Corzine and the officials of MF Global involves a less physically savage offense, but the authorities' refusal to act is every bit as incredible. Nobody disputes the fact that MF Global officials dipped into customer accounts and took over $1.6 billion of customer money. We not only know that company officials reached into customer accounts, we know they brazenly lied to bondholders , ratings agencies and investors about the firm's financial condition ("MF Global's capital and liquidity has never been stronger," wrote the CFO of MF Global’s holding company, on the same day Moody’s downgraded it to junk status). We even know that eighteen days before the firm went bust, company officers discussed how quickly to return money to customers, and even contemplated, in writing, the possibility of not returning the money right away. This is from a risk-assessment document prepared by company officers entitled "Break the Glass".... Nonetheless, there’s been an intense effort at trying to convince the public that no crime has been committed. Whoever is handling MF Global’s P.R. (according to Pam Martens in this excellent piece, it’s APCO worldwide, a former Big Tobacco spin factory) appears to have convinced the company’s officers to emphasize the word “chaos” in describing the last days of the firm – as though $1.2 billion wasn’t intentionally stolen, per se, but simply lost in a kind of uncontrolled whirlwind of transactions that magically carried the money out of accounts off to worlds unknown. I call this the “Wizard of Oz” defense: a Big Twister hit the firm’s customer accounts, chaos ensued, and when the dust settled, no one knew where the heck little Dorothy and her money had gone. ..... It’s incredible that people are offering as a defense the idea that a financial company could be so overwhelmed by transactions that it could just lose track of $1.6 billion. If you’re so terrible at managing money that you can honestly lose a billion dollars – especially after swearing up and down to the whole world that you were the right choice to manage the cherished millions and billions of scads of farmers, ranchers, and other investors – you should go to jail just for that, just on general principle. But most pundits aren’t saying that. Instead, it seems like like every financial reporter both in this city and in Washington is talking to the same five or six defense lawyers, buying their weak arguments, and offering the same lame excuses for the missing money, which should tell you a lot about how the Wall Street press corps managed to miss the warning signs for 2008 and other disasters. Somebody from MF Global has to be arrested soon. The message otherwise to middle America is so galling that it boggles the mind. .... Incredible! Now go WATCH C-SPAN for yourself CFTC Chief & Regulators Testify on MF Global Collapse where the company’s bankruptcy trustee, Louis Freeh, will testify for the first time, no doubt using the "Wizard of Oz" defense! You might be interested in this at Frontline’s Astonishing Whitewash of the Crisis The first two parts of the four part series have been released, and it’s probably safe to say that this program is far enough along to be beyond redemption. It’s a recitation of conventional wisdom, with just enough focus on some of the numerous things the banks and the authorities did wrong so as to make it seem daring for mainstream TV. But anyone who has been on this beat will find the first two segments cringe-making (one advantage I had was that of reading the transcripts, which makes it much easier to parse the construction). Despite the obligatory shots of Occupy Wall Street protestors, displaced homeowners, and stymied officials, much of the story line is remarkably bank-friendly. Sad but true PBS tries hard but also must toe their corporate-line to keep all that grant money flowing. In Europe the only country so far to give the international banksters The Finger has been Iceland. Now we find out Iceland ex-PM Geir Haarde cleared of bank negligence Geir Haarde, the former prime minister of Iceland and the only politician in the world to face prosecution for his role in the 2008 financial crisis, has been found guilty of failing to hold emergency cabinet meetings in the runup to the crisis. But he was cleared of three more serious charges, which could have jailed him for two years. Haarde, who served as prime minister between 2006 and 2009, had pleaded not guilty to all the charges, including gross negligence over the government's failure to prepare for the impending disaster. Haarde attacked the guilty verdict as "absurd", and accused the judges of bowing to political pressure. "It is obvious that the majority of the judges have found themselves pressed to come up with a guilty verdict on one point, however minor, to save the neck of the parliamentarians who instigated this," he said outside the country's specially convened Landsdómur criminal court in Reykjavik. Haarde was the first person in history to stand trial at the 15-judge court, which was created in 1905 to hear any charges brought against ministers. .... Haarde, 61, was also cleared of charges related to his failure to prevent the contagion from spreading to the UK by not insisting that Icelandic banks ringfence their overseas operations. The crisis sparked a diplomatic row with the UK as the demise of Landsbanki brought down its British internet banking arm, Icesave, leaving British councils, universities and hospitals more than £1bn out of pocket. AUDIO! From last Sunday we have Michael Hudson’s presentation at the Italian MMT Summit, which was also recorded by Bonnie Faulkner of Pacifica Radio’s Guns and Butter show at Naked Capitalism Michael Hudson: Productivity, The Miracle of Compound Interest, and Poverty Paying off a debt is not the same as building up liquid savings in a bank. It reflects something that only a very few economists have worried about over the past century: the prospect of debts rising faster than income, leading to financial crashes that transfer property from debtors to creditors, and indeed polarize society between what the Occupy Wall Street movement calls the 1% and the 99%. ...... After World War II many women stayed home and raised families. But since the 1950s they have been forced increasingly into the labour force for what are called two-job families – and now, three-job families (with only two family members). If you project labor participation rates, by the year 2020 every woman will have to work 18 hours a day or economic trends will falter. What was applauded as a post-industrial economy has turned into a financialized economy. The reason you have to work so much harder than before, even when wages rise, is to carry your debt overhead. You’re unable to buy the goods you produce because you need to pay your bankers. And the only way that you can barely maintain your living standards is to borrow even more. This means having to pay back even more in years to come. That is the Eurozone plan in a nutshell for its economic future. It is a financial plan that is replacing industrial capitalism – with finance capitalism. ..... And to make matters worse, it is not the fat that is cut. The fat is the financial sector. What is cut is the bone: the industrial sector. So when writers refer to a post-industrial economy led by the banks, they imply deindustrialization. And for you it means unemployment and lower wages. So much more in this post to read! You can lsiten to the mp3 HERE. Speaking of cutting, over at the New York Times International Herald Tribune's Global Opinion page we find this editorial Callous Choices in the House For months, House Republicans have been trying to wriggle out of the agreement they made in August that will force deep cuts in military spending. Now we know how they propose to do it: They will take tens of billions out of programs for the poorest Americans, particularly food stamps, along with health care for the middle class. The House Agriculture Committee voted on Wednesday to cut $33 billion over the next decade out of food stamps. That would immediately end benefits for two million people, and reduce benefits for the remaining 44 million people who use the program. A family of four would find their benefits lowered by $57 a month beginning in September, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The committee trimmed job training for food-stamp recipients by 72 percent; 280,000 students would no longer be eligible for free meals. To understand how callous this vote was, consider the choices the committee and the full House could have made. The budget deal reached last August — the one Republicans triggered with their disastrous debt-ceiling crisis — calls for a painful sequester of $600 billion to both military and domestic spending over a decade. The Republicans could have accepted the military cuts they had agreed to or they could have joined with Democrats in reducing the cuts by raising taxes on the rich. Instead, the 2013 budget, written by Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, put all the cuts on the domestic side. .... The extremists who run the House budget process seem willing to force a shutdown later this year to get their way, but they may find themselves isolated. From the "do as we say not as we do" department Obama invokes Holocaust to ratchet up war threats on Iran, Syria By Bill Van Auken at President Barack Obama used a visit to Washington’s Holocaust Memorial Museum Monday to unveil a set of new sanctions against Iran and Syria and to promote the administration’s use of “human rights” as a pretext for aggressive war and regime change. The new sanctions target Syrian and Iranian intelligence agencies as well as telecommunications and Internet providers for use of information technology to monitor and repress political opposition. They have been rolled out under conditions in which the United Nations is deploying its monitors in Syria to oversee a ceasefire and as Iran prepares for a second round of negotiations next month in Baghdad with the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany) over its nuclear program. The timing of this latest round of sanctions, coming on top of a whole series of unilateral US and European Union measures aimed at crippling the Syrian and Iranian economies, strongly indicates that Washington is merely using negotiations with both countries as a cover for preparing war and regime change. Obama’s executive order calls for Washington to impose sanctions on Syrian and Iranian officials for using information technology, including software to track cellphones and monitor Internet use and to spy upon and repress dissidents. It also would punish what the US president refers to as the “digital guns for hire,” i.e., information technology companies that sell software and equipment to targeted regimes.
- “These technologies should be in place to empower citizens, not to repress them,” Obama declared.
[Wenner] Let me ask you about the War on Drugs. You vowed in 2008, when you were running for election, that you would not “use Justice Department resources to try and circumvent state laws about medical marijuana.” Yet we just ran a story that shows your administration is launching more raids on medical pot than the Bush administration did. What’s up with that?
[Obama] Here’s what’s up: What I specifically said was that we were not going to prioritize prosecutions of persons who are using medical marijuana. I never made a commitment that somehow we were going to give carte blanche to large-scale producers and operators of marijuana – and the reason is, because it’s against federal law. I can’t nullify congressional law. I can’t ask the Justice Department to say, “Ignore completely a federal law that’s on the books.” What I can say is, “Use your prosecutorial discretion and properly prioritize your resources to go after things that are really doing folks damage.” As a consequence, there haven’t been prosecutions of users of marijuana for medical purposes.
(emphasis mine)
- .... Shortly before marijuana was banned by The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, new technologies were developed that made hemp a potential competitor with the newly-founded synthetic fiber and plastics industries. Hemp's potential for producing paper also posed a threat to the timber industry (see New Billion-Dollar Crop). Evidence suggests that commercial interests having much to lose from hemp competition helped propagate reefer madness hysteria, and used their influence to lobby for Marijuana Prohibition. It is not known for certain if special interests conspired to destroy the hemp industry via Marijuana Prohibition, but enough evidence exists to raise the possibility.
Our LAST WORD goes to Charles Pierce at Esquire's "The Politics Blog" The Liberation of Willard Romney: A Game Plan I keep hearing on the teevee that Willard Romney, putative Republican frontrunner, "needs a new message." Apparently, his current one, which can be fairly summarized as "I will drag my balls a mile over some ground glass on live television if it'll get me 1,000 votes from you snake-handling dimwits," is not resonating with the snake-handling dimwits in question. Because I once was one of Willard's constituents in Massachusetts, I feel it is my duty to help him in this difficult task. So here's my notion: "I'm Willard Romney — and I'm all you got, bitches.
"I'm the only one with the money and I'm the only one with the organization, and I'm the only one with the actual campaign. Oh, I know there are people who are not running that you like better than me — Christie and Daniels and even that zombie-eyed granny-starver, Paul Ryan. But, guess what,bitches? There's a reason why they're not running. They're pissing down their legs that they might lose. Me? You think I care if I lose? I lose, and I go live in the mansion on the beach that I'm building in California. I've got $250 million, bitches, and I know how to use them. My great-grandchildren aren't going to have to work for a living. I'm bulletproof for four generations. Do you know who I am? I'm Clinton in 1990. Remember? Poppy Bush had an 80-percent approval rating and none of the Democratic superstars — not Mario Cuomo or any of them — had the balls to take him on. Clinton did, and he didn't have $250 million to fall back on if he lost. That's me, bitches, I'm Clinton with dough. .......
"It's not my fault that the rest of you let the party turn into a monkeyhouse over this issue just because it was a Democratic president pushing the plan. It's not my fault that longtime Republican solutions have been recast in the fetid reaches of The Base's hive-mind as creeping socialism. It's not my fault you turned ignorant poo-flinging into a national strategy. I've got enough money to bribe even this party into regaining its sanity. I can buy anything, bitches, because I'm Mitt Romney and I've got enough fuck-you money for 150 Newt Gingriches.
"I mean, really, people. Gingrich? Santorum? You people want to lose 45 states? You want the entire campaign to be about either Gingrich's grandiose daydreams, or about Rick Santorum's pursuit of the unauthorized use of the penis? One guy wants to be Caesar Augustus and the other one wants to be Pius IX. Is that really what you want? I've decided that I just want to be Mitt Romney again, bitches, because that's an awfully nice thing to be. Ever seen the sunset over the Pacific? I'm owning one of those bad boys now.
"So, yeah, I'm not going to be what the Bible-bangers want. You know why? Because there aren't enough of them to win the election, and I'm sick of throwing good money after bad trying to win the hearts and the not-entirely-functioning minds of a bunch of people who see Jesus in their cereal bowls every morning. They can come along if they want to, but I'm not doing this born-again shuck-and-jive for their amusement any more. Why?
"Because I'm Mitt Romney, bitches, and I'm all you got left."

- Podcast: Major Occupy/OWS Court Victory-- 31 Occupy Philly Protesters Acquitted on All Charges; Exclusive Interview
- Washington Post's Kaplan and Other For-Profit Colleges Joined ALEC, Controversial Special Interest Lobby
- Five Pennsylvania Legislators Leave ALEC
- E.J. Dionne Jr -- Romney's principled, radical view for America
- Rob Kall: NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake: The US Is Becoming more and more a Security State like E. Germany
- Much more at!

- Abrahm Lustgarten & Dahr Jamail @ Democracy NOW! Gulf Oil Spill: BP Execs Escape Punishment as Fallout from Disaster Continues to Impact Sea Life
- William Binney & Jacob Appelbaum @ Democracy NOW! More Secrets on Growing State Surveillance: Exclusive with NSA Whistleblower, Targeted Hacker
- John Carlos Frey, documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist at the Nation Institute @ Democracy NOW! Death on the Border: Shocking Video Shows Mexican Immigrant Beaten and Tased by Border Patrol Agents
- Smiley & West @ Democracy NOW! "War is the Enemy of the Poor": Cornel West and Tavis Smiley on Poverty, MLK, Election 2012
- Mumia Abu-Jamal @ Democracy NOW! Exclusive: Mumia Abu-Jamal Speaks from Prison on Life After Death Row and His Quest for Freedom
- MORE Mumia Abu-Jamal @ Democracy NOW! Exclusive: Mumia Abu-Jamal and Danny Glover Speak to Each Other for First Time Ever on Democracy Now
- ACLU's Michelle Richardson @ Democracy NOW! CISPA Critics Warn Cybersecurity Bill Will Increase Domestic Surveillance and Violate Privacy Rights
- Jacob Appelbaum @ Democracy NOW! Targeted Hacker Jacob Appelbaum on CISPA, Surveillance and the "Militarization of Cyberspace"
- ColorLine's Seth Freed Wessler & Randy Parraz, president of Citizens for a Better Arizona @ Democracy NOW! Obama Admin Challenges Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law While Overseeing Unprecedented Mass Deportations
- Shahzad Akbar & Medea Benjamin @ Democracy NOW! As Obama Expands Drone War, Activists & Victims’ Advocates Join D.C. Summit on Growing Civilian Toll
- Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of NETWORK @ Democracy NOW! U.S. Nuns Face Vatican Rebuke for "Radical Feminism" in Stances on Church Teachings, Social Justice
- Katie Burgess & Rai'vyn Cross, close friend of CeCe McDonald @ Democracy NOW! "CeCe" McDonald: Black, Transgender Woman Faces Murder Trial for What Supporters Call Self-Defense

»»» GRITtv @ with Laura Flanders
»»» FEATURED SHOW Can 'Caring Across Generations' Change the World? Ask anyone. We all have our “care stories.” What we don’t tend to have is a plan for what we’ll do when someone we love needs care, or when we ourselves turn out not to be invincible. We don’t have a plan, and neither does our government, and yet a crisis looms »»» Jeffrey Sachs: Population Controller? In a March 1 op-ed in the Washington Post Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs made his pitch to be the next president of the World Bank promising to “lead the bank into a new era of problem-solving.” John Cavanaugh and Robin Broad have laid out a raft of righteous concerns about Sachs’s candidacy. The “solutions” Sachs proposes to poverty, they point out, can be summed up in the not very-new words: “aid” and “trade.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s Sachs’s other favorite problem solver: population control. That’s taking us to a new era, alright: right back to the nineteenth century of Thomas Malthus. Read the full article at The Nation.
»»» MLB Sunday TBS Tigers @ Yankees 1:05 pm et
»»» MLB Sunday Night ESPN Rays @ Rangers 8 pm et
»»» NBA PLAYOFFS on TNT First Round coverage on Sunday double-header Celtics @ Hawks 7 pm et then Clippers @ Grizzlies 9:30 pm et. Check your local listings for more games all week!
The 1st Amendment is Our Permit Our permit to occupy is The First Amendment. Quickly sign the following statement which will be delivered to mayors, police chiefs and major media across the country:
- Our permit to occupy public squares and parks is in The First Amendment, which affirms "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." When people across the Middle East occupied public squares, leaders in Washington mostly cheered those protesters and warned Middle Eastern governments not to use force to clear them. Those other societies don’t have a First Amendment. Yet Washington affirmed the universal right to assembly and protest. We do have a First Amendment. The force being used to clear nonviolent protesters from public squares in our country is unacceptable. It must stop.
- Please SIGN THE PETITION in support of the "99%'s Deficit Proposal" and plan direct actions to tell the Super Committee that the 99% have better solutions to our nation's crises. You can plan your own action at your Congressmember's office or join us in Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC for marches to Capitol Hill. Check our calendar for announcements.
NET NEUTRALITY! A Push for Privacy in the Wake of the Carrier IQ Controversy Remember Carrier IQ, the company that makes the secret spying software that’s installed on more than 140 million phones? You know, the software that can record our most sensitive personal data? ... Thanks in part to the 22,000 people who joined Free Press’ call for a congressional investigation, some of those questions are closer to being answered and mobile users are closer to being protected. The protection comes in the form of a bill from Massachusetts Rep. Ed Markey. Markey released a draft of a bill called the "Mobile Device Privacy Act" that would require phone companies to disclose to users just what is being done with all of their data. If the bill passes, an opt-out provision would go into effect a year later and would require companies to allow users to opt out of data-collection schemes like the one developed by Carrier IQ........
CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE American Majority Rejects Washington Austerity Consensus – And We Demand Media Coverage by Roger Hickey, President, Campaign for America's Future: No more silent majority. The Campaign for America’s Future is joining with the Center for Economic and Policy Research (whose Co-Director, Dean Baker blogs regularly about economic bias in the media) and with FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) to monitor the media’s coverage and representation of the American Majority views as they go into covering the big deficit fight. But we want to enlist YOU too. Send us accounts of unbalanced coverage in the national media and in your local newspapers and television. Call up reporters, editors, assignment people and tell them when they are under-representing the views of the American Majority. We should have at least half the experts, pundits, quotes and real people represented in their coverage. In a debate as important as the one we are going into, we can’t allow the media to ignore the American Majority. Much more at
MOVE TO AMEND! SIGN HERE NOW! Also visit Rep Alan Grayson's site And Alan Grayson is running again in FL-8! Help out at
SUPPORT THE TROOPS WHO REFUSE TO FIGHT See and Bradley Manning Support Network UPDATE! Kevin Zeese on ANTIWAR RADIO Kevin Zeese March 22, 2012: Kevin Zeese, Executive Director of VotersForPeace and Co-Chair of Come Home America, discusses his article "Dismissal Is the Only Option in Bradley Manning Case;" the prosecution’s withholding of government damage-assessment reports, which could help disprove Manning’s "aiding the enemy" charge; statements from President Obama and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey (last paragraph) that bolster an "unlawful command influence" defense; and whether Judge Col. Denise Lind will rule fairly, resisting the government pressure and bribes that accompany cases of this magnitude. Kevin Zeese is the Executive Director and co-founder of VotersForPeace . He also served as the Executive Director of Democracy Rising, is an attorney, and a long term peace advocate. He took a leave from VotersForPeace for most of 2006 while he was running for the U.S. Senate in Maryland. Zeese was a founding member of the Montgomery County Coalition Against the War in Maryland and has worked with various non-profit organizations on peace, justice, and democracy issues since 1978.
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CELLULAR PHONE TASK FORCE EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, SUPPORT at The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made safe. We provide: education to the public concerning electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog); advocacy for an electromagnetically cleaner environment; support for individuals disabled by radiation from wireless technology and other sources.
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The essential guide for watching government propaganda
IRAQ: 4,486 US Military Dead as of April 21, 2012
AFGHANISTAN: 1,943 US Military Dead as of April 21, 2012
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
Considering Democracy: 8 Things to ask your Representative
- This Week (ABC) anchor George Stephanopoulos
• Fact Checking ABC's "This Week" at NPR "On the Media" - Jake Tapper, interim host of ABC's "This Week," liked the idea of fact-checking his guests' comments, so he set up a partnership with Politifact, a non-partisan fact-checking organization. See Politifact Statements ABC News 'This Week'
• White House Counterterrorism Adviser John Brennan
• ROUNDTABLE: Carly Fiorina, Jennifer Granholm, Paul Krugman, Eric Schmidt, David Walker, George Will
- Face The Nation (CBS) Host Bob Schiefer
• former Chairman of the Republican Party Haley Barbour
• Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (who is a National Co-Chairman for the Obama Campaign)
• California Gov. Jerry Brown
• ROUNDTABLE: TIME Magazine contributor Graham Allison, Peter Bergen, Washington Post's David Ignatius
- 60 Minutes (CBS)
• Hard Measures - The former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service, Jose Rodriguez, talks to Lesley Stahl about the "enhanced interrogation techniques," including waterboarding, used on high-level al Qaeda detainees. The ex-spy was the man behind those techniques that some would consider torture and he defends their use for the first time. Richard Bonin is the producer.
• Hooked - Dr. Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, uses the brain scans of addicts to show how difficult it is to just say no to drugs and other addictive behaviors, including eating. Morley Safer reports. David Browning is the producer.
- Meet the Press (NBC) Host David Gregory
• Meet the Facts at NPR "On the Media" - Last December, NYU professor Jay Rosen proposed something simple yet revolutionary: why don't the Sunday morning chat shows fact check their guests? After "Meet the Press" host David Gregory declined, two college students launched a website to do it for him. One of them, Chas Danner, explains what they're trying to accomplish. See their website updating soon!
• Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)
• Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King (R-NY)
• Obama re-election strategist David Axelrod
• ROUNDTABLE: Washington Post’s EJ Dionne; the New York Times’ David Brooks and Helene Cooper; and NBC’s Chuck Todd.
- State of the Union With Candy Crowley (CNN) At 9 AM ET, Candy talks to the power players: politicians, business leaders and international newsmakers who will make Monday morning's headlines. At NOON ET, Candy wraps it all up with fresh interviews and the best of the earlier hours.
• Robert Gibbs from team Obama
• Ed Gillespie from the Romney campaign
• ROUNDTABLE: Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen, Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, and Republican strategist Alex Castellanos.
- HEAD ON RADIO with Bob Kincaid
Headon Radio with Bob Kincaid 6 PM Eastern, 3 PM Pacific, 2300 GMT. Duration: 3 hrs. To be part of Conversation Radio on Head-on Radio, call toll-free (877) 443-2366, or use our Liberal community line at 304-658-3333. Email bob [at] headonradio [dot] com during the show!
• PRAYER MEETIN' WEDNESDAY!!!!! Uber Pope/Imam/Rabbi Bob lets the religious wrong have it!! From the Cathedral of Common Sense! (Bob's been under the weather so this is his rant on the Sunday Talkies on Easter Sunday.) Plus all the regulars chime in! Listen HERE (mp3) NOW! Amen to the White Rose Society! Donate to Head On HERE! And join Coal River Mountain Watch at!
The Green News Report with Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen: 6 minutes of green news, politics, analysis & snarky comment! BOOKMARK NOW!
• 'Green News Report' - April 26, 2012 IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Just a flesh wound? UK smacked by extreme weather whiplash; Sec. Chu talks sexy, sexy energy efficiency; 'Agent Orange Corn'? Dow Chemical says 'Yes, please!'; PLUS: Slow-jamming the news? How about slow-walking climate change? .... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
• IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see link): ExxonMobil profits: $109M a day on America's pocketbook; Wind Tax Credit Stalls in Congress despite bipartisan support; U.S. mad cow find: lucky break or triumph of science?; Cheap, stable, printable liquid solar cells developed; Warm Spring May Mean Drought, Wildfires in West; Warm Ocean Currents Eroding Antarctic Ice Shelves; Coal's Future Is Rocky at Best; On Chernobyl's anniversary, Ukraine warns against nuclear power... PLUS: Donald Trump on 'Monstrous Wind' ... and much, MUCH more! ...
• BRADCAST! KPFK's 'BradCast': Intvw w/ 90-Year Old PA Woman Denied 'Free' ID Under New GOP Vote Suppress Law
• BRADCAST! Guest Hosting 'Malloy Show' Friday! TONIGHT: Big Govt Cyber Spying with CISPA; The Fight to Vote; Secret Money Wins 2012; What 'Divided Nation?'; MUCH MORE!... Now UPDATED with audio archives from tonight's show below! Scheduled tonight:
- DAN AUERBACH of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on the effort to stop the bi-partisan Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) bill passed today in the U.S. House and its companion bill soon to be debated in the U.S. Senate.
- JOYCE BLOCK, the 90-year old Doylestown, PA voter who has voted, without fail or problem, for 70 years, on her fight to vote now that the GOP has passed a polling place Photo ID restriction law, and since she was denied a so-called "free" ID to vote by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation.
- PLUS! Much much more as usual!
- DAN AUERBACH of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on the effort to stop the bi-partisan Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) bill passed today in the U.S. House and its companion bill soon to be debated in the U.S. Senate.
- The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST!
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The Peter B. Collins Show covers American news and politics from the Left Coast. Veteran talk radio personality Peter B. Collins, based in San Francisco, delivers fresh interviews, commentary and analysis on a range of important topics, with views and voices you don’t often find in the corporate media.
• Holiday Break and Website Changes
- To my valued listeners: We are making some changes to the website and our terms, effective in January. We will continue to offer free podcasts–my new daily news and commentary. Our in-depth interviews will be available for $1 per episode, or to subscribers who pay $5 per month or more. Loyal listeners who simply can’t afford it should send an email to, as we will be offering a limited number of scholarships to our friends who are hurting during these tough times. More information will be posted as we complete the revisions. I’m grateful to each of you for listening and supporting this work, and hope that the new model will enable us to keep it going well into the future. All the best, -pbc
• PBC Standard Podcast April 26, 2012 Journalist/Historian Gareth Porter on Iran Nuke Talks and Afghanistan; Rebecca Griffin of Peace Action West on Their PAC for Peace Gareth Porter returns to talk about the recent talks with Iran in Istanbul, and the latest from Afghanistan; Rebecca Griffin of Peace Action West on their PAC for peace
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder
Ring of Fire Radio - GoLeft TV - Robert F. Kennedy, Mike Papantonio, Sam Seder - Politics, Commentary, and News.
This Week on Ring of Fire! April 27, 2012
• Pulitzer Prize winning journalist David Wood will be here to tell us about how his reporting on the Middle East for the Huffington Post earned him such a prestigious honor.
• We’ll hear from attorney Mark Proctor about the latest developments in the BP oil spill case – including the criminal charges filed against a BP engineer.
• Huffington Post contributor Ben Hallman will be here to tell us about the bribery charges that have been leveled against Wal-Mart in Mexico.
• And author Ari Berman will tell us why Americans need to start paying attention to the right wing takeover of our judicial system.
• VIDEO! Papantonio: Justice Department Has Long Way To Go In BP Investigation This week, the Justice Department announced the first criminal charges in the BP oil spill probe, involving a BP engineer who destroyed evidence relating to the flow rate of oil from the broken wellhead. These charges are a great start, but as Mike Papantonio points out to Ed Schultz, there is still much more work to be done by the Department of Justice.
• VIDEO! Papantonio: The Anti-Government Crowd Trying To Dismantle Public Schools Mike Papantonio dissects the Republican argument that corporations and CEOs can do a better job handling issues like public education, environmental protections, and mail service better than the federal government. When you look at the facts, it becomes clear that corporations can’t hold a candle to what the government is able to accomplish.
• Support Those Who Support Progressive Media! 2011 has certainly been a great year for Ring of Fire, and we’ve had some great sponsors that have helped support the show throughout the year. We wanted to take the time to personally thank each and every one of them, and we encourage all of our listeners to take the time to support those who have support us.
• Join our blog at You can now SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST by clicking on the "Podcast" tab at the top of the Ring of Fire blog. Please help support progressive radio by signing up!
Ring of Fire Radio Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts 8-11 et Sunday evenings on Chicago's Progressive Talk WCPT AM & FM and 4 pm et on Sirius/XM 167 featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week."
- Majority Report with Sam Seder Streaming LIVE weekdays 11:30 am et @!
• James K. Galbraith, Instability of Inequality
• Myths & Truths: the Social Security Trust Account
• Michael E. Mann, Climate Wars
• Ari Berman on SCOTUS & Sam in Vegas
• Mike Sacks, SCOTUS on Arizona Immigration & Katrina vanden Heuvel, UniteWomen
• Cliff Schecter, News of the Week & Film Guy Matthew Weiss
• MORE Podcast Interviews at!
- On the Edge with Max Keiser Podcasts and more @!
"HI Y'ALL! Tell the people! Tell the people!"
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts "The Truth About Markets" on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s "People & Power" series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• VISIT!!! Crowd Funding for Pirates!
• NEW! MaxKeiserTV on YouTube! MaxKeiserTV PLUS here is Max Keiser’s official Facebook page And here is the official Keiser Report page
• Jamie wants more heroin (or he’ll throw a hissy fit and crash the system again). by maxkeiser - The largest U.S. banks, including JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), told the Federal Reserve that a limit on their credit exposure is unnecessary and “fundamentally flawed.” READ Largest U.S. Banks Resist Federal Reserve’s Credit Limits
• CISPA has just lost a powerful backer, with Microsoft withdrawing its support for the controversial cyber security bill by maxkeiser - READ Microsoft does about face on CISPA at RT
• KEISER REPORT [KR279] Keiser Report: Beggars Without Borders
• KEISER REPORT [KR280] Keiser Report: Tainted Sinkholes Of Fraud We discuss the fact that the economy is naked with tainted stinkholes of fraud and ex-Citigroup board member, Richard Parsons, is blaming Glass Steagall. In the second half of the show Max talks to activist Reverend Billy about living in public, taking action and casting out Blythe’s demons.
• KEISER REPORT [KR281] Keiser Report: Oh My Gun! We discuss how shouting ‘fire!’ in a crowded economy may be the only thing left to save us from our unpayable debts and, failing that, Barack Obama’s ‘revolving door’ could be another GDP booster. In the second half of the show Max talks to David Graeber, author of Debt: The First 5000 Years, about weaponized debt and the origins of May Day.
• ON THE EDGE On the Edge with Zeus Yiamouyiannis We interview Zeus Yiamouyiannis.
• THE TRUTH ABOUT MARKETS [TaM-359] Truth About Debtflation Download show HERE (mp3)
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- ANTIWAR RADIO with Scott Horton
LIVE (9-11am Pacific, 12pm - 2pm Eastern) Plenty of archives too!
Listen at
• Carol Moore April 20, 2012: Carol Moore, author of The Davidian Massacre, discusses the 19th anniversary of the final siege against the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX; evidence that several Delta Force members were “pulling triggers” at Waco; Independent counsel John Danforth’s investigation and coverup; the FLIR cameras that captured FBI automatic weapons being fired to prevent the Davidians from surrendering; and how the current NDAA makes future Waco-type massacres and coverups even easier for the government.
• Jesse Trentadue April 20, 2012: Jesse Trentadue, attorney and brother of Kenneth Trentadue (who was probably tortured and killed by FBI agents mistaking him for Richard Lee Guthrie – a.k.a. John Doe No. 2 – in the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing), discusses the new book Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed-and Why It Still Matters by Andrew Gumbel and Roger Charles; the June 15th court deadline for the FBI to explain why the Murrah Building surveillance tapes are missing; allegations that FBI agents tried to sell the tapes in 1995 – which is why LA Times reporters were able to see two men, Timothy McVeigh and John Doe 2, exit the Ryder truck; the FBI’s PATCON program of infiltrating and probably provoking the radical right; how the FBI’s media informants help kill stories and manage the news cycle; and the lack of Congressional hearings on the single largest terrorist attack in US history (in 1995).
• Oleg Novinkov April 22, 2012: Oleg Novinkov, former Soviet officer and author of Afghan Boomerang, discusses the propaganda-filled book Charlie Wilson’s War about the CIA operation to arm mujaheddin in their fight against the Soviet army in Afghanistan; the Western media’s re-labeling of Afghan “freedom fighters” as “terrorists” once the US invaded; why Afghans would rather be occupied by the Soviets than the US/NATO; how a new Cold War with China will eventually displace the War on Terror as the top US priority; and why Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and perestroika are much more respected in the West than in Russia.
• Joshua B. Freeman April 24, 2012: Joshua B. Freeman, History Professor and author of American Empire , discusses his TomDispatch article on the “prison-corporate complex;” the late 19th century chain gangs in the South and industrial prison labor in the North; the return of involuntary servitude, i.e. slavery, in American prisons; how low-paid prisoners keep pressure on labor unions and generate profits for Fortune 500 companies; America’s huge prison population relative to the rest of the world; and why it’s time to revamp the criminal justice system.
• Jesse Trentadue April 24, 2012: Gareth Porter, investigative historian and journalist specializing in U.S. national security policy, discusses Washington Post writer David Ignatius’s claim that a a deal has already been made on Iran’s nuclear program and that ongoing talks are scripted; why the US and Iran can’t just “make a deal and shut up already;” how Benjamin Netanyahu’s bluff about attacking Iran is influencing US policy and helping the GOP win election; why it’s still unlikely NATO will drag the US into war in Syria, like Libya before; and the US-Afghan Strategic Partnership Agreement that envisions US involvement through 2024.
• Many more interviews at Antiwar Radio!
- fauxnews
• President Obama’s top Counterterrorism Adviser John Brennan.
• Joel and Victoria Osteen
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