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Calamity Voting Special! Before we preview Tuesday's coming calamity at polling places across the country there was another election - in Venezuela! At Prof. James Petras explains Beyond President Chavez Electoral Victory: Socialism in a Rentier State ..... Reaffirming the socialist objective of the Bolivarian Revolution as a strategic goal depends first of all making the Ministries and their sub-officials accountable to their constituents via empowered citizens councils and professionally trained oversight committees of ‘users of the services’. Current abuses, corruption, inefficiencies, non-delivery of services are chronic, politically costly and mock the socially progressive projects promised by President Chavez. Periodic ‘renovation’ and replacements of Ministers, civilians by military, provide at best a temporary respite: but under conditions of unchecked power, the rentier culture and mentality promptly reasserts itself in the same dysfunctional behavior. Citizen oversight with the power to sanction errant officials provides a more permanent corrective. The centrality of mal-administration has enormous political consequences; it probably accounted for over half of the minority popular vote which defected to the opposition. It is a mistake to attribute the 45% vote for the opposition as a call for a return to neo-liberalism: in fact it represents a protest vote of Chavez sympathizers against officials who mismanage funds and who appoint incompetent party cronies. It was a vote against Ministers who spend billions but can’t keep the oil flowing, lights on and the water running. Above all the anti-Chavista protest vote was a response to the Ministers of Interior and Defense, civilian or military, who have failed to reduce the crime rate – in the streets, in the private suites and in the public offices...... Good read!
As much of New York, New Jersey and other states dig out from Hurricane Sandy (lots of communities even in Ohio are still without power) Scott DiSavina of Reuters explains how Sandy slows nuclear plants, oldest declares alert NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hurricane Sandy slowed or shut a half-dozen U.S. nuclear power plants, while the nation's oldest facility declared a rare "alert" after the record storm surge pushed flood waters high enough to endanger a key cooling system. Exelon Corp's 43-year-old New Jersey Oyster Creek plant remains on "alert" status, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) said early Tuesday. It is only the third time this year that the second-lowest of four emergency action levels was triggered. The alert came after water levels at the plant rose by more than 6.5 feet above normal, potentially affecting the "water intake structure" that pumps cooling water through the plant, an NRC spokesman said. Those pumps are not essential since the reactor has been shut for planned refueling since October 22. However, a further rise to 7 feet could submerge the service water pump motor that is used to cool the water in the spent fuel pool, potentially forcing it to use emergency water supplies from the in-house fire suppression system to keep the rods from overheating. On Tuesday, an NRC spokesman said the levels reached a peak of 7.4 feet -- apparently above the threshold. As of 6:10 a.m. EDT waters were at 6.5 feet, with the next high tide at 11:45 a.m. He said the company had moved a portable pump to the water intake structure as a precaution, but has not needed to use it. Exelon said in a statement that there was no danger to equipment and no threat to public health or safety. ..... Despite the alert -- which is a serious but not catastrophic event that signals a "potential substantial degradation in the level of safety" -- the U.S. nuclear industry was broadly seen having passed the test. About a dozen alerts have been issued in the past four years, according to NRC press releases. On Tuesday morning, the NRC said that Entergy Corp's Indian Point 3 automatically tripped offline at about 10:41 p.m. last night due to fluctuations in the power grid caused by the storm, while Public Service Enterprise Group Inc's Salem Unit 1 was manually shut down at 1:10 a.m. due to a loss of "condenser circulators" due to the storm surge and debris. ..... Among other units, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group's 630-MW Nine Mile Point 1 nuclear power reactor in upstate New York did shut due to a problem putting power onto the grid, although it was not clear whether the trouble was related to the storm. In addition, Sandy caused power reductions at both units at Exelon's Limerick nuclear plant in Pennsylvania and one unit at Dominion's Millstone plant in Connecticut. Watch nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen at Democracy NOW! Nuclear Plants from Virginia to Vermont Could Be Impacted from Massive Hurricane Sandy.
At Alternet Nomi Prins explains How Wall Street Won the Election Long Before The First Vote Was Cast ...Obama hasn’t brought ‘sweeping reform’ upon the Establishment Banks, nor does Romney need to exude deregulatory babble, because nothing structurally substantive has been done to harness the biggest banks of the financial sector, enabled, as they are, by entities from the SEC to the Fed to the Treasury Department to the White House. For the record, both missed, or don’t get, that nearly 32% of that Treasury debt is reserved (in excess) at the Fed, floating the banking system that supposedly doesn’t need help. The ‘worst economic period since the Great Depression’ barely produced a short-fall of an approximate average of $200 billion in personal and corporate tax revenues per year, according to federal data.) ..... The most consistent political platform is that big finance trumps main street economics, and the needs of the banking sector trump those of the population. We have a national policy condoning zero-interest-rate policy (ZIRP) as somehow job-creative. (Fed Funds rates dropped to 0% by the end of 2008, where they have remained since.) We are left with a regulatory policy of pretend. Rather than re-instating Glass-Steagall to divide commercial from investment banking and insurance activity, thereby removing the platform of government (or public) supported speculation and expansion, props leaders that pretend linguistic tweaks are a match for financial might. We have no leader that will take on Jamie Dimon, Chairman of the country’s largest bank, JPM Chase, who can devote 15% of the capital of JPM Chase, which remains backstopped by customer deposit insurance, to bet on the direction of potential corporate defaults, and slide by two Congressional investigations like walks in the park. ....... See Max Keiser and Ring of Fire below for interviews with Nomi Prins! Over at AmericaBlog John Aravosis explains how the Red Cross had to divert staff to deal with Romney’s phony “relief effort” As we warned earlier, because the Romney campaign preferred a political stunt to actually helping Hurricane Sandy victims, the Red Cross is now busy wasting valuable resources processing donations from the Romney campaign that its own Web site admits it does not want. As you’ll recall, Mitt Romney, after promising not to campaign today, campaigned anyway. And to add insult to injury, he used the pretense of Hurricane Sandy to hold campaign events wrapped in a cloak of “storm relief.” Not surprisingly, Romney then turned his “relief” events today into what the campaign called “victory rallies,” including a Romney campaign propaganda video and the distribution of t-shirts saying “Obama, You’re Fired!” ..... In fact, Mitt Romney used the suffering of millions of Americans as a shield to fend off criticism that this was a political event. But it was a political event, as countless reporters attested. (And it was more than a shield. He used people. He used their suffering to advance his own ambition. And he got caught.) The other way that Romney attempted to camouflage his campaign event as a “relief effort” was by, yet again, asking people to bring donations of supplies that the Red Cross has said repeatedly it does not want, and in fact, they’ve said it will impede hurricane relief efforts. And I quote from the Red Cross Web site:
- Unfortunately, due to logistical constraints the Red Cross does not accept or solicit individual donations or collections of items. Items such as collected food, used clothing and shoes must be sorted, cleaned, repackaged and transported which impedes the valuable resources of money, time, and personnel.
With California's Proposition 37 GMO Food Labeling hanging in the balance on Tuesday check out this new documentary Genetic Roullette When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology. After two decades, physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock, and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves. This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future. Good item! Go Prop 37!
AND here's a MUST WATCH short film! Tell EVERYBODY to watch BEFORE TUESDAY!
The Common Dreams staff report Dr. Jill Stein the Green Party Candidate Arrested at Tar Sands Blockade in Texas and Taradacktyl at explains Chris Hedges is Voting Green, But I’m Voting For Obama – Here’s Why Normal people (non-Republicans) know that despite the incessant right wing propaganda labeling the President with the charge of “socialist,” Barack Obama is far from even being a liberal. But I’m voting for him on Election Day. Here’s why. Responding to Chris Hedges' post at Why I'm Voting Green that radio host Mike Malloy read on-air last week Taradactyl writes You see, I’m a member of the working class. I have to LIVE – on the ground – in this corrupt, corporate, system… and I’m not willing to watch the baby-steps of progress be undone “on day one” by a Republican president. Given the options, I will do what little I can to stop it. (Whether the Republicans steal it will be revealed on Election Day – that’s another conversation altogether). But it seems Hedges thinks we can’t try to maintain the little progress we’ve gained AND build a political movement as a counterweight to corporate power at the same time. He might be right if we all simply choose to vote and go home, but voting is just the least we can do. Activists know that the real work takes place every day – not just Election Day.We just don’t vote and go home. Our job is to scream and yell to educate and wake up the people who do think their work is done. ........... But, it seems pretty naive to me, on one hand, for Hedges to lament that our fellow citizens are propagandized victims of the corporate state and, on the other hand, demand these same propagandized dupes rise up and throw off the shackles they don’t even realize are restraining them. That seems just as unrealistic as that “Occupy Vision” which called for “no cops,” “a non hierarchical society” and “the end of the monetary system.” Sorry. That’s not going to happen today. Let’s work to get money out of politics first… and let’s try as hard as we can to not lose the slim gains we’ve made by voting for a candidate who, although a product of the corrupt system, won’t completely slit our throats. Trust me. If Jill Stein had a realistic shot, I would be all in. But I operate in the Reality-Based Community. Frankly, as you read the Hedges article on the air, I also kept thinking of your words: “unless you’re a member of a targeted group, Fascism isn’t so bad.” You see, I do live in this nation as a member of a targeted group. ...... Yes. Obama is a corporatist. Yes. Yes. Yes. Sorry Mr. Hedges is so disappointed. Me too. But the New Gilded Age didn’t happen overnight and it isn’t going away overnight either. But unless Mr. Hedges is advocating bloody revolution to overthrow this corporate oppression, his “protest vote” seems more like political equivalent of “the mouse that roared.” You know me, Mike. I hope to live to see the day where we truly have a government and society that works for all. I WILL CONTINUE to push my country from the outside through political movements and I will spend the rest of my life working to make the dream of an economically vibrant and politically free middle class come to fruition… In the meantime, I will fight to maintain our gains. I’m still voting for Obama…. And will STILL meet you at the barricades.
Barricades? Barricades! Get thee to a polling place with yer VidCam/SmartFon! Watch the Chain of Custody of yer precinct's ballots after the polls close as they make their way to your Board of Elections and their hackable, un-auditable Central Tabulators like GEMS! Follow them! DO IT! Man the Barricades of OUR VOTING RIGHTS at the source!
As voters go to the polls or cast an absentee ballot this week The Free Press has some very disturbing breaking news. We urge you to read these right away.
- Romney family and friends will help tabulate the vote count in Cincinnati: Hart Intercivic holds maintenance contracts on their own machines - Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis
- Partisan lies about the security of Hart e-voting machines continue to flow from Hamilton County - Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis
- Why Romney has already won this electronic election, unless… - Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman
- Will "experimental" software patches affect the Ohio vote? - Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis
- The Free Press confirms installation, secret justification of uncertified last minute election tabulation reporting software in Ohio - Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis
- The directive, issued Friday, lays out the requirements for submitting a provisional ballot. The directive includes a form which puts the burden on the voter to correctly record the form of ID provided to election officials. Husted also instructed election officials that if the form is not filled out correctly by a voter, the ballot should not be counted.


Monday, October 29, 2012
- Bill McKibben, Bill McKibben on Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change: "If There Was Ever a Wake-up Call, This Is It"
- Jeff Masters, Weather Underground & Greg Jones, climate scientist at Southern Oregon University Frankenstorm: Meteorologist Warns Hurricane Sandy an Outgrowth of Global Warming’s Extreme Weather
- Arnie Gundersen Nuclear Plants from Virginia to Vermont Could Be Impacted from Massive Hurricane Sandy
- Patrick Elie, Haitian pro-democracy activist in Port-au-Prince Hurricane Sandy Kills 51 in Haiti, Leaving Behind Fears of Disease Outbreak and Growing Toll
- Climate Change & Historic Superstorm Sandy Watch the entire show!
- Brenda Ekwurzel, Union of Concerned Scientists Global Warming and Sandy: Heating of the Oceans Fuels Record Storm, Leaving Millions Without Power
- Sensata Technologies workers Bainport Day 50: Workers at Bain-Owned Plant Ask Romney to Save Their Jobs from Going to China
- Tim Murphy, reporter for Mother Jones magazineAs Sandy Recovery Begins, Romney Draws Scrutiny for Campaign Vow to Gut FEMA, Emergency Relief
- Cynthia Rosenzweig, senior research scientist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies A Crisis Foretold: Studies Warned New York Infrastructure Critically Threatened by Climate Change
- Democracy Now! producer RenĂ©e Feltz and Democracy Now! fellow Martyna Starosta Without Power and Aid, Low-Income Residents of NYC’s Lower East Side Struggle in Storm’s Aftermath
- David Rohde, Reuters journalist David Rohde: Superstorm Sandy Has Exposed New York City’s "Hideous Inequality" His article for The Atlantic is "The Hideous Inequality Exposed by Hurricane Sandy".
- Kevin McDermott, Political Reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch As Missouri Senate Race Tightens, New Details Emerge on Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Past
- Red Hook NY Residents Flooded by Sandy, Residents of Brooklyn Community Red Hook Organize Local Effort for Urgent Relief
- Paul Barrett, assistant managing editor at Bloomberg Businessweek "It’s Global Warming, Stupid": As Bloomberg Backs Obama, News Media Ends Silence on Climate Change AND Bloomberg Endorses Obama for White House Despite Misgivings About President’s Effort on Gun Control
- Helena Wong, executive director of CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities NYC’s Chinatown Residents Turn to Community Group for Relief as Storm Isolates Elderly, Immigrants

»»» GRITtv @ with Laura Flanders
»»» FEATURED SHOW Lisa Graves: Extreme Wealth Destroys Our Democracy According to Lisa Graves, Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy, the most severe threat to our political system is the extreme concentration of wealth in few hands.
»»» NASCAR on ESPN Chase Race #8 is the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series at Texas Motor Speedway! Coverage begins at 2 pm et
»»» Football Night in America on NBC Cowboys @ Falcons 8:20 pm et
»»» Monday Night Football on ESPN Eagles @ Saints 8:30 pm et
The 1st Amendment is Our Permit Our permit to occupy is The First Amendment. Quickly sign the following statement which will be delivered to mayors, police chiefs and major media across the country:
- Our permit to occupy public squares and parks is in The First Amendment, which affirms "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." When people across the Middle East occupied public squares, leaders in Washington mostly cheered those protesters and warned Middle Eastern governments not to use force to clear them. Those other societies don’t have a First Amendment. Yet Washington affirmed the universal right to assembly and protest. We do have a First Amendment. The force being used to clear nonviolent protesters from public squares in our country is unacceptable. It must stop.
STOP the ACHE Appalachian Community HEALTH EMERGENCY Advocating for government action and protection of the public from the health crisis in mountain top removal communi ties
- Lawmakers concerned about the health effects on humans from mountaintop removal coal mining set forth legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives today. Representatives Dennis Kucinich (OH), Louise Slaughter (NY), Maurice Hinchey (NY), Earl Blumenauer (OR), Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA), John Yarmuth (KY), Lynn Woolsey (CA), Judy Chu (CA), RaĂşl Grijalva (AZ), James Moran (VA), Michael Honda (CA), John Conyers (MI), and Keith Ellison (MN) introduced the Appalachian Communities Health Emergency (ACHE) Act H.R. 5959 which would place a moratorium on permitting for mountaintop removal coal mining until health studies are conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services. The ACHE coalition presently consists of participants from Coal River Mountain Watch, Mountain Health and Heritage Association, and Christians for the Mountains. “We encourage you, if you’re concerned about mountaintop removal’s effect on your community’s health, to join us in making your voice heard,” said Allen Johnson, executive director of Christians for the Mountains. “Please contact us, learn about the issue, and take action to protect your community.” a project of the Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland brings together, for the first time, information about the broad range of community wealth building activity. Featuring Community Wealth Building in Action: The Cleveland Model Something important is happening in Cleveland. The Democracy Collaborative—the host of—in partnership with the Cleveland Foundation, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center, Shorebank Enterprise Cleveland, the City of Cleveland, and the city's major hospitals and universities—is helping to implement a new model of large-scale worker-owned and community-benefiting businesses. The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative is beginning to build serious momentum in one of the cities most dramatically impacted by the nation's decaying economy. Increasingly, this model is being referred to nationally as The Cleveland Model. Initial planning is now underway to assist other cities in Ohio and nationwide to replicate and adapt this innovative approach to economic development, green job creation, and neighborhood stabilization. Find more many resources at!
NET NEUTRALITY! Declaration of Internet Freedom Tired of fighting bad bills like SOPA, PIPA and CISPA? Want to stand up against those who are trying to control what we do and say online? It's time for something different. A group of more than 1,500 organizations, academics, startup founders and tech innovators has come together to produce a Declaration of Internet Freedom, a set of five principles that put forward a positive vision of the open Internet. Our goal: Get millions of Internet users to sign on to this Declaration. Build political power for Internet users to make sure that we get a seat at the table whenever, and wherever, the future of the Internet is being decided. It's time to stop playing defense and start going on the offensive. The open Internet is central to people’s freedom to communicate, share, advocate and innovate in the 21st century. But powerful interests want to censor free speech, block the sharing of information, hinder innovation and control how Internet users get online. And all too often, people in power are making political decisions behind closed doors about how the Internet should operate — and they're doing this without the involvement of actual Internet users. The result: policies that could close down the open Internet and destroy our freedom to connect. It’s time for us to reclaim the Internet for its users. Take action now and sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom..
CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE American Majority Rejects Washington Austerity Consensus – And We Demand Media Coverage by Roger Hickey, President, Campaign for America's Future: No more silent majority. The Campaign for America’s Future is joining with the Center for Economic and Policy Research (whose Co-Director, Dean Baker blogs regularly about economic bias in the media) and with FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) to monitor the media’s coverage and representation of the American Majority views as they go into covering the big deficit fight. But we want to enlist YOU too. Send us accounts of unbalanced coverage in the national media and in your local newspapers and television. Call up reporters, editors, assignment people and tell them when they are under-representing the views of the American Majority. We should have at least half the experts, pundits, quotes and real people represented in their coverage. In a debate as important as the one we are going into, we can’t allow the media to ignore the American Majority. Much more at
MOVE TO AMEND! SIGN HERE NOW! And check out more actions on the Move to Amend Calendar featuring David Cobb's Barnstorming Tour! Also visit Rep Alan Grayson's site GET INVOLVED! And Alan Grayson is running again in FL-8! Help out at
SUPPORT THE TROOPS WHO REFUSE TO FIGHT See and Bradley Manning Support Network UPDATE! BuzzFlash Commentary Military Makes a Mockery of Bradley Manning’s Right to a Speedy Trial September 28, 2012: “PFC Manning’s statutory and constitutional speedy trial rights have been trampled upon with impunity,” writes David Coombs, defense lawyer for accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning, in a new motion posted to his blog yesterday. The 117-page comprehensive motion takes a long and thorough look at the ways in which the Convening Authority and prosecution have utterly failed to act according to their obligations to provide Manning a speedy trial. Coombs concludes that the only remedy for these extremely long delays is a dismissal of charges with prejudice. At the time of Coombs’ filing, Manning had been imprisoned for 845 days. Coombs emphasizes just how long this is......
DONATE YOUR OLD CELL PHONES TO T.J. MARTELL FOUNDATIONHelp save lives. Donate your old & used iPhone, Blackberries, Droid and other phones to help the T.J. Martell Foundations fund life-saving cancer & AIDS research. For more information, go to CELLULAR PHONE TASK FORCE EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, SUPPORT at The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made safe. We provide: education to the public concerning electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog); advocacy for an electromagnetically cleaner environment; support for individuals disabled by radiation from wireless technology and other sources.

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The essential guide for watching government propaganda! THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
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IRAQ: 4,486 US Military Dead as of April 21, 2012
AFGHANISTAN: 2,146 US Military Dead as of Oct 31, 2012
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
Considering Democracy: 8 Things to ask your Representative
- This Week (ABC) Host George Stephanopoulos
• White House senior adviser David Plouffe
• Romney campaign senior adviser Ed Gillespie
• ROUNDTABLE: ABC News' George Will, Cokie Roberts, Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, and Ronald Brownstein of National Journal.
- Face The Nation (CBS) Host Bob Schiefer
• ROUNDTABLE: Harvard's David Gergen, National Review's Rich Lowry, Vanity Fair's Dee Dee Myers, The Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan and our own John Dickerson
• ROUNDTABLE II: Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg, Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez, Rothenberg Political Report's Stu Rothenberg, University of Virginia's Larry Sabato and CBS News Elections Director Anthony Salvanto.
- 60 Minutes (CBS)
• The Broken Senate - Current and former senators, including the majority and minority Senate leaders, tell Steve Kroft why the U.S. Senate is bogged down in partisan gridlock. Ira Rosen and Gabrielle Schonder are the producers.
• McCullough - On the eve of the elections, popular author and historian David McCullough guides Morley Safer on an American historical journey, discovering many issues of today are the same as those of long ago. David Browning is the producer.
- Meet the Press (NBC) Host David Gregory
• Microsoft, NBC News Dissolve Joint Venture NBC is buying Microsoft's 50 percent interest in the MSNBC website for an undisclosed amount. will be rebranded as, and readers who logged into late Sunday were automatically redirected to Microsoft is preparing to launch its own news service this fall. Although he declined to provide many details about the operation general manager of Bob Visse said the news staff will be about the same size as the roughly 100 people who created original content for the "There is no question that we are going to have more flexibility to make our own decisions," said Vivian Schiller, NBC News' chief digital officer. "This is really an amicable breakup. We think competition will make us better." Okay then.
• White House Senior Adviser and architect of President Obama’s 2008 campaign, David Plouffe
• House Majority Leader and representative from key battleground state Virginia, Rep. Eric Cantor (R)
• Chuck Todd unveils the final NBC News/WSJ Poll before the election
• ROUNDTABLE: Mayor Cory Booker(D-Newark); MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough; GOP strategist Mike Murphy; TODAY co-host Savannah Guthrie; and NBC Special Correspondent, Tom Brokaw.
- State of the Union With Candy Crowley (CNN) At 9 AM ET, Candy talks to the power players: politicians, business leaders and international newsmakers who will make Monday morning's headlines. At NOON ET, Candy wraps it all up with fresh interviews and the best of the earlier hours.
• Former White House Chief of Staff, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
• key Romney adviser, Ohio Senator Rob Portman
• ROUNDTABLE: Former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, Democratic strategist Steve Elmendorf, CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash, and PBS’ Gwen Ifill.
- HEAD ON RADIO with Bob Kincaid
Headon Radio with Bob Kincaid 6 PM Eastern, 3 PM Pacific, 2300 GMT. Duration: 3 hrs. To be part of Conversation Radio on Head-on Radio, call toll-free (877) 443-2366, or use our Liberal community line at 304-658-3333. Email bob [at] headonradio [dot] com during the show!
• FRONT PORCH FRIDAY!!!!! Grab a cold one and put up yer feet! Listen HERE NOW! Amen to the White Rose Society! Donate to Head On HERE! And join Coal River Mountain Watch at!
The Green News Report with Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen: 6 minutes of green news, politics, analysis & snarky comment! BOOKMARK NOW!
• 'Green News Report' - November 1, 2012 IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: With Hurricane Sandy recovery underway, Bloomberg endorses Obama, Romney is heckled, and the impacts of climate change finally begin to dawn on corporate media and public officials; PLUS: Planning ahead for a climate changed future ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
• IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see link): CIA's Climate Change Security Report Delayed Due To Hurricane Sandy; Winter Storm May Hit In Early November, Possibly On Election Day; Energy company CEO: Why do we have to talk about climate change today?; Australia Rejects Calls From The Fossil Fuel Industry To Roll Back 20 Percent Renewable Energy Target; Exxon And Shell Earn $54 Billion So Far In 2012, After Taking $800 Million In Annual Tax Breaks; KFC UK will no longer source from Asia Pulp & Paper ... PLUS: The Onion: Nation Suddenly Realizes This Just Going To Be A Thing That Happens From Now On ... and much, MUCH more!
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! War on Democracy: Quick Shots, 10/25/2012 Wrong date in AZ; Purge in IN; Fake purge in FL; Vote-flipping in VA; Kochs team up with God; Voter suppression in TN?; TX AG hates U.N. observers; Really dumb election official in VA...
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! U.S. Dept. of Justice Will Monitor Polls in 23 States During Tuesday's Presidential Election On Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that its Civil Rights Division will be deploying "more than 780 federal observers and department personnel to 51 jurisdictions in 23 states for the Nov. 6, 2012, general election." Their news release, posted in full below, notes that "The Voting Rights Act prohibits discrimination in the election process on the basis of race, color or membership in a minority language group." .........
• BRADCAST UPDATE! Guest Hosting 'Malloy Show' Tuesday! One week until Election Day, so imagine what we'll be talking about on the nationally-syndicated Mike Malloy Show as I guest host while Mike and Kathy take another rare night off.
Scheduled tonight (so far):
- ARI BERMAN of The Nation, on the voter suppression we'll be facing next Tuesday. (Weather and power permitting!)
- VICTORIA COLLIER, author of Harper's November cover story: "How to Rig an Election" on the fight against corporations and their proprietary electronic voting systems having taken over our once-public elections. (And the pushback against her article from the left since it's publication.)
- MATT PASCARELLA, Project Director at on how you and your cell phone camera just might save Election 2012!
- PLUS! Breaking Hurricane Sandy news, lots of updates from the War on Democracy, and as many of your calls as we can possible get to over your public airwaves at 877-520-1150 and your tweets to @TheBradBlog!...
- ARI BERMAN of The Nation, on the voter suppression we'll be facing next Tuesday. (Weather and power permitting!)
- The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST!
Listen at!
The Peter B. Collins Show covers American news and politics from the Left Coast. Veteran talk radio personality Peter B. Collins, based in San Francisco, delivers fresh interviews, commentary and analysis on a range of important topics, with views and voices you don’t often find in the corporate media.
• Holiday Break and Website Changes
- To my valued listeners: We are making some changes to the website and our terms, effective in January. We will continue to offer free podcasts–my new daily news and commentary. Our in-depth interviews will be available for $1 per episode, or to subscribers who pay $5 per month or more. Loyal listeners who simply can’t afford it should send an email to, as we will be offering a limited number of scholarships to our friends who are hurting during these tough times. More information will be posted as we complete the revisions. I’m grateful to each of you for listening and supporting this work, and hope that the new model will enable us to keep it going well into the future. All the best, -pbc
• PBC Standard Podcast October 29, 2012 Brad Friedman’s Final Pre-Election Update on Possibilities for Election Fraud, and Backbiting from the Side of Potential Victims; Gary Chew Reviews ‘Cloud Atlas’
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder
Ring of Fire Radio - GoLeft TV - Robert F. Kennedy, Mike Papantonio, Sam Seder - Politics, Commentary, and News.
This week on Ring of Fire November 2, 2012
• Rolling Stone contributor Tim Dickinson will be joining us to talk about the energy industry insiders that are dictating Mitt Romney’s energy strategy.
• Progressive radio host Shannyn Moore will join us to talk about the Koch Brothers’ unholy alliance with the radical religious right.
• Author Nomi Prins will tell us why the winner of this year’s election won’t be Obama or Romney, but Wall Street bankers.
• And blogger and author Chauncey DeVega will be joining us to discuss the challenges President Obama has faced as the first African American president of the United States.
• VIDEO! THE HISTORY OF CORPORATE CORRUPTION & FRAUD with Robert Kennedy Jr & Mike Papantonio “Call us if you have a personal story about Fraud on Taxpayers or False Claims for Payment made by Corportations at 1-866-389-FIRE (3473)or contact us by email at if you have evidence of fraud that robbed taxpayer dollars. If our government is paying too much due to fraud by a corporation, Ring of Fire wants to do a story on it.”
• VIDEO! Papantonio: Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and Perpetual War (VIDEO) During the presidential debate on foreign policy, Mitt Romney made it clear that if elected, he’ll lead this country into more unwinnable, endless wars than the former Bush administration. His views on war are shaped by both the neo-cons running the GOP, as well as his religion, and Mike Papantonio recently spoke with Frank Schaeffer, author of “Crazy for God”, about why war hawk Republicans and the Mormon faith are a bad mix.
• Join our blog at You can now SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST by clicking on the "Podcast" tab at the top of the Ring of Fire blog. Please help support progressive radio by signing up!
Ring of Fire Radio Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts 8-11 et Sunday evenings on Chicago's Progressive Talk WCPT AM & FM and 4 pm et on Sirius/XM 167 featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week."
- Majority Report with Sam Seder Streaming LIVE weekdays 11:30 am et @!
• October 29, 2012 No Show Monday
• October 30, 2012 Frederick Kaufman, Bet the Farm
• October 31, 2012 Matt Stoller,The Progressive Case Against Obama
• November 1, 2012 Sam, Hurricane Sandy & Romney’s Lying Final Days
• November 2, 2012 Casual Friday, Cliff Schecter & Rob Delaney
• MORE Podcast Interviews at!
- On the Edge with Max Keiser Podcasts and more @!
"HI Y'ALL! Tell the people! Tell the people!"
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts "The Truth About Markets" on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s "People & Power" series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• VISIT!!! Crowd Funding for Pirates!
• NEW! MaxKeiserTV on YouTube! MaxKeiserTV PLUS here is Max Keiser’s official Facebook page And here is the official Keiser Report page
• The official Facebook pages for Max Keiser & Keiser Report STACY SUMMARY: For once and for all, here are our real Facebook pages, the other ones are fake. But if you feel like chatting to the fake ones, by all means, go ahead. Max Keiser & Keiser Report PLUS Stacey Herbert
• The “Keiser Report” has been begging europe to do this for years by maxkeiser READ European Banks Preparing To Boycott Big Three Rating Agencies (
• VIDEO! Max Keiser on Today with Pat Kenny by maxkeiser - Also featuring Bill Black. VIDEO here Max Keiser on Today with Pat Kenny
• Catherine Austin Fitts Commentary on Financial Holocaust
• VIDEO! ON THE MONEY: Jim Rogers Goes Long Russia, BRICS Is A Sham and Analysts Expecting $100+ Oil Soon
• Why Bankers Own the World’s Gold by SilverVigiolante - The real conclusion that must be internalized is that, while buying precious metals and other tangible assets can be an excellent way of exiting the fiat currency paradigm, we mustn’t forget that central bankers own the world’s gold. They have been in a position to accumulate for centuries, and through conniving and contrivance have ensured that their stashes are the biggest on the planet. READ Why Bankers Own The World’s Gold
• KEISER REPORT Keiser Report: Give Us Your Money, Or You’re Dead! We discuss a mortgage ‘hustle’ that brings on yet another ‘civil’ lawsuit for Bank of America and a mysterious ‘Triple A’ buyer of a swaption written in ancient gibberish in Britain where the dead cat is bouncing thanks to Queen Latifah Tower. Max Keiser talks to John Logan Jones, a candidate for Maine State Congress, about civil liberties as an economic issue, soldiers trapped in the military by debt and how the price of lobster indicates an imminent financial market crash.
• KEISER REPORT [KR361] Keiser Report: Fraud by Day, Fraud by Night We discuss Chinese investors pouring money into silver, while American investors pour money into bonds 33 times faster than into equities. They also look at the latest updates to the mystery of there being no Chinese gold bars in the GLD vaults and on the fly by day operations at the Federal Reserve Bank. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to John Butler, author of The Golden Revolution and chief investment officer of Amphora Capital, about German gold and a German exit from the euro.
• KEISER REPORT [KR362] Keiser Rerport: Wall St. Vomitorium We discuss how Wall Street has won big time with zero interest rate policy and that the biggest winner, JP Morgan Chase, has seen its deposits increase by 46% from 2007 (pre ZIRP) to 2012 and yet its interest expenses declined by nearly 89%. They also discuss the Vomitorium in Florida where Obama’s ‘historic’ mortgage settlement may be used to plug government deficits or political pay rises instead of helping the 11% of mortgage holders in foreclosure. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to former Goldman Sachs banker, Nomi Prins, discuss the lost lessons of the Great Depression.
• ON THE EDGE On the Edge with Nicole Foss
• THE TRUTH ABOUT MARKETS [TaM1253] The Truth About Trading Your Rights For Some Soon to Be Worthless Shares Download show HERE (mp3)
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- ANTIWAR RADIO with Scott Horton
LIVE (9-11am Pacific, 12pm - 2pm Eastern) Plenty of archives too!
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• Pepe Escobar June 30, 2012: Globetrotting journalist Pepe Escobar discusses his article “Syria and Turkey’s Phantom War;” Turkey’s violation of Syrian airspace in a purposeful, measured provocation and test of Syria’s defenses; the near-invocation of NATO Article 5 and a wider war (an attack on one NATO country is an attack on all); looking for ways to bypass the UN on Syria, since China and Russia won’t let an interventionist resolution pass the Security Council; grand plans for NATO expansion in the official “Assured Security, Dynamic Engagement” plan; counterrevolutions in the Middle East and South America, as the US looks to rebuild its portfolio of client states; and how Qatar has become the new superpower in the Middle East, surpassing even Saudi Arabia.
• SCOTT HORTON July 5, 2012: Scott says goodbye to Scott Horton is the former host of Antiwar Radio. Visit his blog Stress. Due to budget cuts Scott lost his gig at! Whoa! See for archives! Send emails to Scott at to help Scott keep his podcast going!
• Many more interviews at Antiwar Radio!
- fauxnews
• Rich Beeson, the Political Director for the Romney Campaign
• David Axelrod, the Senior Strategist for the Obama Campaign
• ROUNDTABLE: Brit Hume, Fox News Senior Political Analyst; Joe Trippi, Former Howard Dean Campaign Manager / Fox News Contributor; Karl Rove, Former Bush White House Senior Adviser / Fox News Contributor; Jeff Zeleny, The New York Times
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