Your Guest List for Sunday's Talking Head News Shows beamed across America by Corporate Media PLUS reports from the best lib/prog media! If you have related STORIES share below! DEBUNK HERE! Throw Bricks! First brick is on us! Get your Foam Bricks at

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ALL LINKS OPEN A NEW WINDOW!!! Click on anything below and be INSTANTLY SMARTER!
Privacy Special There is just so much going on after the revelations Eric Snowden gave to The Guardian and Washington Post! We'll try to keep up! At The Guardian writers Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill, Laura Poitras, Spencer Ackerman and Dominic Rushe explain How Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users' communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency to circumvent the company's own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian. The files provided by Edward Snowden illustrate the scale of co-operation between Silicon Valley and the intelligence agencies over the last three years. They also shed new light on the workings of the top-secret Prism program, which was disclosed by the Guardian and the Washington Post last month. The documents show that:
- Microsoft helped the NSA to circumvent its encryption to address concerns that the agency would be unable to intercept web chats on the new portal;
- The agency already had pre-encryption stage access to email on, including Hotmail;
- The company worked with the FBI this year to allow the NSA easier access via Prism to its cloud storage service SkyDrive, which now has more than 250 million users worldwide;
- Microsoft also worked with the FBI's Data Intercept Unit to "understand" potential issues with a feature in that allows users to create email aliases;
- In July last year, nine months after Microsoft bought Skype, the NSA boasted that a new capability had tripled the amount of Skype video calls being collected through Prism;
- Material collected through Prism is routinely shared with the FBI and CIA, with one NSA document describing the program as a "team sport".
- Altered Genes Twisted Truth: How the Venture to
Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government and Systematically Deceived the Public by STEVEN M. DRUKER.
- Deep Green Resistance - Strategy to Save the Planet by Aric McBay, Lierre Keith, and Derrick Jensen.
- Projected cost of the transatlantic fiber-optic cable being laid on the ocean floor this year : $300,000,000
- Estimated number of seconds by which it will reduce the time to make a trade between New York and London : 0.0049
- ..... For a medium-sized increase in the debt-limit, Republicans want Obama to agree to cut spending in the SNAP food stamp program, block-grant Medicaid, or tinker with chained CPI. For a smaller increase, there is talk of means-testing Social Security, for example, or ending certain agricultural subsidies. While the menu includes plenty of variables, the underlying strategic goal is to reduce mandatory spending — whatever the scope of the deal. Even at the smallest end of the spectrum — another months-long extension of debt-limit — there is talk of pushing back the eligibility age for Social Security by an equal number of months.
- The American Petroleum Institute ......
- The North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives .....
- The NC Agribusiness Council ......
- The North Carolina Biosciences Organization ......
- The Association of Executives of North Carolina .....
- The North Carolina Retail Merchants Association ......
- The N.C. Beer and Wine Wholesalers Association ......
- Monday will be an all-Texas day.
- Tuesday will feature the middle of the country, with writers from Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wisconsin.
- On Wednesday, we'll head to Ohio, where former Fox "news" goon John Kasich has driven the state incredibly rightward.
- On Thursday, we're going south, with North Carolina and Mississippi writers.
- Friday finishes the week with Virginia and Alabama (and a touch more Texas).

Democracy Now's Iraq interactive timeline
Headlines Monday, July 8, 2013
- Sharif Abdel Kouddous Sharif Abdel Kouddous: Egypt Descends Into "Spiral of Violence and Retribution" After Morsi’s Ouster
- Michael Wahid Hanna, Shadi Hamid & Sharif Abdel Kouddous After Morsi’s Ouster, Egypt’s Path to National Unity Threatened by Worsening Violence, Divisions
- Glenn Greenwald Glenn Greenwald: "Rogue" Actions of U.S. in Snowden Row Yield Latin American Offers of Asylum
- Edward Snowden Edward Snowden on Why He Stood Up to the NSA: Mass Spying "Not Something I’m Willing to Live Under"
- Glenn Greenwald Glenn Greenwald: Snowden Encouraged by Global Outrage over NSA Spying, Support for His Plight
- Ricardo Patiño, Ecuador’s foreign minister Exclusive: Ecuador’s Foreign Minister on Snowden, Assange & Latin American Resistance to U.S. Spying
- Sharif Abdel Kouddous With Deadly Crackdown, Is Egypt’s Military Repeating Same Mistakes of Post-Mubarak Transition?
- Coleen Rowley, a special agent for the FBI from 1981 to 2004 Senate Set to Confirm New FBI Head Who OK’d Waterboarding, Defends Mass Spying, Indefinite Detention
- Col. Morris Davis, retired Air Force colonel Testifying for Bradley Manning’s Defense, Ex-Guantánamo Prosecutor Says Leaks Caused No Harm to U.S.
- U.S. House Rep. Luis GutiĂ©rrez Rep. Luis GutiĂ©rrez: House GOP Obstruction Won’t Stop Momentum of Immigration Reform
- Peter Ludlow, professor of philosophy at Northwestern University Jailed Journalist Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years For Reporting on Hacked Private Intelligence Firms
- Shane Bauer, award-winning investigative journalist A Hunger Strike Against Solitary Confinement: Shane Bauer on Inhuman Prisons from California to Iran
- Josh Fox, director of Gasland Part II Josh Fox on Gasland Part 2, the Fracking-Earthquake Link & the Natural Gas Industry’s Use of PSYOPs
- Janet Colm, president, CEO and founder of Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina From North Carolina to Texas: Grassroots Movement Grows To Resist Anti-Abortion Bills
- Rev. Dr. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP Moral Mondays: 700 Arrested in North Carolina Civil Disobedience Campaign Against GOP Lawmakers
GRITtv @ with Laura Flanders »»» FEATURED SHOW A Brooklyn Story: The Park Slope Food Co-op For the month of July, GRITtv will be spotlighting cooperatives in all their myriad forms. This week, it's food! The Park Slope Food Co-op in New York. more.....
BRICK TEEVEE SPORT!© »»» SUNDAY BASEBALL on TBS Rangers @ Tigers 1:05 pm et »»» MONDAY NIGHT BASEBALL on ESPN Home Run Derby & Legends Softball Game from Citi Park! Featuring former Mets Dwight Gooden, Darryl Strawberry & Mike Piazza!! 8 pm et »»» MID-SUMMER CLASSIC on FOX It's the 84th MLB All-Star Game! Coverage begins at 7:30 pm et
BRICK TEEVEE ACTION!© The 1st Amendment is Our Permit Our permit to occupy is The First Amendment. Quickly sign the following statement which will be delivered to mayors, police chiefs and major media across the country:
- Our permit to occupy public squares and parks is in The First Amendment, which affirms "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." When people across the Middle East occupied public squares, leaders in Washington mostly cheered those protesters and warned Middle Eastern governments not to use force to clear them. Those other societies don’t have a First Amendment. Yet Washington affirmed the universal right to assembly and protest. We do have a First Amendment. The force being used to clear nonviolent protesters from public squares in our country is unacceptable. It must stop. &! A bailout of the people by the people Rolling Jubilee is a Strike Debt project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, abolishes it. Together we can liberate debtors at random through a campaign of mutual support, good will, and collective refusal. Debt resistance is just the beginning. Join us as we imagine and create a new world based on the common good, not Wall Street profits. ADDENDUM: Naked Capitalism reports Top Tax Expert Confirms Our Doubts About Occupy Wall Street’s Debt Buying/Forgiveness Scheme
STOP the ACHE NEW WEBSITE! and Appalachian Community HEALTH EMERGENCY Advocating for government action and protection of the public from the health crisis in mountain top removal communities. The A.C.H.E. Act Is Re-Introduced In The 113th Congress!
- Washington, DC – Today a group of U.S. House of Representatives lawmakers introduced the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act (ACHE Act, H.R. 526) to protect Appalachian families and communities from the nation’s most extreme form of coal mining, mountaintop removal. The Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act’s leading sponsors are Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) and Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), joined by original cosponsors Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ), Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD), Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA), Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA), Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Rep. Janice Schakowksy (D-IL), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), and Rep. Jared Polis (DCO). a project of the Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland brings together, for the first time, information about the broad range of community wealth building activity. Featuring Overview: The Cleveland Model—How the Evergreen Cooperatives are Building Community Wealth Something important is happening in Cleveland. The Democracy Collaborative—the host of—in partnership with the Cleveland Foundation, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center, Shorebank Enterprise Cleveland, the City of Cleveland, and the city's major hospitals and universities—is helping to implement a new model of large-scale worker-owned and community-benefiting businesses. The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative is beginning to build serious momentum in one of the cities most dramatically impacted by the nation's decaying economy. Increasingly, this model is being referred to nationally as The Cleveland Model. Initial planning is now underway to assist other cities in Ohio and nationwide to replicate and adapt this innovative approach to economic development, green job creation, and neighborhood stabilization. Find more many resources at!
NET NEUTRALITY! Declaration of Internet Freedom Tired of fighting bad bills like SOPA, PIPA and CISPA? Want to stand up against those who are trying to control what we do and say online? It's time for something different. A group of more than 1,500 organizations, academics, startup founders and tech innovators has come together to produce a Declaration of Internet Freedom, a set of five principles that put forward a positive vision of the open Internet. Our goal: Get millions of Internet users to sign on to this Declaration. Build political power for Internet users to make sure that we get a seat at the table whenever, and wherever, the future of the Internet is being decided. It's time to stop playing defense and start going on the offensive. The open Internet is central to people’s freedom to communicate, share, advocate and innovate in the 21st century. But powerful interests want to censor free speech, block the sharing of information, hinder innovation and control how Internet users get online. And all too often, people in power are making political decisions behind closed doors about how the Internet should operate — and they're doing this without the involvement of actual Internet users. The result: policies that could close down the open Internet and destroy our freedom to connect. It’s time for us to reclaim the Internet for its users. Take action now and sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom. ACTION! Meet the New CISPA. Same as the Old CISPA. Last year, thanks to a public outcry, the effort to pass overreaching cybersecurity legislation stalled in the Senate. Now supporters have reintroduced the House version of that legislation — the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). The “new” version is in fact identical to the original CISPA — and poses the same threat to our digital civil liberties. If CISPA becomes law, it will be a major blow to our online privacy. But more than that, CISPA’s passage would have a chilling effect on our freedom to connect online. We won’t feel as free to state unpopular opinions, or to speak truth to power, if we know that Big Brother could get a feed of everything we say and do. This is not what the free and open Internet is about. We must tell Congress: Vote NO on CISPA and bury this bill for good.
NEW!!! Stop Media Consolidation! Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is trying to change the agency’s ownership rules to pave the way for Murdoch to get exactly what he wants. Worse, Genachowski and Murdoch are keeping this all very hush-hush, hoping you won't notice.3 These changes wouldn’t just benefit Murdoch. If the FCC proposal passes, one company could own the major daily newspaper, two TV stations and up to eight radio stations in your town. And that one company could be your Internet provider, too. What is the FCC thinking?!? We can still stop the agency from taking this perilous step — but we have less than a month to do it. By taking action, you’re joining a movement of millions who are working to stop big media from getting even bigger. Please take action today. Click HERE to view our infographic and send a message to the FCC! More info at Another FCC Cave-In: Julius Genachowski’s Media Consolidation Christmas Gift to Murdoch at! And Sign Senator Bernie Sanders petition to the FCC Protect Media Diversity: Stop Media Consolidation!
CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE American Majority Rejects Washington Austerity Consensus – And We Demand Media Coverage by Roger Hickey, President, Campaign for America's Future: No more silent majority. The Campaign for America’s Future is joining with the Center for Economic and Policy Research (whose Co-Director, Dean Baker blogs regularly about economic bias in the media) and with FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) to monitor the media’s coverage and representation of the American Majority views as they go into covering the big deficit fight. But we want to enlist YOU too. Send us accounts of unbalanced coverage in the national media and in your local newspapers and television. Call up reporters, editors, assignment people and tell them when they are under-representing the views of the American Majority. We should have at least half the experts, pundits, quotes and real people represented in their coverage. In a debate as important as the one we are going into, we can’t allow the media to ignore the American Majority. Much more at MOVE TO AMEND! SIGN HERE NOW! And check out more actions on the Move to Amend Calendar for more! Also visit Rep Alan Grayson's site GET INVOLVED! And Alan Grayson is BACK in the 113th Congress! Help out at
REPRESENT.US IT’S TIME TO GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS SO THE GOVERNMENT CAN REPRESENT US. Represent.Us is a fresh campaign to pass the American Anti-Corruption Act: a law that would overhaul campaign finance, impose strict lobbying and conflict of interest laws, and end secret political money. We are mobilizing millions of Americans — conservatives and progressives, young and old, every issue group fighting K Street, online and offline — to join this campaign. Represent.Us is not just building a movement to pass the Act. The campaign will use hard-hitting accountability tactics to unseat politicians who fail to endorse the Act. If passed, the Act will completely reshape American politics and policy-making and give people a voice. See this Guest Blog at Greenpeace by Executive Director Josh Silver The $6 Billion Auction: Finally, A Plan to Get Money Out of Politics for more information!
SUPPORT THE TROOPS WHO REFUSE TO FIGHT See and Bradley Manning Support Network UPDATE! From the Bradley Manning Support Network Add your name! NY Times ad to declare: We are Bradley Manning On Thursday, July 25, the Bradley Manning Support Network intents to publish a full-page ad in The New York Times. The ad will feature a bold "WE ARE BRADLEY MANNING," with a field of names in the background--hopefully, yours included. We have about one week to raise the $52,000. By donating $100 to the ad, you will ensure your name is included!...... AND Update 7/12/13: Amnesty International: US must drop “aiding the enemy” charge PLUS Update 7/13/13: More events organized for July 27 worldwide call to action, Raging Grannies perform
DONATE YOUR OLD CELL PHONES TO T.J. MARTELL FOUNDATION Help save lives. Donate your old & used iPhone, Blackberries, Droid and other phones to help the T.J. Martell Foundations fund life-saving cancer & AIDS research. For more information, go to CELLULAR PHONE TASK FORCE EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, SUPPORT at The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made safe. We provide: education to the public concerning electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog); advocacy for an electromagnetically cleaner environment; support for individuals disabled by radiation from wireless technology and other sources.
B R I C K T E E V E E The essential guide for watching government propaganda! THEY report. YOU throw bricks.© Get your Foam Bricks at HERE! IRAQ: 4,486 US Military Dead as of April 21, 2012 AFGHANISTAN: 2,249 US Military Dead as of July 11, 2013 The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read
- This Week (ABC) Host George Stephanopoulos
• former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer on his decision to re-enter political life as he joins the race for New York City comptroller.
• POLITICS ROUNDTABLE: Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif.; Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla.; Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.
• ROUNDTABLE: Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Paul Gigot; Politico senior political reporter Maggie Haberman; New York Times Magazine chief national correspondent Mark Leibovich; and television and radio host Tavis Smiley.
• Sunday Spotlight: ABC News’ Bob Woodruff is there as Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl shot last year for attending school, addresses a U.N. youth assembly on her 16th birthday to call for education access for all children.
- Face The Nation (CBS) Host Bob Schiefer
• Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
• Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla
• Reps. Pete King, R-N.Y.
• Mike Kelly, R-Pa.
• Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.
- 60 Minutes (CBS) Summer Reruns
• Angel of Death - Serial killer nurse Charles Cullen confessed to as many as 40 murders, but some believe he killed many, many more patients over a 16-year career. The serial killer speaks to Steve Kroft in a two-part report. Graham Messick is the producer.
• The Race to Save the Tortoise - Turtles and Tortoises have been roaming the planet for 200 million years, but now many of them are endangered by poachers who can sell some animals for as much as $60,000. Lesley Stahl reports from Madagascar. Andrew Metz is the producer.
- Meet the Press (NBC) Host David Gregory
• Microsoft, NBC News Dissolve Joint Venture NBC is buying Microsoft's 50 percent interest in the MSNBC website for an undisclosed amount. will be rebranded as, and readers who logged into late Sunday were automatically redirected to Microsoft is preparing to launch its own news service this fall. Although he declined to provide many details about the operation general manager of Bob Visse said the news staff will be about the same size as the roughly 100 people who created original content for the "There is no question that we are going to have more flexibility to make our own decisions," said Vivian Schiller, NBC News' chief digital officer. "This is really an amicable breakup. We think competition will make us better." Okay then.
• Exclusive! Senate: Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) & Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
• Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR).
• ROUNDTABLE: Rich Lowry; Former Democratic Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson; President of the Center for American Progress Neera Tanden; and Republican Strategist as well as former senior strategist to the McCain-Palin campaign Steve Schmidt.
- State of the Union With Candy Crowley (CNN) At 9 AM ET, Candy talks to the power players: politicians, business leaders and international newsmakers who will make Monday morning's headlines. At NOON ET, Candy wraps it all up with fresh interviews and the best of the earlier hours.
• Governor Rick Perry (R-TX)
• Governor Pat Quinn (D-IL)
• Congressman Raul Grijalva and Congressman Chaka Fattah, members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic Caucus
• Verdict in the George Zimmerman trial with NAACP President Ben Jealous
- HEAD ON RADIO with Bob Kincaid
Headon Radio with Bob Kincaid 6 PM Eastern, 3 PM Pacific, 2300 GMT. Duration: 3 hrs. To be part of Conversation Radio on Head-on Radio, call toll-free (877) 443-2366, or use our Liberal community line at 304-658-3333. Email bob [at] headonradio [dot] com during the show!
• FRONT PORCH FRIDAY!!!!! Pull up a chair and a cold one! Listen NOW HERE - Friday, July 12th, 2013 (mp3)! Keep Bob on the air HERE ya hear? Amen to the White Rose Society! Bob's show archives at the White Rose HERE! Donate to Head On HERE! And join Coal River Mountain Watch at!
- YOUR GREEN NEWS REPORT With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen!
The Green News Report with Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen: 6 minutes of green news, politics, analysis & snarky comment! BOOKMARK NOW!
• 'Green News Report' - July 11, 2013 IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Greenpeace activists scale Shell Tower to protest Arctic drilling; US, China agree to cut emissions; Air pollution more deadly than thought; CNBC fails viewers...again; PLUS: Hell freezes over: Fox News reports on climate change?!?! ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
• IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see link): Monsanto's GMO seeds lead to rise in insecticide use; Hansen: Fossil fuel addiction could trigger runaway global warming; Fukushima chief engineer dies of cancer; Exxon blames manufacturer for AR tar sands pipeline spill; BP appeals oil spill settlement; Climate activists can learn from LGBT marriage success; FP: Canada now a 'rogue petrostate'; Power plants linked to 78% drop in fish stocks ... PLUS: Funny: Can a Sharknado really happen? ... and much, MUCH more! ...
• 'Green News Report' 7/9/13 Canadian oil train disaster; Record rains bury Toronto; U.S. State Dept. doesn't know Keystone XL route?!; GOP softening on EPA nom?; PLUS: Dutch solution to air pollution ...
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! VIDEO! Hauled Off By TX Cops For Expressing Her Opinion at the State Legislature Texas woman testifies against Republicans' radical anti-abortion bill, is taken away in handcuffs as thanks...
• THE BRADCAST! KPFK 'BradCast': FBI Whistleblower Rowley on Comey & Snowden 24-year FBI Special Agent and TIME's 2002 Person of the Year warns that FBI nominee Comey approved the worst of Bush policies, lauds NSA whistleblower Snowden...
- The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST!
Listen at!
The Peter B. Collins Show covers American news and politics from the Left Coast. Veteran talk radio personality Peter B. Collins, based in San Francisco, delivers fresh interviews, commentary and analysis on a range of important topics, with views and voices you don’t often find in the corporate media.
• Holiday Break and Website Changes
- To my valued listeners: We are making some changes to the website and our terms, effective in January. We will continue to offer free podcasts–my new daily news and commentary. Our in-depth interviews will be available for $1 per episode, or to subscribers who pay $5 per month or more. Loyal listeners who simply can’t afford it should send an email to, as we will be offering a limited number of scholarships to our friends who are hurting during these tough times. More information will be posted as we complete the revisions. I’m grateful to each of you for listening and supporting this work, and hope that the new model will enable us to keep it going well into the future. All the best, -pbc
• PBC News & Comment July 9, 2013 PBC News & Comment: Senate Hearings Open for Comey FBI Nomination Obama’s nomination of Republican James Comey for 10-year FBI Director term is one of worst nominations of second term…
• PBC News & Comment July 11, 2013 PBC News & Comment: Corporate Media Go Light on Manning Trial, Heavy on Zimmerman Trial Yesterday, the defense rested in both Manning court-martial and Zimmerman murder trial; which is more important to you?
• PBC News & Comment July 12, 2013 PBC News & Comment: Snowden Seeks Temporary Asylum in Russia Snowden is a man without a country, and a passport; he agrees to Putin restrictions for staying in Russia, temporarily…..
• PBC Standard Podcast July 11, 2013 Investigative Reporter Jason Leopold with the Latest on Guantanamo Hunger Strike and Court Rulings; Activist Cynthia Papermaster is on Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Gitmo and California Prisoners
• PBC Standard Podcast July 12, 2013 Bradley Manning’s Defense: Reporter Kevin Gozstola Recaps the Latest from Fort Meade
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder
Ring of Fire Radio - GoLeft TV - Robert F. Kennedy, Mike Papantonio, Sam Seder - Politics, Commentary, and News.
This Weekend on Ring of Fire Radio! Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 7 pm Eastern.
• Author and historian Juan Cole will give us the latest on the civil unrest taking place in Egypt.
• Author Jane McAlevey will discuss what needs to be done to create a strong labor movement in America.
• Jonathan Rapping, the founder of Gideon’s Promise, will be here to talk about the need for public defenders, and why they are becoming so scarce.
• And Roger Hickey from The Campaign for America’s Future will tell us why we need to abandon the discredited theory of austerity and push for real job growth.
• NEW! This Week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV! Sundays at NOON!
»» Farron Cousins fills in for Mike Papantonio this week.
»» Coming up on today’s show, best-selling author Cliff Schecter will be here to talk about the scandals that Republicans tried to push against the president that backfired enormously.
»» Corporate America is making a killing, literally, by peddling dangerous products to American consumers – attorneys Howard Nations and Peter Burg will bring you the details.
»» Corporations are increasing their efforts to buy university scientists, and we’ll find out from investigative journalist Darwin BondGraham what this means for academic research.
»» And the dirty energy industry is ramping up their efforts to prevent clean, renewable energy from becoming a reality – author Antonia Juhasz will tell us all about that.
• VIDEO! THE HISTORY OF CORPORATE CORRUPTION & FRAUD with Robert Kennedy Jr & Mike Papantonio “Call us if you have a personal story about Fraud on Taxpayers or False Claims for Payment made by Corportations at 1-866-389-FIRE (3473) or contact us by email at if you have evidence of fraud that robbed taxpayer dollars. If our government is paying too much due to fraud by a corporation, Ring of Fire wants to do a story on it.”
• VIDEO! Papantonio: The Global Middle Class Revolt (VIDEO) The following interview originally aired on the July 7th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. All across the globe, corporations are taking advantage of the working class, but in many countries, workers are starting to fight back against corporate greed. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio talks about the global revolt of the middle class with investigative journalist Rick Outzen.
• VIDEO! Papantonio: The Extinction of The Middle Class (VIDEO) The following interview originally aired on the July 7th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. America’s middle class has been squeezed by corporations to the point that they are disappearing. Wages have been slashed, benefits are gone, and healthcare costs are skyrocketing. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio talks about the extinction of the American middle class with attorneys Joe Cotchett and Dave Teselle.
• Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind July 13, 2013 featuring the top stories from Ring of Fire from the past week.
• Join our blog at You can now SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST by clicking on the "Podcast" tab at the top of the Ring of Fire blog. Please help support progressive radio by signing up! Ring of Fire Radio Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts 7-10 et Sunday evenings on Chicago's Progressive Talk WCPT AM & FM and 4 pm et on Sirius/XM 167 featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week."
- Majority Report with Sam Seder Streaming LIVE weekdays 12 NOON et @!
• MONDAY 7/8/13 Steve Horn: Exxon Destroys Communities & The Natural Gas Scam
• TUESDAY 7/9/13 FISA Court Creates Secret Law,The Establishment Hits Spitzer & More
• WEDNESDAY 7/10/13 Sam Stein: Sequester Pushes Head Start Families To The Precipice
• THURSDAY 7/11/13 Sarah Slamen: The Testimony TX Lawmakers Wouldn't Let Her Give & Dan Cantor: Working Families Party
• FRIDAY 7/12/13 Casual Friday: Cliff Schecter & Film Guy Matthew Weiss
• MORE Podcast Interviews at!
- KEISER REPORT Podcasts and more @!
"HI Y'ALL! Tell the people! Tell the people!"
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts "The Truth About Markets" on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s "People & Power" series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• VISIT!!! Crowd Funding for Pirates!
• MaxKeiserTV on YouTube! MaxKeiserTV
• KEISER REPORT ON FACEBOOK STACY SUMMARY: For once and for all, here are our real Facebook pages, the other ones are fake. But if you feel like chatting to the fake ones, by all means, go ahead.
»» Max Keiser
»» Keiser Report
»» Stacey Herbert
• The Federal Reserve 100th Anniversary Road Show Spectacular! by alexschaefer - Paint Provocateur Alex Schaefer wants to say “Happy Birthday, Federal Reserve!’ You made it to 100 years of conducting the nation’s monetary policy! Since mainstream media didn’t send a card, a painter, a protestor, a filmmaker, a freedom fighter and a mad crew are going on a road trip across the USA to visit all twelve of your branches to help you celebrate! Come rain or monkey shines, they are on a mission to throw the birthday party nightmares are made of. A party to highlight the historic END of the original 100 year charter the Federal Reserve Bank has with the U.S. Government December 23rd, 2013! CLICK HERE FOR THE CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN & HELP GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD! Lots of great donation perks, all original works of art by Alex Schaefer and Cain Motter! This is a great way to collect some art AND help fund this amazing journey and film. It’s a win-win situation! Let’s some history and shake things up around here!
• Is Barrett Brown a political prisoner of the information revolution? by Stacy Herbert - Stacy Summary: Opinion piece in the Guardian today. Your thoughts? READ Barrett Brown, political prisoner of the information revolution
• Assange: How cryptography is a key weapon in the fight against empire states by maxkeiser - READ What began as a means of retaining individual freedom can now be used by smaller states to fend off the ambitions of larger ones
• GOLD Data & Infographic!! Comparing COMEX and the Shanghai Gold Exchange by Stacy Herbert - Stacy Summary: The Real Asset Company has this great report out about the Shanghai Gold Exchange. I’d read it asap, especially if you’re considering selling your gold!! We’ll be interviewing Jan Skoyles for Tuesday’s episode of the Keiser Report, so if you have questions for her, post them below.
• KEISER REPORT [KR468] Keiser Report: Fight on salary men, fight on! We discuss the salary men foot soldiers in the financial war who refuse to surrender hope for an increase in allowance and the financial cannon fodder, like small businesses in Italy, who are sent to the front lines to be destroyed by the generals’ bad debts and the deflation caused by ever expanding quantitative easing type policies. In the second half, Max talks to Ian Williams of Charteris Treasury about the precious metals bull market and the beginning of the bear market in bonds and what this means for the banks that hold these bonds.
• KEISER REPORT [KR469] Keiser Report: Facing New Peasant Revolt We discuss the puffery behind politics and finance that has spawned a generation unable to see or understand the world around them, a world in which the chief economist of a major bank is warning we are on the eve of a new Peasants’ Revolt. In the second half, Max talks to Professor Yanis Varoufakis about the latest in the Greek bailout saga, the collapsing German export market and what the future holds for Italy.
• KEISER REPORT [KR470] Keiser Report: Real Estate Auschwitz of Our Day We discuss the Anonymous Analytics take on Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), a ‘real estate investment trust’ which happens to incarcerate huge swathes of the population in these real estate holdings, i.e., a gulag. Anonymous, however, reckons that, as states reverse harsh drug laws, CCA could be a good company to sell. In the second half, Max talks to Reggie Middleton of about Google Glass, Irish banks and the psychology of populations accepting financial fraud from the elite.
• THE TRUTH ABOUT MARKETS [TaM-1284] The Truth About the Lockbox of Thought Stacy Summary: The Truth About Markets for 06 July 2013. We talk about the bond market, the surveillance state and more. Download show HERE (mp3)
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- The Scott Horton Radio Show
Scott Horton is host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles and KUCR 88.3 in Riverside, and the Scott Horton Show on No Agenda Radio. (You can listen live Monday through Friday, excluding Thursday, from 12-2 PM Eastern HERE.) Plenty of archives too!
• Scott Horton Radio Show 7/12/13 Marcy Wheeler: Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses the semantic arguments on whether the NSA’s PRISM program allows direct access to tech companies’ private customer data (per Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden); the value of government spying for blackmailing people to work as informants; and why nobody should rely on Microsoft for encrypted communications.
• Scott Horton Radio Show 7/12/13 Coleen Rowley: FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley discusses the Chechen connection between “20th hijacker” Zacarias Moussaoui and the Boston bombers; how 9/11 could have been prevented if government agency heads were just doing their jobs; and the many reasons why James Comey should be in prison instead of being nominated for FBI director.
• Scott Horton Radio Show 7/12/13 Gareth Porter: Historian and journalist Gareth Porter discusses FBI director nominee James Comey’s political decision to prosecute Iranian-backed Hezbollah instead of Al Qaeda for the 1996 Khobar Towers attack; how bureaucratic self-interest trumps national security priorities; President Clinton’s decision to let Martin Indyk hijack US foreign policy for Israel’s benefit; and Alberto Nisman’s charge that Iran was linked to the contrived 2007 JFK Airport bombing plot.
• SCOTT HORTON July 5, 2012: Scott says goodbye to Scott Horton is the former host of Antiwar Radio. Visit his blog Stress. Due to budget cuts Scott lost his gig at! Whoa! See for archives! Send emails to Scott at to help Scott keep his podcast going!
• Older interviews at Antiwar Radio!
- fauxnews
• Rep Steve King (R-IA)
• Rep Steve Israel (D-NY)
• Rep. Michael McCaul Chairman of the House’s Homeland Security Committee (R-TX)
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