Brick TeeVee is a preview of the Sunday Talking Head Shows beamed across America by Corporate Media, plus some good progressive radio and who will be on which show. If you have other Sunday Talkie shows' guest lists we don't have, please share below. Post your comments while you watch! It's fun, it's healthy and doggonit at least we'll know others can also see through the media manipulation that blankets our public airwaves. DEBUNK HERE!
So, with no further ado, I present to you This Week's Brick TeeVee entry!
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ALL LINKS OPEN A NEW WINDOW!!!Domocrats finished their convention with the Obama/Biden '08 ticket amid Roman pillars and Stevie Wonder! So, as we come into the Corporate Networks' Fall Schedules, 60 MINUTES snags the FIRST INTERVIEW with the Democratic ticket. After that, you'd be hard pressed to find any other D's on the Sunday Funnies, except for Wolfie having on TOM DASCHLE (D-Washed Up) and CHRIS DODD (D-Telecom Immunity Filibuster Man, sort of) plus windsurfer JOHN "count all the votes" KERRY. Beyond that , it's wall to wall R's with TIM PAWLENTY on Meet the Tom and Wolfie, a heard of GOPhers on Face the Bob, including RUDY "Noun, verb, 911" GHOULIANI and JOEMENTUM. Nice. And ya goota tune in Freak News for their exclusive with JOHN "Crazy Train" MCCAIN & The Straight Jacket Express. Good brick throwing practice. Did you watch any of RALPH NADER on Free Speech TV last week? NO? Lots of clips from the rally at FSTV . Don't forget to tune in Ring of Fire Radio with guest host SAM SEDER and an exclusive interview with DON SIEGELMAN. Good Item. The Brick TeeVee Crew has too many fresh tomatoes in the garden! Maybe we should change our name to Tomato TeeVee? See you at the Larry Craig Memorial Men's Bathroom in the MSP International Airport!
Stephanie Tubbs Jones was laid to rest Saturday. You can view some of the four-hour tribute at FOX8 News - Memorial Remembering Stephanie Tubbs Jones. Many politicos came to honor and remember Stephanie, including Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), Rep Kendrick Meeks (D-FL), Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and too many others to mention. The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to: ****The Stephanie Tubbs Jones Scholarship Fund**** c/o The Cleveland Foundation 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1300 Cleveland, OH 44115 You can also listen to WCPN Sound of Ideas - Tribute to Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones
US TENNIS OPEN on CBS featuring Men's 3rd / Women's 4th round coverage - 11:00 am - 6:00 pm et
MLB ON TBS TBS joins the MLB family with their NEW weekly Sunday Afternoon Baseball Game. This week it's the Chicago White Sox @ Boston Sox - 1:30 pm et
NASCAR on ESPN From Fontana California's Auto Club Speedway, Labor Day Weekend's Pepsi 500 around a 2-mile oval under the lights! 7 PM ET on ESPN

image ©2006 arkysue
140 days until our national nightmare is over
4,150 Military Dead as of Aug 29, 2008
1,950 days since "Mission Accomplished"
- This Week (ABC)
• Cindy McCain, wife of Republican presidential candidate John McCain (R-AZ)
• Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S
• Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)
• Roundtable: ABC News' Sam Donaldson, Cokie Roberts, and George Will, and ABC News political contributor Matthew Dowd - Face The Nation (CBS)TOPIC: The Republican National Convention
• CARLY FIORINA McCain Advisor
• DAVID BROOKS of The New York Times - 60 Minutes (CBS) NEW SHOW!
• Obama - Biden '08 In their first interview together as running mates, Sen. Barack Obama and his choice for vice-president Sen. Joseph Biden discuss their roles and strategies for the upcoming presidential election. Steve Kroft reports.
• Bombing Afghanistan The president of Afghanistan demands that the U.S. military curtail its use of air strikes against insurgents in his country because they are killing too many civilians. Scott Pelley reports.
• Awakenings Minimally conscious people – those who cannot talk, walk or eat, but are not in what’s called a vegetative state – are being re-evaluated for degrees of consciousness many thought they never had. Some are actually re-awakening thanks to drug therapies. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports. - Meet the Press (NBC) Tom Brokaw in St. Paul, MN site of the GOP Convention - EXCLUSIVE!
• McCain supporter and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN)
• ROUNDTABLE: Maria Bartiromo, David Gregory, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Andrea Mitchell, Mike Murphy & Kelly O'Donnell. - Late Edition (CNN) Wolf interviews key Republican leaders as John McCain prepares to accept his party’s nomination.
• Rep. John Boehner: (R) House Minority Leader
• Gov. Charlie Crist: (R) Florida
• Gov. Tim Pawlenty: (R) Minnesota (HAHA! NBC LIED! Some "exclusive"! -Ed.)
• Fred Thompson: (R) Fmr. Presidential Candidate
• Rep. Eric Cantor: (R) Virginia
• Tom Daschle: (D) Fmr. Senate Majority Leader
• Sen. Christopher Dodd: (D) Connecticut
• David Paulison: FEMA Administrator - Seder on Sunday! CANCELLED - WATCH THIS SPACE for Seder News :: Air America’s Sam Seder will be on Ring of Fire Radio to discuss a few of the many scandals of John McCain.
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and
• Air America’s Sam Seder will be here to discuss a few of the many scandals of John McCain.
• Environmental activist and founder of Van Jones will tell us about the whitewash the oil industry has been putting on the climate crisis.
• Former Alabama governor Don Siegelman will join us to talk about the many crimes of Karl Rove, and how he personally tried to ruin the governor’s life.
• And former presidential speechwriter and close friend to John F. Kennedy – Ted Sorensen will be here to discuss the current state of American politics, as well as his past work in government.
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern featuring The PAP Attack! - "Massa In The Morning"
"Massa In The Morning" is quick, topical, smart, sometimes hilarious, and ALWAYS kind. With co-host Bill Berry, EVERY Sunday morning from 10am til noon Eastern time!
WHHO-AM 1320 Streaming ON-LINE at
(you do have to register, so go register now if you want to listen tomorrow.)
CALL IN! 607-324-2000 (yer cell phone minutes are FREE on the weekends!) - fauxnews EXCLUSIVE! (Surprised? -Ed.)
• Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., presidential candidate
• Panel: Brit Hume, Washington managing editor of FOX News; Mara Liasson of National Public Radio; Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard, and Juan Williams of National Public Radio.
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Are you going to brave the Sunday shows?
So if you're going to be watching, jot down which show you're watching,and how many minutes in it was from the beginning of the show. We'll have every moment of every show recorded. And please include the subject line "Sunday Shows" on any email tip you send in. Send tips to
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
First brick is on us!