Brick TeeVee is a preview of the Sunday Talking Head Shows beamed across America by Corporate Media, plus some good progressive radio and who will be on which show. If you have other Sunday Talkie shows' guest lists we don't have, please share below. Post your comments while you watch! It's fun, it's healthy and doggonit at least we'll know others can also see through the media manipulation that blankets our public airwaves. DEBUNK HERE!
So, with no further ado, I present to you This Week's Brick TeeVee entry!
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ALL LINKS OPEN A NEW WINDOW!!!After a one-week hiatus we're back with all the Presidential Race Olympics coverage you can stand! Haha! The brouhaha over John Edwards tryst seems to dominate the cable news but C&L's John Amato opines in David Gregory: Broader implications for the party, "And they have the nerve to talk about betrayal of Edwards to the media and his wife — in that order. Why aren’t they more outraged about the betrayal of the White House to get us into a war?" And didja see GWB's mental gymnastics calling out the Chinese for THEIR extreme political policies? Good one! Pot meet Kettle, eh? While Obama takes a vacation, the air fills up with ever more surrogates from both sides, starting with BILL RICHARDSON up against BOBBY JINDAL. Face the Bob has TIM KAINE and KARL "Turd Blossom" ROVE (always a good BRICK target). U-Boat Captain Blitzer pits ED RENDELL against CHARLIE CRIST. The White House Limo gets a rare start for HANK PAULSON on Meet the Tom LIVE from Beijing and HUD Sec. STEVE PRESTON on Wolfie. Also on Late Edition it's Oil Guy Billionairre T. BOON PICKENS now spinning Wind Power and other renewable energy sources. DICK DURBIN gets the nod to appear on Fake News Sunday. To get away from the spin tune in Ring of Fire with substitute host SAM SEDER and guests SCOTT HORTON and THOMAS FRANK. Last week's yard sale took all the wind out of the Brick TeeVee crew for a lousy $40 but we have less junk! Our good deed was delivering a kitchen table and chairs to the inner city for a nice old lady and her caring granddaughter, so that made the whole day worth it. Have a great Sunday!
Olympics on NBC/MSNBC Cycling, water polo, swimming, boxing and soccer are just some of the events today. Check your local listings.
NASCAR on ESPN The Left-Turn League tries again to make right-handers at Watkins Glen Roadcourse. Coverage begins at 1 pm et
MLB ON TBS TBS joins the MLB family with their NEW weekly Sunday Afternoon Baseball Game. This week it's the Red Sox @ White Sox - 2 pm et

image ©2006 arkysue
163 days until our national nightmare is over
4,136 Military Dead as of Aug 8, 2008
1,914 days since "Mission Accomplished"
- This Week (ABC) Jake Tapper fills in
• New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson
• Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal
• Roundtable: New York Times' Matt Bai, ABC Consultant Torie Clarke, and ABC New's Cokie Roberts, and George Will - Face The Nation (CBS)TOPIC: Campaign 2008
• Gov. Tim Kaine (D)-Virginia
• Republican Strategist Karl Rove - 60 Minutes (CBS) Summer reruns
• The IAF The Israeli air force – the best in the Middle East – has to prepare for anything says one of its officers, because if Israel loses just one war, it will cease to exist. Bob Simon reports.
• Insanity On Death Row The U.S. Constitution prohibits the execution of insane persons, but Gregory Thompson, whose lawyers say is mentally ill, may yet be put to death in a bizarre case that has been going on for over 20 years. Lara Logan reports.
• The Icahn Lift Carl Icahn’s reputation for pumping up the value of companies has led to a phrase that describes that Midas touch: the "Icahn lift." Lesley Stahl profiles the billionaire investor. - Meet the Press (NBC) Tom Brokaw, Host, Live from Beijing
• Exclusive! Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
• NBC's David Gregory will lead a political roundtable in Washington, DC, with David Broder, Erin Burnett, E.J. Dionne & Paul Gigot
• SPECIAL TIME! Check your local listing - Late Edition (CNN) The race for the White House heats up as the conventions are just around the corner. Wolf sits down with Obama supporter Governor Ed Rendell and McCain supporter Governor Charlie Crist. Plus, a special conversation with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on America's crumbling infrastructure.
• Mayor Michael Bloomberg: (I) New York
• Gov. Ed Rendell: (D) Pennsylvania
• Gov. Charlie Crist: (R) Florida
• Sen. Carl Levin: (D) Michigan
• Sen. John Cornyn: (R) Texas
• Steve Preston: HUD Secretary
• T. Boone Pickens: Founder, BP Capital, L.P. - Seder on Sunday! CANCELLED - WATCH THIS SPACE for Seder News :: Sam Seder will be filling in for Bobby Kennedy this week on Ring of Fire Radio!
- Ring of Fire Radio
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• Author Thomas Frank will be here to tell us how the Republicans intentionally dismantled the federal government in an attempt to show that government doesn’t work.
• Public Citizen’s research director Taylor Lincoln will talk to us about the Chamber of Commerce’s latest assault on the civil justice system.
• Investigative journalist Scott Horton will give us another story about the Chamber of Commerce – how they teamed up with the tobacco industry to take down prominent southern Democrats.
• Political satirist Matt Filipowicz will be here to run down this week’s most absurd news stories.
• And we’ll examine the deadly side effects of the blood thinner Heparin with attorney Scott Barnes
• We’ll also be responding to your listener emails, so send your questions or comments to us at, and if we pick yours, we’ll send you a free GoLeft TV T-shirt!
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern featuring The PAP Attack! - "Massa In The Morning"
"Massa In The Morning" is quick, topical, smart, sometimes hilarious, and ALWAYS kind. With co-host Bill Berry, EVERY Sunday morning from 10am til noon Eastern time!
WHHO-AM 1320 Streaming ON-LINE at
(you do have to register, so go register now if you want to listen tomorrow.)
CALL IN! 607-324-2000 (yer cell phone minutes are FREE on the weekends!) - fauxnews
• Rick Davis, McCain campaign manager
• Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Obama national co-chair
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Are you going to brave the Sunday shows?
So if you're going to be watching, jot down which show you're watching,and how many minutes in it was from the beginning of the show. We'll have every moment of every show recorded. And please include the subject line "Sunday Shows" on any email tip you send in. Send tips to
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
First brick is on us!

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