Your Guest List for Sunday's Talking Head News Shows
beamed across America by Corporate Media
plus some good progressive radio.
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DEBUNK HERE! Throw Bricks!
First brick is on us!
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ALL LINKS OPEN A NEW WINDOW!!!The Obama "Stimulus" Package has passed both houses with nary a public say (as promised) and ZERO GOPhers voting for it in the HOUSE, causing Crankypants GOP leader Boehner to throw the entire stimulus bill on the House floor (h/t to GottaLaff @ Political Carnival). The Economy and what's really in the "package" will be hotly debated by BOTH sides so we start our Sunday Morning Funnies this week with a tag team match on THIS WEEK featuring CHUCK SCHUMER & MAXINE WATERS vs. PETER KING & LINDSEY GRAHAM. And the SECOND Obama White House Limosine ride goes to DAVID AXLEROD on Meet the David and FAKE NEWS. Perhaps breaking new ground, White House Press Secretary BOB GIBBS will have a "press conference" with Face the Bob then on State of the King!! Can you remember ANY WH press Secretary EVER appearing on the Sunday Funnies while holding that post? Imagine DANA "too much cappuccino" FARINO trying not to "omigod" on a Sunday Talkie! Too funny! So this is either informative interviews or EXTREME ABSOLUTE HUBRIS of government propaganda! We'll keep you posted. Also on with John King is favorite brick target JOHN "Crazy Train" MCCAIN, plus CHUCK SCHUMER and the NBA golf four-some of MAGIC JOHNSON, GRANT HILL, STEVE NASH and CHRIS PAUL with caddie BILL RUSSELL. What this has to do with politics, we have no idea. Later in the evening 60 Minutes focuses on BUY AMERICAN, and Pakistan, plus a story about World Savings. Check out Ring of Fire Radio for an update with ROBERT GREENWALD. We're gonna try a few different "alternative" viewpoints you might want to check out: DAVE MARSH, a long-time contributor to Rolling Stone and rock-n-roll correspondent who has his own show on XM167 and our new London financial expert MAX KEISER. Both offer mp3 streaming of previous shows, so we hope you give a listen and enjoy them! The Brick TeeVee crew has now donned NASCAR pit crew outfits for the Daytona 500 with NBA jerseys underneath for the NBA All-Star Game. I can't wait until spring so I can put these sad sacks to work cleaning up the grounds and preparing our garden. Enjoy yer Sunday!
AFGHANISTAN UPDATE For discussion on the Afghanistan "escalation" now being planned and/or implemented please check out Whistling past the Graveyard put together by one of the Brick TeeVee Crew. GOOD ITEM with tons of information and links, plus comments.
BRADBLOG on Peter B. Colllins His Bradness Brad Friedman of checks in with Peter. PLUS Ion Sancho, the Leon County FL elections chief. Click Peter B Collins 02/13/09 H3 @ Green 960
DAYTONA 500 on Fox The 51st running of The Great American Race, with Martin Truex Jr. on the pole and Mark Martin also on the front row. Coverage begins at 3:30 pm et
58th NBA All-Star Game on TNT LIVE from the Phoenix U.S. Airways Center. Coverage starts at 8 pm et
image ©2006 arkysue
THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
The essential guide for watching government propaganda
4,243 Military Dead as of Feb 13, 2009
2,119 days since "Mission Accomplished"
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
- This Week (ABC)
• Rep Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
• Rep Peter King, R-N.Y.
• Sen Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
• Sen Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
• ROUNDTABLE: Sam Donaldson, Cokie Roberts, and George Will and Donna Brazile - Face The Nation (CBS)
• ROBERT GIBBS White House Press Secretary
• REPRESENTATIVE BARNEY FRANK Democrat – Massachusetts
• SENATOR RICHARD SHELBY Republican - Alabama - 60 Minutes (CBS)
• Buy American The economic stimulus package includes a "buy American" clause that the steel and other U.S. industries lobbied hard for. However, American businesses that export overseas now worry foreign governments will retaliate and keep U.S. products out of their market, hurting their business. Lesley Stahl reports.
• World Of Trouble Three years before the housing market crash, Paul Bishop says he warned his superiors at World Savings - the nation's second largest savings and loan company - that many of the mortgages they were granting were misleading and predatory. Scott Pelley reports.
• War In Pakistan Steve Kroft reports from Pakistan, where Islamic insurgents are trying to take over the country and he interviews its new president, Asif Ali Zardari. | - Meet the Press (NBC)
• DAVID AXELROD Senior Adviser to President Obama
• ROUNDTABLE: National Journal's Ron Brownstein, The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson, Politico's Roger Simon, and The Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel. - State of the Union With John King (CNN)
The new program, hosted by CNN Chief National Correspondent John King, airs every Sunday from 9 a.m. through 1 p.m. et
• Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), 2008 presidential candidate
• Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary
• Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
• Gwen Ifill, moderator and managing editor, PBS; author, The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama
• Bill Russell, NBA Hall of Famer; former Boston Celtics star
• Magic Johnson, NBA Hall of Famer; former Los Angeles Lakers star
• Chris Paul, Two-time NBA All-Star; New Orleans Hornets
• Grant Hill, Seven-time NBA All-Star; Phoenix Suns
• Steve Nash, Two time NBA MVP; Phoenix Suns
• Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL)
• Howard Kurtz (formerly of CNN's "Reliable Sources", now a part of "State of the Union")
• more! (Hey we gotta fill up four hours!) - MARON v SEDER
Mark Maron vs. Sam Seder LIVE Weekdays at 3 pm et!
amazing graphic & logo by nicole s.
Go to to watch & listen! Very cool! - Ring of Fire Radio
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• Today on Ring of Fire, we’re celebrating the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday with author Ronald White, who recently wrote one of the most compelling and in-depth biographies to date about our 16th president.
• We’ll be checking back in with filmmaker Robert Greenwald who’ll tell us how Bank of America is spending their $40 billion on lavish parties and weekend retreats, including their 5-day Super Bowl party a few weeks back.
• We’ve also got author Mike Lux who’s gonna tell us how the Republican Party, since their inception, has manipulated the publics’ fear in order to win elections – a tactic that doesn’t seem to be working with the new generation of American voters.
• We’ll also be talking with Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, the former chief Biodiversity Advisor for the World Bank, about the need to preserve the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, which is one of the last untouched stretches of forest left in North America.
• And author Jon Mills will tell us about the latest whistleblower revelations about how the NSA spied on EVERYONE.
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week." - Dave Marsh on XM 167 Listen to podcasts of Dave Marsh LIVE! @ via E STREET RADIO.
As reported by ghettodefender Sun, 02/08/2009 - 5:28pm.-
wiki: Dave Marsh (born March 1, 1950, Detroit, Michigan) is an American music critic who briefly attended Wayne State University, became a co-founder of Creem magazine, wrote for various publications such as Newsday, The Village Voice, and Rolling Stone, and also edited Rock and Roll Confidential, a newsletter about rock music and social issues. Marsh is also a member of the National Advisory Board of PROTECT: The National Association to Protect Children.
XM put this guy on this afternoon, and I though he was great. Not as good as Sam, but a hella of lot better than a rerun of Rachael. Mostly, he talking about Phelps and our stupid drug laws. He really wanted callers. Was easy to talk to. And never pulled a Randi. Anyway, I don't know anything about him, but so far I'm glad I'm hearing him.
- Max Keiser Radio! Podcasts and more @ Karma Banque Radio!
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts “The Truth About Markets” on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s “People & Power” series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• This week's entry: [1016] The Truth About Markets - 14 February 2009 - fauxnews
• presidential senior adviser, David Axelrod.
• Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt
• chief economist of Moody's Mark Zandi.
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
First brick is on us!

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