Your Guest List for Sunday's Talking Head News Shows
beamed across America by Corporate Media plus some good progressive radio.
If you have other Sunday Talkie shows' guest lists we don't have please share below.
DEBUNK HERE! Throw Bricks!
First brick is on us!
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Leading off on Easter Sunday is none other that that "great" religious leader "pastor" RICK WARREN on This Snugagopolis, given new legitimacy for appearing at Obama's inauguration. We'll be substituting FROZEN FISH STICKS and week-old UNLEAVENED BREAD for bricks to throw at Warren haha! There's your fishes and loaves! Then hang out to see PAUL KRUGMAN tell George Will that he has no clue and his tie is ugly. Face the Bob has Mexico's ambassador to the U.S. ARTURO SARUKHAN to discuss the drug war and gun running while 60 Minutes does a piece on rising gun and ammo purchases inside the U.S. Meet the Davis has a boring roundtable while State of the King talks about the future of Iraq with General RAY ODIERNO and Iraqi National Security Adviser MOWAFFAK AL-RUBAIE. Do catch Ring of Fire Radio with SCOTT HORTON critique on AG Eric Holder and make sure to give a listen to GLENN GREENWALD on AntiWar Radio. The Brick TeeVee crew lost our good friend McFish on Passover Wednesday who was found in the cellar of the fish tank castle. No word yet on suspects or motive. R.I.P McFish. The Brick TeeVee crew moved quickly to clean the tank thoroughly and repopulate the fish tank with a few more freshwater Usual Suspects and a new lighted tank cover! Meanwhile, our pre-planting from a few weeks ago have spouted up some plants, so we look forward to a great garden this year. Our House Wabbits seem unphased by the holiday and only stared at the plastic Easter Eggs. So take it easy on Easter Sunday, spend some time with friends and family and relax a bit. Chow down some ham and Easter Eggs and Peeps and chocolate bunnies. Just don't go chasing White Wabbits!

.Greg Coleridge on Democracy NOW! Cleveland's own Greg Coleridge is director of the Economic Justice and Empowerment Program at the Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee. See A New Way Forward: Protests Scheduled Across the Country Calling on Banks to Nationalize, Reorganize, Decentralize.
David Kay Johnston on GRITtv "...stop this policy of bailing out the plutocrats who demanded the freedom to make unregulated choices and then blew their money..." See Obama’s Budget: New Deal or Makeover?
Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox from Fenway Park @ 8 pm et
image ©2006 arkysue
THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
The essential guide for watching government propaganda
4,271 Military Dead as of Apr 10, 2009
2,175 days since "Mission Accomplished"
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
- This Week (ABC)
• Pastor Rick Warren
• Roundtable: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, New York Times columnist, Nobel laureate and ABC contributor Paul Krugman, the Washington Post's Ruth Marcus and ABC News' George Will - Face The Nation (CBS)
• ARTURO SARUKHAN, Mexican Ambassador to the United States
• DAVID SANGER, The New York Times
• KATHLEEN PARKER, Syndicated Columnist - 60 Minutes (CBS)
• The DEKA Arm New technology is making it possible for amputees to pick up small, delicate objects they never thought they would master thanks to the biggest innovation in prosthetic arms since World War II. Scott Pelley reports.
• Gun Rush Americans are snapping up guns and ammunition at an increasingly higher rate despite the economic downturn. But as Lesley Stahl reports, the economic downturn, as well as the election of Barack Obama, may be the reason for the run on guns. - Meet the Press (NBC) Special holiday Sunday roundtable discussion:
• ROUNDTABLE: The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg; NPR's Michele Norris; Robin Wright, author of the book "Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East"; and The Washington Examiner's Byron York.
• Plus from NPR's popular "Planet Money": Alex Blumberg and Adam Davidson. - State of the Union With John King (CNN)
State of the Union with John King offers a blend of newsmaker interviews, political analysis, national and world affairs and cultural segments, plus an hour of Reliable Sources media analysis, hosted by Howard Kurtz, airing every Sunday from 9 a.m. through 1 p.m. et
• top U.S. commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno
• Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie
• Howard Kurtz formerly of CNN's "Reliable Sources", now a part of "State of the Union"
• more! (Hey we gotta fill up four hours!) - MARON v SEDER
Mark Maron vs. Sam Seder LIVE STREAM Weekdays at 3 pm et!
amazing graphic & logo by nicole s.
Go to to watch &listen! Very cool! Also available weekday MIDNIGHTS at Ohio Majority Radio - Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and
• Documentary filmmaker Robert Greenwald will be joining us to tell us why Afghanistan might not be the right war for America, and why this terrorist haven might be an even bigger quagmire than Iraq has been.
• We’ll also be talking with Representative Allyson Schwartz who’ll give us the truth about President Obama’s budget, and why it isn’t going to bankrupt the country like the GOP is claiming.
• Harper’s Magazine contributing editor Scott Horton who’s gonna tell us what our new Attorney General needs to do in order to restore order and dignity to the Justice Department.
• And we’ll be looking at the issue of mandatory binding arbitration – a seldom-noticed clause that millions of Americans have agreed to without even knowing it, and had their rights stripped away with Mother Jones’ reporter Stephanie Mencimer.
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week." - Dave Marsh on XM 167 Listen to podcasts of Dave Marsh LIVE! @ via E STREET RADIO.
As reported by ghettodefender Sun, 02/08/2009 - 5:28pm.-
wiki: Dave Marsh (born March 1, 1950, Detroit, Michigan) is an American music critic who briefly attended Wayne State University, became a co-founder of Creem magazine, wrote for various publications such as Newsday, The Village Voice, and Rolling Stone, and also edited Rock and Roll Confidential, a newsletter about rock music and social issues. Marsh is also a member of the National Advisory Board of PROTECT: The National Association to Protect Children.
XM put this guy on this afternoon, and I though he was great. Not as good as Sam, but a hella of lot better than a rerun of Rachael. Mostly, he talking about Phelps and our stupid drug laws. He really wanted callers. Was easy to talk to. And never pulled a Randi. Anyway, I don't know anything about him, but so far I'm glad I'm hearing him.
- Max Keiser Radio! Podcasts and more @ Karma Banque Radio!
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts “The Truth About Markets” on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s “People & Power” series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• This week's entry: The Truth About Markets - 11 April 2009. - ANTIWAR RADIO with Scott Horton & Charles Goyette
LIVE (9-11am Pacific, 12pm - 2pm Eastern) Plenty of archives too!
Listen at Antiwar Radio
• From April 11, 2009 Scott Horton Interviews Glenn Greenwald Glenn Greenwald, former constitutional lawyer and current blogger, discusses the nefarious origin of the state secrets privilege, the ways in which Obama has exceeded the Bush administration on secrecy invocations, the fight over releasing the few remaining Bush torture memos and the Obama administration’s foot-dragging over prosecuting Bush-era crimes. Glenn Greenwald is a former constitutional lawyer and author of Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics, A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency, and How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values From a President Run Amok. His blog and radio show can be found at - fauxnews
• Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind.
• Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.
• Liz Claman, host of "Countdown to the Closing Bell" on FOX Business Network
• Jenna Lee, FOX Business Network
• Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
First brick is on us!

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