Your Guest List for Sunday's Talking Head News Shows
beamed across America by Corporate Media PLUS reports from the best progressive media!
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This Sunday the WH Limo tanks up for President Obama to make the rounds of the all major talkies! Of course there will be some dissenters in there, too, like MICHAEL "Cut Medicare" STEELE on Face the Bob, LINDSEY GRAHAM and NEWT "Contract ON America" GINGRICH on Meet the David and MITCH MCCONNELL on State of the King, all good brick targets I might add. Interestingly, Obama will not grace the set of FAKE NEWS SUNDAY, where ACORN chief executive BERTHA LEWIS will go it alone against the Angry White Men. The funniest exchanges this week will be the tag team of MATALIN & CARVILLE on State of the King and ROBERT REICH & ED GILLESPIE on the GEORGE WILL Roundtable. Of course there will be much ado about what Obama said or didn't say so they can ignore other stories like the DOJ investigating the CIA over "alleged" torture. See Glenn Greenwald at Salon CIA Directors conclude CIA shouldn't be investigated for murder: "In a truly shocking development being treated as major news, seven former CIA Directors -- including all three who served under George W. Bush -- jointly concluded that the CIA should not be criminally investigated for torture deaths, and they have written a letter to President Obama (.pdf) expressing that view." Greenwald adds an UPDATE! "In other breaking news, Erik Prince announces that he believes criminal prosecutions of Blackwater are unwarranted; Wall Street CEOs -- past and present -- conclude that an investigation of fraud and abuse among investment banks would serve no real purpose; Alberto Gonzales reveals his opposition to any proceedings against DOJ lawyers who acted in bad faith; police unions announce that the problem of brutality is overstated and there's no need for added oversight; medical doctors agree that malpractice lawsuits need to be limited; and a poll of felons currently in prison reveal that 99% of them believe that the country would have been better off if it had just let bygones be bygones and decided not to proceed with prosecutions in their particular case." As usual some of the real stories of the week are on the BTV Alerts below. Look for interviews with DANIEL ELLSBERG on Democracy Now and AntiWar Radio while Ring of Fire has THOMAS FRANK discussing the "deep end" of the Grand Old Party. The Brick TeeVee crew congratulates the Akron Aeros (CLE Indians Double A farmclub) for winning the 2009 Eastern League Championship, their third title since 2003! Go Aeros! Now if only SOME of these guys can make it to the parent club and help the beleaguered Tribe.
»»» Daniel Ellsberg @ Democracy NOW! WATCH New Documentary Chronicles Story of Daniel Ellsberg, Whose Leak of the Pentagon Papers Helped End Vietnam War
»»» Baucus Health Plan discussion @ Democracy NOW! WATCH As Baucus Unveils Health Plan Absent of Public Option, New Study Finds 45,000 Uninsured Die Every Year
»»» United Nations report on Gaza @ Democracy NOW! WATCH UN Inquiry Finds Israel “Punished and Terrorized” Palestinian Civilians, Committed War Crimes During Gaza Assault
»»» Naomi Klein @ Democracy NOW! WATCH Naomi Klein on “Minority Death Match: Jews, Blacks and the ‘Post-Racial’ Presidency”
»»» David Cay Johnston and Robert Johnson on GRITtv WATCH Is the Economic Storm Over?
»»» Weekly Roundtable on GRITtv Max Blumenthal, Janeanne Garafolo and Kai Wright discuss newsmakers’ hits and misses. WATCH Media Panel, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Reverend Billy’s Mayoral Campaign
»»» NASCAR on ABC The Chase begins at Loudon for the Sylvania 300 at New Hampshire Motor Speedway.
»»» MLB on TBS AL West battle! Angels @ Rangers - 1 pm et
»»» Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN Cubs @ Cardinals - 8 pm et
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MORE INFO HERE: Pandemic response bill draws fire:

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THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
The essential guide for watching government propaganda
IRAQ: 4,344 Military Dead as of Sept 19, 2009
AFGHANISTAN: 838 Military Dead as of Sept 17, 2009
Dear readers,
We have recovered the data for military fatalities for both the Iraq (OIF) and Afghanistan (OEF) sites.
We still have a ways to go until both sites return to full functionality, but with a little luck everything should be back to normal soon.
I want to personally thank all of you who have donated and encourage others who find this site beneficial to make a modest contribution to iCasualties to help defray the cost of necessary server upgrades and daily operations.
I also owe a special thanks to Mr. Ellis and Mr. Stasz for their assistance in collecting data. - Michael White,
2,328 days since "Mission Accomplished"
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
- This Week (ABC)
• President Obama
• ROUNDTABLE: George Will, Donna Brazile, Peggy Noonan, Robert Reich and Ed Gillespie - Face The Nation (CBS)
• President Obama
• Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele - 60 Minutes (CBS)
• The DEKA Arm New technology is making it possible for amputees to pick up small, delicate objects they never thought they would master thanks to the biggest innovation in prosthetic arms since World War II. Scott Pelley reports. - Meet the Press (NBC)
• President Obama
• Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio)
• Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
• Fmr. House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA)
• ROUNDTABLE: The Post's Eugene Robinson and Politico's Roger Simon - State of the Union With John King (CNN)
State of the Union with John King offers a blend of newsmaker interviews, political analysis, national and world affairs and cultural segments, plus an hour of Reliable Sources media analysis, hosted by Howard Kurtz, airing every Sunday from 9 a.m. through 1 p.m. et
• President Obama
• Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
• Republican Strategist Mary Matalin and Democratic Strategist James Carville.
• Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan, gets the Last Word.
• Hour 2 - Howard Kurtz & "Reliable Sources", now a part of "State of the Union" - not really.
• soundbites from all the other shows that we can blow up REAL BIG with our guests and more! (Hey we gotta fill up four hours!) - BREAKROOM LIVE
Marc Maron and Sam Seder LIVE STREAM Weekdays at 3 pm et!
amazing graphic & logo by nicole s.
OVER - Watch this space for more info! For up-to-the-minute updates go to - Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and
• Today on Ring of Fire, we’ll be taking a look at the vice-presidency of Dick Cheney with author Barton Gellman, and we’ll find out what exactly Cheney accomplished by turning his post from an office with little power, to one that almost rivaled that of the president.
• We’ve also got best selling author Thomas Frank with us today to talk about the latest fear tactics coming from the GOP where they’re trying to scare the hell out of Americans with the threat of socialism, illegal immigration, gay marriage, abortion, socialized medicine – This is a party that has clearly gone off the deep end.
• We’ll also be talking with David Arkush from Public Citizen about the dangers of tort reform, and we’ll find out how, by reigning in the doctors responsible for malpractice, we can save billions of dollars in healthcare costs every year.
• Join our blog at
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm (4 pm on XM 167) featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week." - On the Edge with Max Keiser Podcasts and more @!
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts “The Truth About Markets” on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s “People & Power” series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• [1061] The Truth About . . . SpecflationStacy Summary: Max and Stacy for Truth About Markets London. And Revolution Broadcasting in the US.
• [OTE19] On the Edge with . . . Steve Keen September 19th, 2009
• In case you missed the previous 30 announcements, IMF announces (again) that it will sell 1/8th of its alleged gold reservesStacy Summary: Gordon Brown I notice is most vocal in pushing for this IMF alleged gold sale to help the allegedly poor. Perhaps he should look at his own debt problem. READ IMF board approves sale of 403 tonnes of gold reserves and UK public debt out of control, hits £800 billion, most on record. - ANTIWAR RADIO with Scott Horton & Charles Goyette
LIVE (9-11am Pacific, 12pm - 2pm Eastern) Plenty of archives too!
Listen at Antiwar Radio
• Scott Horton interviews Daniel Ellsberg (mp3) 53:13 Sept 18 2009. Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers, discusses his new film “The Most Dangerous Man in America,” simulations that indicate nuclear war would be more destructive than previously thought, how the practice of killing civilians en masse in WWII became the premise of U.S. nuclear war planning, cancellation of the European missile defense shield and the staggering difference in destructive force between an H-bomb and every other weapon preceding it.
• Scott Horton interviews Rebecca Vilkomerson (mp3) 23:24 Sept 18 2009. Rebecca Vilkomerson, National Director of Jewish Voice for Peace, discusses the activist campaign to stop Caterpillar from selling bulldozers to Israel, what interested people can do to help promote peace, how the peace party can learn from the organizational and media saturation successes of the war party and the importance of criticizing anti-Semitism as well as those who misuse the charge (see MuzzleWatch). - fauxnews
• ACORN chief executive Bertha Lewis
• Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
• FedEx CEO Fred Smith
• Office Depot CEO Steve Odland
• Cisco CEO John Chambers
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
We're here because you're there. ©
First brick is on us!

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