Your Guest List for Sunday's Talking Head News Shows
beamed across America by Corporate Media PLUS reports from the best progressive media!
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Afghanistan. Health Care. Unemployment. The Economy. So many topics, so little time. Sing along to The Monkees' "Another Pleasant Valley Sunday" as you enjoy this week's talkies! Hawk General JIM JONES (ret.) comes out of retirement to push for more troops in Afghanistan on State of the King and Face the Bob with General TONY ZINNI (ret. too). Then U.N. Ambassador DR. SUSAN RICE visits Meet the David. This Snufagopolis lands the Former Oracle ALAN GREENSPAN who will tell George the entire global economic system is going in the crapper very soon, so Monday's Dow skyrockets to 15,000 before it drops to 5,000 by midweek. Everyone offers a nice cross-section of politicos, starting with CHUCK SCHUMER & JON CORNYN with This George and CARL LEVIN & IKE SKELTON on Face the Bob to FAKE NEWS tag team match of EVAN BAYH, LINDSEY GRAHAM, BOB CASEY and SAXBY CHAMBLISS and BARBARA BOXER vs. JON KYL on State of the King. Meanwhile PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS opines at More Lies, More Deceptions "The leaders of the G-20 countries, which account for 85% of the world’s income, cannot meet in an American city without 12,000 cops outfitted like the emperor’s storm troopers in Star Wars. And the US government complains about Iran." And in The Economy is a Lie, Too "If measured according to the methodology used when I was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, the unemployment rate today in the US is above 20%. Moreover, there is no obvious way of reducing it." Your best bet is the BTV Alerts with updates on the Honduras situation, GLENN GREENWALD, ROBERT GREENWALD and JEREMY SCAHILL (don't forget the NEW and VERY IMPORTANT BTV Action this week) and our prog/lib lineup, starting with PETER B. COLLINS interview with SIBEL EDMONDS. Then check out ANTIWAR RADIO for GARETH PORTER. Of course the entire Ring of Fire show is worth the listen. The Brick TeeVee Crew has gathered hot dogs, apple pie and crackerjack (AND BEER!) to mark the End of the 2009 MLB Season and Game #162 of a very bizzarre Tribe campaign. Best Wishes and Happy Trails to soon-to-be-Ex-Tribe Skipper ERIC WEDGE who used DARTS to make up his lineup card EVERY DAY during the season. The Crew recommends Wedgy should next manage in college so he can have a virtually unlimited player roster. Or become a FoxSports "analyst". The "street" has it that Wedgy is close to Braves long-time Manager BOBBY COX so look for Wedgy in the ATL next season as Cox finishes up his final season as Braves skipper. More dogs, peanuts and beer await the Crew on Wednesday for the MLB Divisional Playoffs! Best of luck to Victor Martinez (BOSOX) and last year's Cy Young Winner Cliff Lee (PHILLIES) and "Go Tribe West" aka The LA Dodgers!
»»» Sound Cannon use challenged in Pittsburgh @ Democracy NOW! WATCH Pittsburgh Police Challenged over Use of Sound Cannons During G-20 and for Wrongfully Arresting Dozens of University of Pittsburgh Students
»»» Robert Greenwald @ Democracy NOW! WATCH Rethink Afghanistan: Filmmaker Robert Greenwald Launches Film Opposing Escalation of War
»»» Wendell Potter @ Democracy NOW! WATCH Insurance Industry Whistleblower Wendell Potter Blasts Senate Panel Rejection of Public Insurance Option
»»» Honduran coup regime @ Democracy NOW! WATCH Internal Pressure Forces Honduran Coup Regime to Reverse Civil Liberties Crackdown, But Repression Continues
»»» Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald on GRITtv WATCH Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald on the Media’s Wars
»»» Weekly Roundtable on GRITtv Here to judge this week's coverage are Liliana Segura, Associate Editor for, Karen Fragala Smith, Associate Editor for Newsweek, and Esther Armah, Host of "Wakeup Call" on WBAI 99.5 FM in New York City. WATCH Media Panel: Iranian Missile Crisis, Public Option, and the G20
»»» NASCAR on ABC It's the Price Chopper 400 at Kansas Speedway! Coverage begins at 1 pm et
»»» MLB on TBS Divisional Round Coverage begins Wednesday October 7th!
»»» Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN is over! See you next season!
DIEBOLD: RETURN OUR MONEY! - Velvet Revolution has been calling for accountability and transparency from electronic voting companies since launching its "Divestiture for Democracy” campaign in 2005. We are now putting all such companies on notice: Across the nation, we are fed up with false promises, shoddy and faulty voting systems, and continued knowing violation of the law. We demand accountability and we insist that public officials enforce their contracts and applicable federal and state standards! Our election system has been dangerously compromised. 'We the People' will not tolerate compromise on our freedoms, our liberty, our democracy. We will not compromise on our insistence that companies receiving taxpayer money act transparently and honestly. Send an email to Diebold/Premier, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen and California Attorney General Jerry Brown. CLICK HERE NOW!
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THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
The essential guide for watching government propaganda
IRAQ: 4,348 Military Dead as of Oct 1, 2009
AFGHANISTAN: 859 Military Dead as of Oct 1, 2009
2,349 days since "Mission Accomplished"
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
- This Week (ABC)
• Alan Greenspan
• Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
• Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX).
• ROUNDTABLE: ABC’s George Will, Cokie Roberts, Matthew Dowd and The Nation’s Katrina vanden Huevel. - Face The Nation (CBS)
• Gen. James Jones, National Security Adviser (ret.)
• Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee
• Gen. Anthony Zinni, Former Commander, Centcom
• Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., Chairman, House Armed Services Committee - 60 Minutes (CBS)
• THE SWINDLER - To understand how Bernard Madoff could have done what he did, listen to so-called "mini-Madoff" Ponzi schemer Marc Dreier tell Steve Kroft in his first television interview how he scammed $400 million. Ira Rosen is the produce
• 130 MILLION TONS OF WASTE - If coal ash is safe to spread under a golf course or be used in carpets, why are the residents of Kingston, Tenn., being told to stay out of a river where the material was spilled last December? Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On is the producer.
• THE GREAT MIGRATION - Scott Pelley visits Kenya, the site of the great wildebeest migration, and looks at the threats to this natural spectacle comprised of over a million animals. Henry Schuster and Rebecca Peterson are the producers. - Meet the Press (NBC)
• SUSAN RICE, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
• ROUNDTABLE: The New York Times' DAVID BROOKS; The Washington Post's E.J. DIONNE; msnbc's RACHEL MADDOW; and Republican strategist MIKE MURPHY. - State of the Union With John King (CNN)
State of the Union with John King offers a blend of newsmaker interviews, political analysis, national and world affairs and cultural segments, plus an hour of Reliable Sources media analysis, hosted by Howard Kurtz, airing every Sunday from 9 a.m. through 1 p.m. et
• General Jim Jones (Ret.)
• Democrat Barbara Boxer of California
• Republican Jon Kyl of Arizona
• 'Sound of Sunday' segment at 11 AM ET, political strategists James Carville and Mary Matalin
• Hour 2 - Howard Kurtz & "Reliable Sources", now a part of "State of the Union" - not really.
• soundbites from all the other shows that we can blow up REAL BIG with our guests and more! (Hey we gotta fill up four hours!) - NEW! The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST!
Listen at!
The Peter B. Collins Show covers American news and politics from the Left Coast.Veteran talk radio personality Peter B. Collins, based in San Francisco, delivers fresh interviews, commentary and analysis on a range of important topics, with views and voices you don’t often find in the corporate media. We are taking YOUR calls! Call 1-888-5-PETER-B toll free, that’s 1-888-573-8372 & Press 1 to leave a general comment.
• Info on Podcast #40 (mp3) Published on 26 September 2009 by admin in Podcast Info - Sibel Edmonds ungagged! In this exclusive one on one interview, Sibel tells the story of her hiring at the FBI, the administrative missteps and criminal behavior she became aware of, Turkey’s use of bribes and personal matters to compromise members of Congress and a top State Dept. official to advance its interests, and her revelations about Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) which have prompted a bitter attack in response from the congresswoman’s spokesman–and an open letter from Edmonds to Schakowsky inviting her to hold hearings on all of Sibel’s information. We were not able to get all the details in one interview, so Sibel has agreed to do another episode in the near future. For more information on this explosive account that remains blacked out by US corporate media, go to and - Ring of Fire Radio
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• This week on Ring of Fire, Joseph Cirincione from the Ploughshares Fund will be joining us to talk about our military options in the Middle East.
• We’ll also be talking with author Bill McKibben about the lack of effort coming from the Obama administration when it comes to tackling climate change.
• Investigative journalist Robert Dreyfuss will be here to talk about the latest problems with Iran, and whether or not the neocon hawks will once again be pushing their strategy of pre-emptive strikes.
• And attorney and consumer advocate Ben Gordon will stop by to tell us about the problems with Chinese Drywall, and why this dangerous product could be destroying your home without you even knowing.
• Join our blog at
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm (4 pm on XM 167) featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week." - On the Edge with Max Keiser Podcasts and more @!
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts “The Truth About Markets” on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s “People & Power” series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• [OTE21] On the Edge with Max Keiser – First halfStacy Summary: Here is the second half interview! OTE21] – On the Edge with . . . Janet Tavakoli Oct 3rd, 2009
• Revealed: how measly millions turned ‘reform’ into yet another multi-billion dollar corporate welfare programStacy Summary:Americans (as well as most other Western nation citizens) have two things between them and the government that is supposed to be by and for them . . . electronic voting machines and well paid lobbyists/propagandists. READ Millions spent by lobbyists to fight health care reform.
• Twilight of Pax Americana, new dawn for global IMF tax plan? READ Twilight of Pax Americana at LA Times AND Banks and traders threatened by new international tax plan drawn up by IMF at Telegraph UK - ANTIWAR RADIO with Scott Horton & Charles Goyette
LIVE (9-11am Pacific, 12pm - 2pm Eastern) Plenty of archives too!
Listen at Antiwar Radio
• Scott Horton interviews Gareth Porter (mp3) 30:19 Oct 2 2009. Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for Inter Press Service, discusses Obama’s big lie about Iran’s Qom facility, the foreboding language used to describe minor IAEA violations, an anonymous source’s revelation that unauthorized Israeli planes entering U.S. controlled airspace will be shot down and how people ignorant of IAEA terminology are duped into thinking Iran is building secret nukes.
• Scott Horton interviews Joe Lauria (mp3) 30:20 Oct 2 2009. Independent investigative journalist Joe Lauria discusses the 2009 General Assembly of the United Nations, Muammar Gaddafi’s energetic denouncement of the U.N. Security Council and every recent U.S. military action, observations that Obama’s rock star aura remains intact, Iran’s obligations and alleged violations under their IAEA Safeguards Agreement, the politics of climate change and the UN Security Council’s war powers. - fauxnews
• Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind
• Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C
• Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa
• Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
We're here because you're there. ©
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