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Mountaintop Mining Critical Peer Review
The crew at Brick TeeVee recommends that you click on ALL the links and investigate for yourselves. And we encourage passing on these links to ALL your lists. Feel free to link here. No charge. IF you and yer friends have NOT heard about this issue OUR GUESS is that CorporoMedia has COMPLETELY IGNORED this story, which only AMPLIFIES our belief that the Corporommdia by OMISSION will NOT report BAD STUFF that makes their corporate sponsors squirm. Remember the U.S. ranks only 20th in the Press Freedom Index 2009 @ Reporters Without Borders. Read on and disseminate this info as you see fit.
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ALL LINKS OPEN A NEW WINDOW!!!Mountaintop Mining Critical Peer Review
Head On Radio with Bob Kincaid 7 Jan 2010 (mp3)
With guests and co-authors of Science Magazine: “Mountaintop Mining Consequences” (subs. req’d)
• Dr. Margaret Palmer, PhD Ecology and Population Biology Assistant Professor Duke University
• Dr. Emily Bernhardt Duke University
• Dr. A.D. "Dennis" Lemly, Selenium expert -"a deadly poison" - senior scientist at the Southern Research Station in Blacksburg, Virginia
• Dr. Michael Hendryx, PhD WVU
Science bombshell explodes myth of clean coal: Mountaintop “mining permits are being issued despite the preponderance of scientific evidence that impacts are pervasive and irreversible and that mitigation cannot compensate for losses.”
January 7, 2010
- A stunning new article in the journal Science should once and for all kill the myth of “clean coal.” The 11-author study, “Mountaintop Mining Consequences” (subs. req’d) on mountaintop mining with valley fills (MTM/VF) is an analysis of “current peer-reviewed studies and of new water-quality data from WV [West Virigina] streams.”
JEFF BIGGERS @ Huffington Post: Mountaintop Removal Mayhem: Blair Mtn Scandal (Feds See Dead People), Coal Profits Soar, EPA Disses Scientists
• NPR Diane Rehm Show January 7, 2010: The Ongoing Controversy Over Mountaintop Coal Mining Listen to Roger "Citizens for Coal" Horton LIE!
• Eminent group of scientists call for moratorium on issuance of mountaintop mining permits
• Washington Post: Scientists say mountaintop mining should be stopped
• Guardian UK: US scientists demand government ban on mountaintop mining Analysis of damage done leaves Obama no choice but to ban the highly destructive practice, say the authors of a new study
• "COAL COUNTRY" The Movie:
- COAL COUNTRY tells of the dramatic struggle around the use of coal, which provides over half the electricity in America. In Appalachia, miners and residents are locked in conflict: is mining and processing coal essential to providing good jobs, or is it destroying the land, water and air? What does this mean for the rest of America and the world?
• INFO AND MANY MORE HEADLINES (Many more headlines and stories not listed here! GOOD ITEM! -Ed.)
Check these links from last week! And followup on your own!
»»» 2009 in Review @ Democracy NOW! WATCH Hope, War and Resistance: 2009 in Review
»»» Glenn Greenwald @ Democracy NOW! WATCH 2009 in Perspective: Glenn Greenwald on the Five Wars US Is Fighting in Muslim Countries
»»» Gaza Freedom March Update @ Democracy NOW! WATCH EXCLUSIVE…Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Speaks Out in Support of Gaza Freedom March, Blasts Israeli-Egyptian “Siege” of Gaza
»»» WEB EXCLUSIVE! Noam Chomsky @ Democracy NOW! WATCH NOAM CHOMSKY: "Gaza: One Year Later"
»»» Year in Review: 2009 & the 00's @ GRITtv It's the end of 2009. We're still in two wars, Guantanamo is not yet closed, and the jobless numbers are still sky-high. What happened to all the optimism we started the year with? There have been bright spots and not-so-bright spots, nasty political fights and moments of progress. WATCH Year in Review: Looking Back at 2009 and the 00’s
»»» 2009: Howard Dean @ GRITtv Many were surprised when Obama didn't tap Howard Dean for a place in his administration--Health and Human Services or even Surgeon General would've seemed a natural fit for the Vermont doctor. But being outside the administration has allowed Dean to be a loud, progressive voice for a better health care plan, and he spent plenty of time making the media rounds this year doing just that. WATCH Year in Review: Howard Dean
image ©2006 arkysue
THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
The essential guide for watching government propaganda
IRAQ: 4,372 Military Dead as of Jan 7, 2010
AFGHANISTAN: 952 Military Dead as of Jan 7, 2010
2,415 days since "Mission Accomplished"
The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises
- This Week (ABC) with guest anchor Terry Moran
• White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Christina Romeran
• ROUNDTABLE: George Will, Liz Cheney, Bloomberg’s Al Hunt, Judy Woodruff of the PBS Newshour and former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich. - Face The Nation (CBS)
• Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. (right)
• Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich. (left)
• Peter Baker, New York Times White House Correspondent
• Jan Crawford, CBS News Chief Legal Correspondent - 60 Minutes (CBS)
• WATCHING THE BORDER - Steve Kroft reports on the status of the multi-billion-dollar "virtual fence" being built at the U.S.-Mexican border, which is years behind schedule and so far covers only about one percent of the border. Keith Sharman is the producer.
• REVELATIONS FROM THE CAMPAIGN - Authors of a new book, "Game Change," and John McCain's former top campaign strategist reveal behind-the-scenes issues from the Republican and Democratic camps during the presidential campaign. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports. Robert Anderson is the producer.
• RESURRECTING THE EXTINCT - Scientists believe they can sustain endangered species - maybe even one day resurrect some that have died out - using DNA technology. Lesley Stahl reports. Shari Finkelstein and Meghan Frank are the producers. - Meet the Press (NBC)
• Democratic National Committee Chairman Gov. TIM KAINE (D-VA)
• Republican National Committee Chairman MICHAEL STEELE.
• California Governor ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER.
• ROUNDTABLE: NBC's Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent ANDREA MITCHELL & NBC's Political Director and Chief White House Correspondent CHUCK TODD. - State of the Union With John King (CNN)
State of the Union with John King offers a blend of newsmaker interviews, political analysis, national and world affairs and cultural segments, plus an hour of Reliable Sources media analysis, hosted by Howard Kurtz, airing every Sunday from 9 a.m. through 1 p.m. et
• Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) LIVE from Jerusalem
•Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Christina Romer
• Hour 2 - Howard Kurtz & "Reliable Sources", now a part of "State of the Union"
• Hour 3 'Sound of Sunday' segment - soundbites from all the other shows that we can blow up REAL BIG with our guests and more! (Hey we gotta fill up four hours!) - WEDNESDAY PRAYER MEETIN' with Reverend Bob Kincaid! Can I get an "AMEN"?
Headon Radio with Bob Kincaid 6 PM Eastern, 3 PM Pacific, 2300 GMT. Duration: 3 hrs. Bob’s Show Topics: To be part of the conversation on Head-on Radio, call toll-free (877)443-2366, or use our Liberal community line at 304-658-3333. Email: bob [at] headonradio [dot] com.
TODAY'S MEETIN' : Wednesday, JAN 7 2010 Coma Baby Revived! (mp3) Amen for the mp3! Praise to White Rose Society for the podcasts! AMEN BROTHERS AND SISTERS! - The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST!
Listen at!
The Peter B. Collins Show covers American news and politics from the Left Coast.Veteran talk radio personality Peter B. Collins, based in San Francisco, delivers fresh interviews, commentary and analysis on a range of important topics, with views and voices you don’t often find in the corporate media. We are taking YOUR calls! Call 1-888-5-PETER-B toll free, that’s 1-888-573-8372 & Press 1 to leave a general comment.
• Info on Podcast #83 Published on 07 Jan 2010 by admin in Podcast Info -- Yemenis trapped at Gitmo, Accountablity for BushCo? British journalist Andy Worthington is our expert on America’s Gulag and wrote The Guantanamo Files. Charlotte Dennett is a journalist and lawyer; her book The People v. Bush has just been published. Worthington talks about the new hysteria produced by the failed terrorist action on Christmas Day and the fear projected by American politicians of both parties. He corrects the record about the former Gitmo prisoners released under Bush who are now leading al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula, about Liz and Dick Cheney’s rants and about the 6 Yemenis released in December and more than 80 who remain. Dennett was a candidate for Vermont Attorney General in 2008, and based her campaign in part on Vincent Bugliosi’s legal strategy to prosecute Bush for murder. She talks about her campaign and the ongoing struggle for accountability, which is largely opposed by ObamaCo, and profiles activists like Michael Ratner, Glenn Greenwald, David Swanson and the ACLU as they continue to fight for justice and constitutional rule.
• Info on Podcast #82 Published on 04 Jan 2010 by admin in Podcast Info -- Goodman and McGovern on CIA deaths in Afghanistan. Melvin A. Goodman is a former analyst for CIA, State Dept. and Defense and author of Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA. Ray McGovern started at the CIA in the 1960’s and was daily briefer to Reagan. Combined, they have more than 60 years of intelligence experience. They comment on the suicide bomber who killed 7 CIA agents in Afghanistan, the CIA’s role in the drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the likely cycle of vengeance that will follow, and Obama’s decision to commit more US troops. We also talk about the attempt to blow up a US airliner approaching Detroit on Christmas day and the hysterical response, as well as the dismissal of criminal charges against Blackwater mercenaries for the Nisour Square incident. Read Goodman’s commentary at and McGovern’s dispatches at - Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio
fcousins posted on January 9, 2010 10:15
• Today on Ring of Fire, author Nomi Prins will be here to tell us some of the biggest lies that the fat cat bankers on Wall Street fed us in 2009.
• Comedian Matt Filipowicz will talk about Rush Limbaugh’s newfound love of socialized medicine, and he’ll also give us some insight into why the GOP is still deathly afraid of Dick Cheney.
• Political consultant Doug Schoen will drop by to tell us how to fix the major problems facing our democracy – which includes reforming the so-called mainstream media.
• And we’ll also take a look at two dangerous products that are currently on the market and causing irreversible damage to American consumers.
• Join our blog at
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm (4 pm on XM 167) featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week." - On the Edge with Max Keiser Podcasts and more @!
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts “The Truth About Markets” on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s “People & Power” series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• [Video] The Truth About Markets – 09 January 2010Stacy Summary: Video format for those who prefer it; the audio file will be posted in the next hour.
• Catherine Austin Fitts’ Review of 2009 Stacy Summary: Catherine Austin Fitts’ excellent wrap up of 2009. Read 2009: The Year of the Great Vampire Squid
• [KR07] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Scandal! Stacy Summary:: We cover the Iceland story with an interview of Johannes Skulaso of Indefence and Max re-introduces the Eldridge Cleaver pants for today’s airport experience. - ANTIWAR RADIO with Scott Horton & Charles Goyette
LIVE (9-11am Pacific, 12pm - 2pm Eastern) Plenty of archives too!
Listen at Antiwar Radio
• Scott Horton interviews Matthew Harwood(mp3) 29:33 Jan 7 2010. Matthew Harwood, author of the article “New Year’s resolution for Guantanamo,” discusses some of the positive steps Obama has taken to restore constitutional government, the US public’s simultaneous distrust of the government and adoration of the military, the seldom discussed Military Commissions Act of 2009 and how the US culture of fear and paranoia is stoked by politicians and the media.
• Scott Horton interviews Karen Kwiatkowski (mp3 at link) Jan 7 2010. Karen Kwiatkowski, columnist at and retired USAF lieutenant colonel, discusses the dogged determination of Bush supporters who still believe the Iraq war lies, the laser-like neoconservative focus on Middle East policy, how several well-placed neocons hijacked the US government and started the war in Iraq, Donald Rumsfeld’s ultimate success at establishing military outpost “lily pads” and how George W. Bush let loose the neocon “crazies in the basement” his father warned about. - fauxnews
• Gov. Tim Kaine, Chairman, Democratic National Committee
• Michael Steele, Chairman, Republican National Committee
• Sen. Jon Kyl, (R) Arizona / Senate Minority Whip
• Sen. Jack Reed, (D) Rhode Island / Armed Services Committee
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Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
We're here because you're there. ©
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