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COLLAPSE OF THE UNITED STATES With the hostage takers not moving an inch the U.S. Government hurtles toward an impending default later this week. We'll have more on this in a bit but first THIS JUST IN from our BTV correspondent MADDY The US is losing control of the internet by Duncan Geere at All of the major internet organisations have pledged, at a summit in Uruguay, to free themselves of the influence of the US government. The directors of ICANN, the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Architecture Board, the World Wide Web Consortium, the Internet Society and all five of the regional Internet address registries have vowed to break their associations with the US government. In a statement, the group called for "accelerating the globalization of ICANN and IANA functions, towards an environment in which all stakeholders, including all governments, participate on an equal footing". That's a distinct change from the current situation, where the US department of commerce has oversight of ICANN. In another part of the statement, the group "expressed strong concern over the undermining of the trust and confidence of Internet users globally due to recent revelations of pervasive monitoring and surveillance". Meanwhile, it was announced that the next Internet Governance Summit would be held in Brazil, whose president has been extremely critical of the US over web surveillance.
In a statement announcing the location of the summit, Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff said: "The United States and its allies must urgently end their spying activities once and for all." HUGE! But it's kinda like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, no?
Saturday October 12 was a Day of Action across the country and worldwide by - go there to see the most recent listing of the 404 confirmed events. Click on any of them for updates from those cities! And Don Smith at finds More GMO propaganda from BigAg and he also redirects us to
Farmer wants to protect growers from GMOseeds at the Tri City Herald.
In this Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) press release Matthew Hoh reflects on the 12th anniversary of Afghan war at Shutdown Government, Expand Military: * Afghan War After 12 years * Africa Attacks * U.S. Global Bases Hoh is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy and is the former director of the Afghanistan Study Group. A former Marine and State Department official, Hoh resigned in protest from his post with the State Department in Afghanistan over U.S. strategic policy and goals in Afghanistan in 2009. He said today: “It is fitting that as we pass the 12-year mark of the U.S. and Western invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the U.S. government is shut down, our economy, education system and infrastructure continues their persistent degradation, and the American people, for the first time ever, now believe their children will not be better off than they. The failure of the United States’ war in Afghanistan, a failure that has been obvious for quite some time, like our own domestic failings, is a testament to a broken American political order and a $1 trillion a year national security Leviathan. Of course, the Afghan people are no closer to becoming a country at peace than at any time since the 1970s and the United States must and should understand its responsibility and culpability in the continuing death, loss and chaos.
“Similarly, in Libya and Somalia, again violence and military force is proving not to be a solution to terrorism. We have to understand the root causes. And many times these root causes are local and regional issues we have a poor grasp of — and sometimes those root causes are grievances against U.S. policies. In Somalia, we keep losing sight of the fact that al-Shabab has not conducted operations anywhere that was not related to occupation of Somalia, this is true for their operations in Uganda and their recent attack in Kenya. So much of this is tied to the U.S. sponsored Ethiopian invasion of Somalia. In Libya, our support in the overthrow of Gaddafi’s government, to include the killing of the man that the U.S. State Department had defined as a reliable ally in the war on terror, has led to continued chaos and a vacuum in government. Two years later we find ourselves having to kidnap a man responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. How can we describe our operations in Libya to have been successful or a model for future operations as is so often described by administration officials or pundits?” More comments from VIJAY PRASHAD and DAVID VINE at the link. And at Tom Dispatch Tomgram: David Vine, The Pentagon's Italian Spending Spree ...... Today, TomDispatch regular David Vine explores another previously unnoted aspect of Washington’s preparations for future wars in a destabilizing Africa: a startling traffic jam of U.S. military bases in Italy. Someday, in some unexpected way, the Italian base story will suddenly break big-time in the mainstream and, once again, it will seem to arrive out of the blue, out of nowhere, without any context, and everyone will be shocked, shocked (unless, of course, you read it first at TomDispatch). Tom The Italian Job -
How the Pentagon Is Using Your Tax Dollars to Turn Italy into a Launching Pad for the Wars of Today and TomorrowBy David Vine AND listen to Scott Horton's interview with DAVID VINE below!
FUKUSHIMA UPDATE: Karl Grossman covers a very important panel at Common Dreams Through Fukushima Lense, a Look at Looming US Nuclear Crisis It started this June in California. Speaking about the problems at the troubled San Onofre nuclear power plants through the perspective of the Fukushima nuclear complex catastrophe was a panel of Naoto Kan, prime minister of Japan when the disaster began; Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) at the time; Peter Bradford, an NRC member when the Three Mile Island accident happened; and nuclear engineer and former nuclear industry executive Arne Gundersen. This week, the same panel of experts on nuclear technology, joined by long-time nuclear opponent Ralph Nader was on the East Coast, in New York City and Boston, speaking about problems at the problem-riddled Indian Point nuclear plants near New York and the troubled Pilgrim plant near Boston, through the perspective on the Fukushima catastrophe. Their presentations were powerful. ........ “We do have accidents such as an airplane crash and so on,” said Kan, “but no other accident or disaster” other than a nuclear plant disaster can “affect 50 million other accident could cause such a tragedy.” ........ And what the Fukushima accident “is telling us is society does not accept the consequences of these accidents,” said Jaczko, who was pressured out of his position on the NRC after charging that the agency was not considering the “lessons” of the Fukushima disaster. In monetary cost alone, Jaczko said, the cost of the Fukushima accident is estimated at $500 billion by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ...... “This is a technology that can have 40 good years that can be wiped out in one bad day,” said Gundersen. He drew a parallel between Fukushima Daiichi “120 miles from Tokyo” and the Indian Point nuclear plant complex “26 miles from New York City.” He said that “in many ways Indian Point is worse than Fukushima was before the accident.” One element: the Fukushima accident resulted from an earthquake followed by a tsunami. The two operating plants at Indian Point are also adjacent to an earthquake fault line, said Gundersen. He also spoke of the “arrogance and hubris” of the nuclear industry and how the NRC has consistently complied with the desires of the industry. ......... Bradford also sharply criticized the agency of which he was once a member, the NRC, charging among other things that it has in recent years discouraged citizen participation. Also, as to Fukushima, the “accident really isn’t over,” said Bradford who, in addition to his role at the NRC has chaired the utility commissions of Maine and New York State. Nader said that with nuclear power and the radioactivity it produces “we are dealing with a silent cumulative form of violence.” He said nuclear power is “unnecessary, unsafe, and uninsurable...undemocratic.” And constructing new words that begin with “un-,” it is also “unevacuatable, unfinanceable, unregulatable.” .........
AND Common Dream Staff Writer Andrea Germanos has this FUKUSHIMA UPDATE: Fukushima Workers Doused With Radioactive Water In what was just the latest in a long series of mishaps at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, six workers were splashed with radioactive water, plant operator TEPCO said on Wednesday. A leak occurred when workers accidentally detached a pipe connected to a desalination system and as much as 10 tons of radioactive water may have spilled, hitting workers and covering the floor. Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of Japan's nuclear watchdog, the Nuclear Regulation Authority, said that while he did not believe the workers were exposed to "a seriously troubling dosage," he said that "the fact that there has been a string of incidents occurring on a daily basis that could have been avoided—I think that is the large problem." Wednesday's mishap was the second to hit the plant this week. On Monday, a worker at Fukushima accidentally turned off power to pumps for a water cooling system. And just days before that, on Thursday of last week, TEPCO announced another spill at the crisis-hit plant released water 6,700 times more radioactive than the legal limit.
The list of problems contributing to the ongoing Fukushima disaster are far from solved, as anti-nuclear activist Harvey Wasserman recently wrote:
- Massive quantities of heavily contaminated water are pouring into the Pacific Ocean. Hundreds of huge, flimsy tanks are also leaking untold tons of highly radioactive fluids. At Unit #4, more than 1,300 fuel rods, with more than 400 tons of extremely radioactive material, containing potential cesium fallout comparable to 14,000 Hiroshima bombs, are stranded 100 feet in the air. All this more than 30 months after the 3/11/2011 earthquake/tsunami led to three meltdowns and at least four explosions.
Also at Thom Hartmann's 'The Big Picture' Former PM Naoto Kan of Japan Speaks Out on Fukushima
Also at The Big Picture these MUST WATCH items!
- The Last Hours of Humanity: Warming the World to Extinction
- Climate Change - We Now Know The Point of No Return
- Earthquakes, global warming, methane...oh my!

Democracy Now's Iraq interactive timeline
- Bill Curtis, senior vice president and chief scientist at CAST, a software quality analysis firm Computer Glitches Plague Obamacare Launch as New York Accidentally Says Site Won’t Be Up Until 3013
- Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, professor of public health at CUNY-Hunter College & John McDonough, professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and director of the New Center for Public Leadership Is Obamacare Enough? Without Single-Payer, Patchwork U.S. Healthcare Leaves Millions Uninsured
- Ladar Levison, founder, owner and operator of Lavabit & Jesse Binnall, lawyer for Lavabit and Ladar Levison Lavabit: How One Company Refused to Give FBI "Unrestricted" Access to Emails of 400,000 Customers
- Platform founder James Marriott, Platform's Anna Galkina and Timothy Mitchell, Columbia University professor and author From Caspian Sea to Arctic to Middle East, How Oil Pipelines Threaten Democracy & Planet’s Survival We spend the hour looking at politics, money and the pursuit of oil, from the series of pipelines originating in the oil-rich Caspian Sea to the deposits in the Arctic Sea where Russia has charged 30 people with piracy for a Greenpeace protest against drilling, to the vast reserves of the Middle East that have fueled conflict for decades.
- Costa Gavras, world-renowned Greek-born, French filmmaker Taking on Capitalism, U.S. Torture & Dictatorships, Costa-Gavras on Decades of Political Filmmaking Costa-Gavras joins us for the hour to discuss a nearly 50-year career that has earned him the reputation as one of the world’s greatest living political filmmakers.
- Hossam Bahgat, Egyptian human rights activist 3 Months After Morsi Coup & Hundreds of Deaths, U.S. Scales Back Military Aid to Egypt
- Hossam Bahgat & ACLU's Executive Director Anthony Romero Report Finds Police Worldwide Criminalize Dissent, Assert New Powers in Crackdown on Protests AND "Edward Snowden Has Done This Country a Service": ACLU Praises Leaker for Kick-Starting NSA Debate
- Arizona Democrat Rep. RaĂşl Grijalva, co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Rep. RaĂşl Grijalva on Gov’t Shutdown & Why the Impasse Won’t Slow the Fight for Immigration Reform
- Paul Walker & Stephen Zunes Chemical Weapons Watchdog Wins Nobel Peace Prize as U.S. Opposes Calls for WMD-Free Middle East
- Leonard Downie Jr., former executive editor of The Washington Post Worse Than Nixon? Committee to Protect Journalists Warns About Obama Crackdown on Press Freedom
- Burt Neuborne, law professor and founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School "500 People Will Control American Democracy" If Supreme Court Overturns Campaign Finance Law
GRITtv @ with Laura Flanders »»» FEATURED SHOW Laura Gottesdiener: On Housing & Fighting Back Against Dreams Delayed Laura Gottesdiener activist and author of the book A Dream Foreclosed: Black America and the Fight for a Place to Call Home, spoke with GRITtv about the history of housing policy, the effects of the housing crisis on communities of color, and what is not being done to help them. more.....
BRICK TEEVEE SPORT!© »»» NASCAR on ESPN Kurt Busch wins Nationwide race at Charlotte - The victory was the series-best 11th of the season for Busch, who won for the eighth time in the series at Charlotte and for the 62nd time in his career, extending his own series record. In Victory Lane, Busch announced that he and wife Samantha were donating all the race winnings to the Pretty in Pink Foundation to combat breast cancer. »»» MLB PLAYOFFS NLCS on TBS Games 3, 4 5 Cardinals @ Dodgers 8:07 pm et MONDAY 4:07 pm et TUESDAY 4:07 pm et WEDNESDAY - STL leads 2-0 »»» MLB PLAYOFFS ALCS on FOX Tigers up 1-0 GAME 2 Tigers @ Red Sox 8:07 SUNDAY then Games 3, 4 5 Red Sox @ Tigers TUESDAY 8:07 pm et WEDNESDAY 4:07 pm et THURSDAY 8:07 pm et »»» SUNDAY FOOTBALL NIGHT IN AMERICA on NBC Redskins @ Cowboys 8:30 pm et
BRICK TEEVEE ACTION!© The 1st Amendment is Our Permit Our permit to occupy is The First Amendment. Quickly sign the following statement which will be delivered to mayors, police chiefs and major media across the country:
- Our permit to occupy public squares and parks is in The First Amendment, which affirms "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." When people across the Middle East occupied public squares, leaders in Washington mostly cheered those protesters and warned Middle Eastern governments not to use force to clear them. Those other societies don’t have a First Amendment. Yet Washington affirmed the universal right to assembly and protest. We do have a First Amendment. The force being used to clear nonviolent protesters from public squares in our country is unacceptable. It must stop. &! A bailout of the people by the people Rolling Jubilee is a Strike Debt project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, abolishes it. Together we can liberate debtors at random through a campaign of mutual support, good will, and collective refusal. Debt resistance is just the beginning. Join us as we imagine and create a new world based on the common good, not Wall Street profits. ADDENDUM: Naked Capitalism reports Top Tax Expert Confirms Our Doubts About Occupy Wall Street’s Debt Buying/Forgiveness Scheme
STOP the ACHE NEW WEBSITE! and Appalachian Community HEALTH EMERGENCY Advocating for government action and protection of the public from the health crisis in mountain top removal communities. The A.C.H.E. Act Is Re-Introduced In The 113th Congress!
- Washington, DC – Today a group of U.S. House of Representatives lawmakers introduced the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act (ACHE Act, H.R. 526) to protect Appalachian families and communities from the nation’s most extreme form of coal mining, mountaintop removal. The Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act’s leading sponsors are Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) and Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), joined by original cosponsors Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ), Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD), Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA), Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA), Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Rep. Janice Schakowksy (D-IL), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), and Rep. Jared Polis (DCO). a project of the Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland brings together, for the first time, information about the broad range of community wealth building activity. Featuring Overview: The Cleveland Model—How the Evergreen Cooperatives are Building Community Wealth Something important is happening in Cleveland. The Democracy Collaborative—the host of—in partnership with the Cleveland Foundation, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center, Shorebank Enterprise Cleveland, the City of Cleveland, and the city's major hospitals and universities—is helping to implement a new model of large-scale worker-owned and community-benefiting businesses. The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative is beginning to build serious momentum in one of the cities most dramatically impacted by the nation's decaying economy. Increasingly, this model is being referred to nationally as The Cleveland Model. Initial planning is now underway to assist other cities in Ohio and nationwide to replicate and adapt this innovative approach to economic development, green job creation, and neighborhood stabilization. Find more many resources at!
NET NEUTRALITY! Declaration of Internet Freedom Tired of fighting bad bills like SOPA, PIPA and CISPA? Want to stand up against those who are trying to control what we do and say online? It's time for something different. A group of more than 1,500 organizations, academics, startup founders and tech innovators has come together to produce a Declaration of Internet Freedom, a set of five principles that put forward a positive vision of the open Internet. Our goal: Get millions of Internet users to sign on to this Declaration. Build political power for Internet users to make sure that we get a seat at the table whenever, and wherever, the future of the Internet is being decided. It's time to stop playing defense and start going on the offensive. The open Internet is central to people’s freedom to communicate, share, advocate and innovate in the 21st century. But powerful interests want to censor free speech, block the sharing of information, hinder innovation and control how Internet users get online. And all too often, people in power are making political decisions behind closed doors about how the Internet should operate — and they're doing this without the involvement of actual Internet users. The result: policies that could close down the open Internet and destroy our freedom to connect. It’s time for us to reclaim the Internet for its users. Take action now and sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom. ACTION! Meet the New CISPA. Same as the Old CISPA. Last year, thanks to a public outcry, the effort to pass overreaching cybersecurity legislation stalled in the Senate. Now supporters have reintroduced the House version of that legislation — the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). The “new” version is in fact identical to the original CISPA — and poses the same threat to our digital civil liberties. If CISPA becomes law, it will be a major blow to our online privacy. But more than that, CISPA’s passage would have a chilling effect on our freedom to connect online. We won’t feel as free to state unpopular opinions, or to speak truth to power, if we know that Big Brother could get a feed of everything we say and do. This is not what the free and open Internet is about. We must tell Congress: Vote NO on CISPA and bury this bill for good.
NEW!!! Stop Media Consolidation! Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is trying to change the agency’s ownership rules to pave the way for Murdoch to get exactly what he wants. Worse, Genachowski and Murdoch are keeping this all very hush-hush, hoping you won't notice.3 These changes wouldn’t just benefit Murdoch. If the FCC proposal passes, one company could own the major daily newspaper, two TV stations and up to eight radio stations in your town. And that one company could be your Internet provider, too. What is the FCC thinking?!? We can still stop the agency from taking this perilous step — but we have less than a month to do it. By taking action, you’re joining a movement of millions who are working to stop big media from getting even bigger. Please take action today. Click HERE to view our infographic and send a message to the FCC! More info at Another FCC Cave-In: Julius Genachowski’s Media Consolidation Christmas Gift to Murdoch at! And Sign Senator Bernie Sanders petition to the FCC Protect Media Diversity: Stop Media Consolidation!
CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE American Majority Rejects Washington Austerity Consensus – And We Demand Media Coverage by Roger Hickey, President, Campaign for America's Future: No more silent majority. The Campaign for America’s Future is joining with the Center for Economic and Policy Research (whose Co-Director, Dean Baker blogs regularly about economic bias in the media) and with FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) to monitor the media’s coverage and representation of the American Majority views as they go into covering the big deficit fight. But we want to enlist YOU too. Send us accounts of unbalanced coverage in the national media and in your local newspapers and television. Call up reporters, editors, assignment people and tell them when they are under-representing the views of the American Majority. We should have at least half the experts, pundits, quotes and real people represented in their coverage. In a debate as important as the one we are going into, we can’t allow the media to ignore the American Majority. Much more at
MOVE TO AMEND! SIGN HERE NOW! And check out more actions on the Move to Amend Calendar for more! Also visit Rep Alan Grayson's site GET INVOLVED! And Alan Grayson is BACK in the 113th Congress! Help out at and check out his latest effort!
REPRESENT.US IT’S TIME TO GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS SO THE GOVERNMENT CAN REPRESENT US. Represent.Us is a fresh campaign to pass the American Anti-Corruption Act: a law that would overhaul campaign finance, impose strict lobbying and conflict of interest laws, and end secret political money. We are mobilizing millions of Americans — conservatives and progressives, young and old, every issue group fighting K Street, online and offline — to join this campaign. Represent.Us is not just building a movement to pass the Act. The campaign will use hard-hitting accountability tactics to unseat politicians who fail to endorse the Act. If passed, the Act will completely reshape American politics and policy-making and give people a voice. See this Guest Blog at Greenpeace by Executive Director Josh Silver The $6 Billion Auction: Finally, A Plan to Get Money Out of Politics for more information!
SUPPORT THE TROOPS WHO REFUSE TO FIGHT See and Bradley Manning Support Network From the Bradley Manning Support Network Announcing the Private Manning Support Network! August 26, 2013, By attorney David Coombs and the Private Manning Support Network (formerly the Bradley Manning Support Network). Additional clarification on PVT Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning's request regarding her gender and name. With your continued support, our network will continue its advocacy efforts in support our heroic WikiLeaks whistle-blower through this new phase of her life. ....... UPDATE! The Obama Administration and the Press October 10, 2013. By the Committee to Protect Journalists. A CPJ special report by Leonard Downie Jr. with reporting by Sara Rafsky. "U.S. President Barack Obama came into office pledging open government, but he has fallen short of his promise" they write, in this report that details the diminishing ability of the press to hold the government accountable as a result of the Obama administrations aggressive efforts to silence whistleblowers and control the media. The Manning case, they argue, was a turning point. ..... AND Update 10/10/13: War on whistleblowers has chilling effect on gov't accountability The Obama administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers than any other since Nixon, and it has begun to use its own media tools to bypass and block traditional investigative journalists. The effect has been chilling and undermined the ability of the press to hold the government to account. .....
DONATE YOUR OLD CELL PHONES TO T.J. MARTELL FOUNDATION Help save lives. Donate your old & used iPhone, Blackberries, Droid and other phones to help the T.J. Martell Foundations fund life-saving cancer & AIDS research. For more information, go to
CELLULAR PHONE TASK FORCE EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, SUPPORT at The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made safe. We provide: education to the public concerning electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog); advocacy for an electromagnetically cleaner environment; support for individuals disabled by radiation from wireless technology and other sources. WATCH THIS MOVIE at Top Documentary Films Resonance: Beings of Frequency Now we live an an ocean of electromagnetic radiation. It’s all around us now, invisible, but we know it’s there. Every time you lift up your mobile phone you know it’s there. It is very hard to turn the clock back, in fact it is impossible, but we need to be aware of the adverse health effects so that we can have the choice of taking precautions against the exposures. How we could have possibly thought that putting microwaves to our brain was safe. We just don’t fully understand what we’re doing. "Resonance: Beings of Frequency" is the first documentary to investigate the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. The film takes a deeper look at how humanity is reacting to the most profound environmental change the planet has ever seen. Read more HERE!!
B R I C K T E E V E E The essential guide for watching government propaganda! THEY report. YOU throw bricks.© Get your Foam Bricks at HERE! IRAQ: 4,486 US Military Dead as of April 21, 2012 AFGHANISTAN: 2,286 US Military Dead as of Oct. 11, 2013 The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read
- This Week (ABC) Host George Stephanopoulos
• Mitch McConnell (Regressive - KY) as in jelly - you'll need it!
• Sen. Harry "I wuz a boxer" Reid (D-AZ)
• more morons
• ROUNDTABLE: tba with the usual suspects no doubt
- Face The Nation (CBS) Host Bob Schiefer
• Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.
• Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
• Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H.
•Tea Party Republican Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan.
• ROUNDTABLE: Dee Dee Myers, the press secretary during the Clinton administration, Newt Gingrinch, former speaker of the house, Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel, and Washington Post's Dan Balz.
- 60 Minutes (CBS)
• Detroit - Decades of declining population, reduced tax revenues, corruption and other misfortunes have put the former industrial capital of America on the brink of bankruptcy. Bob Simon reports on the decline of an American city and the people determined to bring it back. Tanya Simon is the producer
• Boy Wonder - Jack Andraka is the smartest kid in science class and probably in his entire high school. But the teen who may have invented an early test for pancreatic cancer -- an organ he says he didn't even know he had when he began his quest -- says creativity rather than brains played the bigger role in his discovery. Morley Safer reports. Katy Textor is the producer.
• Rescue - in a true story that could be a Hollywood movie a young assistant bank manager at a Saigon Citibank risks his life to save 105 Vietnamese, spiriting them out of the besieged city in 1975 by duping the American military into thinking they were his own family. Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On is the producer.
- Meet the Press (NBC) Host David Gregory
• Microsoft, NBC News Dissolve Joint Venture NBC is buying Microsoft's 50 percent interest in the MSNBC website for an undisclosed amount. will be rebranded as, and readers who logged into late Sunday were automatically redirected to Microsoft is preparing to launch its own news service this fall. Although he declined to provide many details about the operation general manager of Bob Visse said the news staff will be about the same size as the roughly 100 people who created original content for the "There is no question that we are going to have more flexibility to make our own decisions," said Vivian Schiller, NBC News' chief digital officer. "This is really an amicable breakup. We think competition will make us better." Okay then.
• Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)
• Assistant Democratic Leader Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
• EXCLUSIVE: IMF's Christine Lagarde
• Fmr. Defense Sec. Panetta on Shutdown Impact
• ROUNDTABLE: Co-anchor and managing editor of the PBS Newshour, Judy Woodruff; Washington Post Columnist Kathleen Parker; former Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN); and NBC News Chief White House Correspondent and Political Director Chuck Todd.
- State of the Union With Candy Crowley (CNN) At 9 AM ET, Candy talks to the power players: politicians, business leaders and international newsmakers who will make Monday morning's headlines and at noon ET.
• Treasury secretary Jack Lew
• Republican Senator Ted Cruz
• Former Vermont Governor and DNC Chief Howard Dean
• ROUNDTABLE: Rep. Donna Edwards, Rep. Steve king, CNN crossfire host Stephanie Cutter and CNN Political Commentator Ross Douthat.
- HEAD ON RADIO with Bob Kincaid
Headon Radio with Bob Kincaid 6 PM Eastern, 3 PM Pacific, 2300 GMT. Duration: 3 hrs. To be part of Conversation Radio call toll-free (877) 443-2366, or use our Liberal community line at 304-658-3333. Email bob [at] headonradio [dot] com during the show!
• FRONT PORCH FRIDAY!! Bob wraps up the news of the week! Pull up a cold one! Listen NOW HERE - Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 (mp3)! Amen to the White Rose Society! Bob's show archives at the White Rose HERE! Keep Bob on the air! Donate to Head On HERE! And join Coal River Mountain Watch at!
- YOUR GREEN NEWS REPORT With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen!
The Green News Report with Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen: 6 minutes of green news, politics, analysis & snarky comment! BOOKMARK NOW!
• 'Green News Report' - October 10, 2013 IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Shutdown's 'non-essential' food safety workers discovered essential after all in widespread salmonella outbreak; International community moving forward on climate solutions; Natural Gas War on Coal closes dirty coal plants; "The New Normal" - a time frame for climate change; PLUS: Climate science deniers now denied access to the L.A. Times ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
• IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see link): VIDEO: What’s Funnier than a Climate Denier at a Science Fair?; Latest leak at Fukushima plant contaminates 6 workers; ND suffers first big oil spill; Drought the culprit behind CO pine-beetle epidemic; Big Oil sues over ethanol mandate; Enviros urge WGBH to dump Koch on board; Shell exec says oil companies could lead in carbon capture technology; Shutdown means a delay in Keystone XL pipeline review ... PLUS: Fusion "Breakthrough" at NIF? [Uh, Not Really] … and much, MUCH more! ...
• 'Green News Report' - October 8, 2013 IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Government shutdown doesn't stop record blizzard or National Weather Service meteorologists in Upper Midwest; 'Energy is the solution': making the economic case for climate action; Climate change denial industry harassing academics --- again; PLUS: Bright side to accidental power outage at Fukushima: at least we know the back-up systems work ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! KS SoS' New Plan to Stop 17k+ Legal Voters from Voting Kris Kobach, one of the RW's favorite 'voter fraud' fraudsters, won't be deterred by SCOTUS! He's got a new scheme to keep legal voters from voting. UPDATED: AZ too!...
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! VIDEO! Warren Slams Republican 'Extremists', Offers Case for Why 'Government Matters' [VIDEO] By Ernest A. Canning - Speaking on the floor of the U.S. Senate last week, on the third day of the federal government shutdown, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) excoriated Republicans in the House of Representatives as "extremists" and "anarchists", while offering an impassioned case for why "government matters." .... MORE!
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! Stabenow Forces Cruz to Admit He SUPPORTS 'Government-Run Healthcare' Is there no hole too deep for the hypocritical TX 'Tea-Party' Senator to avoid stepping in?...
• BRADCAST! KPFK 'BradCast': GOP Shutdown, 'ObamaCare' Lies As the GOP hoists themselves even farther on their own petard, we attempt to correct the 'ObamaCare' myths that the mainstream corporate media just can't seem to...
- The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST!
Listen at!
The Peter B. Collins Show covers American news and politics from the Left Coast. Veteran talk radio personality Peter B. Collins, based in San Francisco, delivers fresh interviews, commentary and analysis on a range of important topics, with views and voices you don’t often find in the corporate media.
• Holiday Break and Website Changes
- To my valued listeners: We are making some changes to the website and our terms, effective in January. We will continue to offer free podcasts–my new daily news and commentary. Our in-depth interviews will be available for $1 per episode, or to subscribers who pay $5 per month or more. Loyal listeners who simply can’t afford it should send an email to, as we will be offering a limited number of scholarships to our friends who are hurting during these tough times. More information will be posted as we complete the revisions. I’m grateful to each of you for listening and supporting this work, and hope that the new model will enable us to keep it going well into the future. All the best, -pbc
• PBC News & Comment Oct. 9, 2013 PBC News & Comment: At 5% Approval, How Low Can Congress Go?? Poll shows Congress at all-time low, as Supreme Court appears poised to allow rich mofos to give even more campaign
• PBC News & Comment Oct. 11, 2013 PBC News & Comment: News! More Ways They Can Track Your Smartphone! After yesterday’s warning from NSA whistleblower Russ Tice about smartphones, we learn about new ways web giants, government track us…
• PBC Standard Podcast Oct. 4, 2013 Special Video Interview: National Lawyer’s Guild’s Heidi Boghosian on Her New Book, “Spying on Democracy”
• PBC Standard Podcast Oct. 8, 2013LegalSchnauzer’s Roger Shuler Gets Payback for Exposing Corrupt Leaders in Alabama
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder
Ring of Fire Radio - GoLeft TV - Robert F. Kennedy, Mike Papantonio, Sam Seder - Politics, Commentary, and News.
This Weekend on Ring of Fire Radio! Oct. 12, 2013 Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern.
• Rolling Stone political correspondent Matt Taibbi will tell us about the Republican plan to loot public employee pensions.
• Blogger and author Chauncey DeVega will tell us why Republicans are ok with cutting aid for the needy.
• Attorney David Haynes will discuss the legal issues arising from the Navy Yard Shootings.
• And radio and TV host Thom Hartmann will tell us how we can prevent the next economic collapse.
• NEW! This Week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV! Oct 12, 2013 Sundays at NOON!
»» Ring of Fire co-host Sam Seder talks about the 5th IPCC report, and the action needed to help curb the effects of climate change.
»» Author and columnist David Sirota tells us how state politicians are stealing money from public employee pension funds. States, Politicians, Republicans, Public Employees, Retirement, Funds, Economics.
»» TV and radio host David Pakman will discuss the connection between cuts to higher education and faltering state economies.
»» Farron Cousins from The Trial Lawyer Magazine will talk about the aging politicians of the Democratic Party, and why that’s not sustainable for the party.
»» Radio host Richard Fowler will discuss the importance of training a new generation of political leaders.
• VIDEO! THE HISTORY OF CORPORATE CORRUPTION & FRAUD with Robert Kennedy Jr & Mike Papantonio “Call us if you have a personal story about Fraud on Taxpayers or False Claims for Payment made by Corportations at 1-866-389-FIRE (3473) or contact us by email at if you have evidence of fraud that robbed taxpayer dollars. If our government is paying too much due to fraud by a corporation, Ring of Fire wants to do a story on it.”
• Julian Assange Rails Against Biopic “The Fifth Estate” Next Friday, the Dreamworks produced biopic of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is set to release in theaters. “The Fifth Estate” is based on the early days and creation of Wikileaks, however, Assange has spoken out against the film and also sent a letter to the film’s lead actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Assange. In the letter, Assange decries the film and says that he does “not believe it is going to be positive for me or the people I care about. . . It is based on a deceitful book by someone who has a vendetta against me and my organisation.” MORE!
• VIDEO! Pap and RFK, Jr.: Living In The Age Of Mass Surveillance (VIDEO) This segment originally aired on the October 6th, 2013 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. This summer we learned that the NSA has been spying on US citizens without their knowledge – but that’s only half the story. The FBI has been doing this for decades. Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discuss the FBI’s domestic surveillance programs.
• This is the Koch Brothers’ Shutdown Too The unpopular, right-wing billionaire Koch Brothers have thrown up their hands and backed away from the GOP because of the shutdown. Members of Congress received a letter from Koch Industries (not the Koch’s themselves) stating their lack of stance on the shutdown, criticism of the Affordable Care Act, and their denial of “lobb[ying] on legislative provisions defunding Obamacare.” In the letter, Philip Ellender, President of Government & Public Affairs for Koch Industries, stated that “Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tactic of tying the continuing resolution to defunding Obamacare.” But the company’s owners did help feed this beast, effectively making it their shutdown too. MORE!
• Join our blog at You can now SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST by clicking on the "Podcast" tab at the top of the Ring of Fire blog. Please help support progressive radio by signing up! Ring of Fire Radio Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts 7-10 et Sunday evenings on Chicago's Progressive Talk WCPT AM & FM and 4 pm et on Sirius/XM 167 featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week."
- Majority Report with Sam Seder Streaming LIVE weekdays 12 NOON et @!
• MONDAY 10/7/13 Digby: Republicans Are Winning The War
• TUESDAY 10/8/13 Michael E. Mann: A Terrifying New Climate Change Report & Its Paid Denialists
• WEDNESDAY 10/9/13 Becky Bond: Progressives To Get Shafted In Debt Ceiling Fight?
• THURSDAY 10/10/13 Ian Millhiser: Citizens United Part 2?
• FRIDAY 10/11/13 Casual Friday: Guy Lawson & Film Guy Matthew Weiss
• MORE Podcast Interviews at!
- KEISER REPORT Podcasts and more @!
"HI Y'ALL! Tell the people! Tell the people!"
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts "The Truth About Markets" on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s "People & Power" series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• VISIT!!! Crowd Funding for Pirates!
• MaxKeiserTV on YouTube! MaxKeiserTV
• KEISER REPORT ON FACEBOOK STACY SUMMARY: For once and for all, here are our real Facebook pages, the other ones are fake. But if you feel like chatting to the fake ones, by all means, go ahead.
»» Max Keiser
»» Keiser Report
»» Stacey Herbert
• The Federal Reserve 100th Anniversary Road Show Spectacular! by alexschaefer - Paint Provocateur Alex Schaefer wants to say “Happy Birthday, Federal Reserve!’ You made it to 100 years of conducting the nation’s monetary policy! Since mainstream media didn’t send a card, a painter, a protestor, a filmmaker, a freedom fighter and a mad crew are going on a road trip across the USA to visit all twelve of your branches to help you celebrate! Come rain or monkey shines, they are on a mission to throw the birthday party nightmares are made of. A party to highlight the historic END of the original 100 year charter the Federal Reserve Bank has with the U.S. Government December 23rd, 2013! CLICK HERE FOR THE CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN & HELP GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD! Lots of great donation perks, all original works of art by Alex Schaefer and Cain Motter! This is a great way to collect some art AND help fund this amazing journey and film. It’s a win-win situation! Let’s some history and shake things up around here!
• Assange: How cryptography is a key weapon in the fight against empire states by maxkeiser - READ What began as a means of retaining individual freedom can now be used by smaller states to fend off the ambitions of larger ones (
• These statements from China confirm what many suspect, they have over 5,000 tonnes of Gold and can afford to talk like this. by MaxKeiser - READ Debt Ceiling: China Calls for World to Be ‘De-Americanised’ (
• VIDEO! Four Horsemen now on YouTube – Yea I’m in this film!!!! by MaxKeiser
• VIDEO! Anti-Monsanto protesters dump bags of cash in Senate building by maxkeiser
• KEISER REPORT [KR507] Keiser Report: Hierarchy of Price Fixing We discuss the good news for the economy as compensation payments for fraud trickles into the local economy and then they introduce the concept of the People’s Price Fix and a Keiser’s Hierarchy of Price Fixing. In the second half, Max interviews Professor Antal E. Fekete of about Fed induced hyper-deflation and why the American Austrians were wrong to predict that quantitative easing would cause inflation.
• KEISER REPORT [KR508] Keiser Report: When US backed cartel controls meth trade We discuss the preference for pink slime in economics, finance, education and politics. They look at the booming crystal meth market in America where the ‘shake and bake’ players are small time compared to the single US backed cartel controlling the trade. And how derivatives are the crystal meth of the financial markets. In the second half, Max interviews Jan Skoyles of The Real Asset Company about the report she co-authored, “Uncovering China’s Rush for Gold,” about China’s Gold Market, the ‘real’ size of China’s reserves and what Janet Yellen at the Fed will do for gold.
• KEISER REPORT [KR509] Keiser Report: Dirty Rotten Profits! We discuss David Cameron’s claim that profit is not a dirty word; and, yet, profits are whatever an accounting trick (or fraud) says it is, especially when an executive’s bonus is tied to this fabricated number. They look at profits as percentage of GDP being at an all time high, while investment is at an all time low; for, instead of investing, businesses are handing cash back to shareholders – a tactic once reserved for executives who had run out of ideas. In the second half, Max interviews Francine McKenna of about the Big Four accounting firms morphing into the Big Four consulting firms and the conflicts of interest that have arisen as a result.
• THE TRUTH ABOUT MARKETS [TaM-1291] The Truth About Markets – 05 October 2013 Stacy Summary: We discuss profits and how it is only the little people who report them. Download show HERE (mp3)
• THE TRUTH ABOUT MARKETS [TaM-1292] The Truth About Working the Order Aired: Resonance FM on 12 October 2013 Download show HERE (mp3)
• Donate to ResonanceFM here!
- The Scott Horton Radio Show
Scott Horton is host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles and KUCR 88.3 in Riverside, and the Scott Horton Show on No Agenda Radio. (You can listen live Monday through Friday, excluding Thursday, from 12-2 PM Eastern HERE.) Plenty of archives too!
• Scott Horton Radio Show 10/7/13 Michael Swanson: Michael Swanson is the author of The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-Industrial Complex And The Power Elite, 1945-1963. This is the first interview in a series of in-depth discussions about the book.
• Scott Horton Radio Show 10/9/13 Jason Leopold: Jason Leopold, a writer for Al Jazeera, discusses the human rights groups criticizing Obama’s failure to close Guantanamo prison; the just-released documents on prisoner genital searches that the DOJ claimed could help Al Qaeda attack Guantanamo; and the media’s failure to cover the still-ongoing hunger strike.
• Scott Horton Radio Show 10/11/13 David Vine: David Vine, author of Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia, discusses how Italy became the Pentagon’s launching pad for future wars in Africa and the Middle East; the bloody results of the military’s effort to keep busy; and the ebb and flow of the US’s empire of bases.
• SCOTT HORTON July 5, 2012: Scott says goodbye to Scott Horton is the former host of Antiwar Radio. Visit his blog Stress. Due to budget cuts Scott lost his gig at! Whoa! See for archives! Send emails to Scott at to help Scott keep his podcast going!
• Older interviews at Antiwar Radio!
- fauxnews
• Bob Corker of Tennessee (R)
• Joe Manchin of West Virginia (D)
• Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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