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February 2015 Roundup It's been an uneven month for the Brick TeeVee Crew with a February CLE OH cold spell challenging the records of February 1963 and lots of snow to deal with plus too-many-to-mention Real Life issues too. So we decided to post up all the stories of note we've accumulated over the past month to get you and us caught up! Click anything and be instantly smarter!
»» Week ending 2-8-15
- Kevin Gosztola, CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Released from Prison: Here’s His Final ‘Letter from Loretto’
- Electronic Frontier Foundation: Tell Obama: Stop Mass Surveillance Under Executive Order 12333
- Zacarias Moussaoui 911 testimony - LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press: Lawyers: Evidence shows Saudi Arabia aided 9/11 hijackers
- Robert Reich, Robert Reich: Why Work Is Turning Into a Nightmare
- Lame Stream Media coverage of TPP, mediamatters: STUDY: TV News Shows Largely Ignore Historic Trade Negotiations Trans-Pacific Partnership Barely Noticed By Weeknight News Over The Past 18 Months
- BBC's David Leigh, James Ball, Juliette Garside and David Pegg: HSBC files: Rona Fairhead declines to answer queries about activities at Swiss bank Chair of BBC Trust has been a director of HSBC since 2004 and headed its audit and risk committee from May 2007, covering some of the period detailed in files
- ASSAD INTERVIEW BBC: Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad
- Stephanie Mencimer, Why Is Big Pharma Financing a Conservative Group Trying to Destroy Obamacare?
- Democracy NOW! Exclusive: Freed CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Says "I Would Do It All Again" to Expose Torture
- David Ferguson, Demoted Catholic cardinal: ‘Radical feminists’ are to blame for pedophile priests RELATED: Mariah Blake, Mad Men: Inside the Men's Rights Movement—and the Army of Misogynists and Trolls It Spawned
- Jennifer Bendery, Obama Sends Congress Draft War Authorization What the hell is "LETHAL defensive weapons"? Like "Military Intelligence"? or even "Collateral Damage"?
- Democracy NOW! Playing with Fire? A Debate on U.S. Arming Ukraine & NATO Expansion to Russia’s Border ALSO John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago Don’t Arm Ukraine published in The New York Times AND General Charles Wald, retired four-star Air Force general, former deputy commander of U.S. European Command, co-author of a new report titled Preserving Ukraine’s Independence, Resisting Russian Aggression: What the United States and NATO Must Do at QUOTE: GEN. CHARLES WALD: Well, here’s the point to that. Here’s the answer to that. First of all, you’re mixing up the situation again. The United States is not going to occupy the Ukraine. NATO is not going to occupy the Ukraine. NATO has said the Ukraine is not going to be part of NATO.
- Six months since Mike Brown & jails more packed - Democracy NOW! Ferguson Residents Challenge "Modern Debtors’ Prison Scheme" Targeting Blacks with Fines, Arrests
- AUMF ISIS Jennifer Bendery, Obama Sends Congress Draft War Authorization
- Nick Meyer, Moms Crash Monsanto Shareholder Meeting: “I’m Imploring You to Choose a New Direction…Stop Poisoning Our Children” EXCERPT: “Glyphosate is a DNA mutagen and cell disintegrator, allowing toxins into the brain (8). Glyphosate is a chelator, causing vitamin and mineral deficiency. Without certain minerals our bodies cannot fight cancer (9). Glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor, causing infertility, sterility, miscarriages and birth defects (10).”
Honeycutt also stated that she was submitting hundreds of testimonials from mothers describing what Monsanto products are doing to their children and showing how their children get better when they avoid GMOs and eat organic. She then submitted hundreds of pages of studies and papers today showing how glyphosate impacts the gut-brain connection (11), leading to birth defects (12), liver and kidney disease (13), Parkinson’s (14), Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (15), Alzheimer’s, Celiac’s, Autism (15) and Cancer (16). “According to the current rate of diagnosis we can expect, in 20 years, 50% of our children born will get autism (17),” she noted. Human guinea pigs.
Everyone. It's in yer meat. yer tofu. it's in yer freakin Froot Loops! And yer urine, blood and other bodily excrement. BTV's Number One Grandson was taken off crap-food at four and every one of his allergies went away. ALL of them. He's a happy 2nd grader now!
How quickly can we bankrupt Monsanto? GoDaddy sez Yesssss! Your domain is available. Buy it before someone else does! only $9.99! Read THIS From 2013 at Is Glyphosate Poisoning Everyone? AND watch THIS Genetic Roulette -The Gamble of Our Lives A film by Jeffrey M. Smith – Narrated by Lisa Oz
- Warren Cornwall, The Missing Monarchs Monsanto’s Roundup and genetically modified crops are harming everybody’s favorite butterfly.
- NTY OP-ED Greece's Yanis Varoufakis: Yanis Varoufakis: No Time for Games in Europe
- Renee Maltezou and Jan Strupczewski, Reuters via HufPoAOL: Greek Debt Talks Break Down
- JOHN RABY, AP: Fire smolders a 3rd day from W.Va. oil train derailment
- BOB KINCAID MSNBC VIDEO Train carrying crude oil explodes in WV TRANSCRIPT All In With Chris Hayes, Tuesday, February 17th, 2015
- BOB KINCAID Radio Or Not with Nicole Sanders 2-18-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Bomb Trains & Other 21st Century Realities
- BOB KINCAID SONALI UPRISING Wed Uprising Excerpt of Bob Kincaid on a West Virginia Major Oil Spill from a Train Derailment
- Bryan Logan and Reuters, CBS newsman Bob Simon killed in a car crash
- Eva Golinger, TELESUR Venezuela: Coup in Real Time U.S. media is increasing its systematic negative coverage of Venezuela.
- Meghashyam Mali, US denies backing Venezuela coup attempt "The United States is not promoting unrest in Venezuela, nor are we attempting to undermine Venezuela’s economy or its government," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.
- William Greider, The Nation: Why Is No One Talking About the GOP’s Plan to Send Millions of Disabled Americans Into Poverty? McConnell-Boehner Republicans are now reviving the Gipper’s big lie, claiming the Social Security system is in crisis because of swollen disability benefits. Allegedly to save the system, these so-called fiscal conservatives intend to cut benefits and throw out those supposedly able-bodied slackers. Once again, their facts are bogus. Never mind, their story line is concocted to arouse anti-government resentment among people who are themselves strapped for income.
- Natasha Lomas, Find Out If U.K. Spied On You Illegally Via NSA’s Prism, Upstream Following a landmark legal ruling earlier this month that, prior to December 2014, the U.K.’s spy agency GCHQ acted illegally by receiving data from the NSA’s surveillance dragnets, privacy advocacy organization Privacy International has set up an online form where people can submit a request to be informed whether they were spied on in the past.
- BBC VIDEO Ukraine conflict: What happened in Kiev's Maidan square? AND BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse The untold story of the Maidan massacre A day of bloodshed on Kiev's main square, nearly a year ago, marked the end of a winter of protest against the government of president Viktor Yanukovych, who soon afterwards fled the country. More than 50 protesters and three policemen died. But how did the shooting begin? Protest organisers have always denied any involvement - but one man told the BBC a different story.
- Jeremy Scahill and Josh Begley, The//Intercept: The Great SIM Heist - How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle
- Christopher Soghoian, privacy researcher and activist on Democracy NOW! NSA & British GCHQ Hacked SIM Card Maker to Steal Encryption Keys to Spy on Billions of Cellphones Watch Part 2 of the interview: Security Researcher Christopher Soghoian on How to Use a Cellphone Without Being Spied On
- Dominic Rushe in New York, Sim card database hack gave US and UK spies access to billions of cellphones
- DAVID E. SANGER and NICOLE PERLROTH , NYT: Bank Hackers Steal Millions via Malware
- Submitted by GoldCore, NSA Trojan Firmware Widespread, U.S. International Tech Reputation May Suffer. Tech Privacy Has Been a Myth. Reuters reports: Kaspersky's reconstructions of the spying programs show that they could work in disk drives sold by more than a dozen companies, comprising essentially the entire market. They include Western Digital Corp, Seagate Technology Plc, Toshiba Corp, IBM, Micron Technology Inc and Samsung Electronics Co LTD
- Submitted by Dave, Kaspersky fingers NSA-style Equation Group for hard drive backdoor epidemic Kaspersky doesn’t name a likely source, but finds a lot of links to Stuxnet, which is often linked to the NSA. “There are solid links indicating that the Equation group has interacted with other powerful groups, such as the Stuxnet and Flame operators, generally from a position of superiority,” adds Kaspersky.
- Peter Maass, The//Intercept: : Stephen Kim Destroyed by the Espionage Act
- Peter Maass on Democracy NOW! Jailed for Speaking to the Press: How the Obama Admin Ruined Life of State Dept Expert Stephen Kim
- "The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe." --Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 1816. ME 14:384
- Democracy NOW! @
- GritTV with Laura Flanders! @
- HEAD ON RADIO with Bob Kincaid! @
- The Green News Report! @ with Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen!
- The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST! @
- Majority Report with Sam Seder! @ Majority.FM
- Ring of Fire Radio with Sam, Bobby & Pap! @
- The Keiser Report! @! With Stacy Herbert!
- The Scott Horton Show! @

- This Week (ABC) Host George Stephanopoulos
Meet ABC News' Newest Contributor, Laura Ingraham 10 Moments That Illustrate The Right-Wing Radio Host's Fringe Viewpoints And Disdain For Civil Discourse - Ingraham has repeatedly engaged in inflammatory and hateful rhetoric, lobbing numerous attacks against everyone from President Obama to people who receive government assistance to her favorite target, immigrants. Here are 10 hateful moments from Ingraham in the past year...
• ABC News exclusive Secretary of State John Kerry
• ROUNDTABLE: AABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd, ESPN senior writer and CNN contributor LZ Granderson, syndicated radio host Laura Ingraham, and ABC News’ Cokie Roberts
- Face The Nation (CBS) Host Bob Schiefer
• House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
• Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
• Potential presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R-AR)
• Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic and CBS News State Department Correspondent Margaret Brennan.
• ROUNDTABLE: Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal, Mark Halperin of Bloomberg, Maria Cardona of CNN and Republican strategist Kevin Madden, who is also a CNN political contributor.
- 60 Minutes (CBS)
• The Fox 'News'-ification of CBS News and '60 Minutes': 'The Cleantech Crash'
• CBS' '60 Minutes' admits to faking Tesla car noise
• Coming Up Sunday, March 1 at 7 p.m. ET/PT
• FEMA: Evidence of fraud in Hurricane Sandy reports - FEMA official says he has seen evidence of fraud in engineering reports used to deny thousands of Hurricane Sandy claims
• A shy side of Larry David? - Despite the laughs, the money and fame, Larry David says he still couldn't walk up to a woman in a bar
• Remembering Bob Simon - 60 Minutes remembers and celebrates the life and extraordinary career of friend and colleague Bob Simon
- Meet the Press (NBC) Host Chuck Todd
• Microsoft, NBC News Dissolve Joint Venture 07/15/12 — NBC is buying Microsoft's 50 percent interest in the MSNBC website for an undisclosed amount. will be rebranded as, and readers who logged into late Sunday were automatically redirected to Microsoft is preparing to launch its own news service this fall. Although he declined to provide many details about the operation general manager of Bob Visse said the news staff will be about the same size as the roughly 100 people who created original content for the "There is no question that we are going to have more flexibility to make our own decisions," said Vivian Schiller, NBC News' chief digital officer. "This is really an amicable breakup. We think competition will make us better." Okay then.
All legal notices should be sent by mail to the editor-in-chief, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052
• Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) House Majority Leader
• Dr. Ben Carson Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University & Author, "One Nation"
• Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
• Fmr. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT)
• ROUNDTABLE: Chris Cillizza, Political Reporter, The Washington Post; Helene Cooper, Pentagon Correspondent, The New York Times; Hugh Hewitt, Host, "The Hugh Hewitt Show"; Maria Hinojosa, Host, NPR's "Latino USA"
- State of the Union (CNN) CNN Correspondent Dana Bash hosts Sunday at 9 am ET and Noon ET.
• Rick Perry, former Republican Texas Governor
• Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
• Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States and a political opponent of Netanyahu
• ROUNDTABLE: Michele Bachmann, Donna Brazile, and Peter Baker
- fauxnews
• Majority Whip, Rep Steve Scalise (R-LA)
• Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R)
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