Your Guest List for Sunday's Talking Head News Shows beamed across America by Corporate Media PLUS reports from the best lib/prog media! If you have related STORIES share below! DEBUNK HERE! Throw Bricks! First brick is on us! Get your Foam Bricks at

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Stay-Ca Special! We're back! Last Saturday we joined the WRUW Tech Crew and broadcast The Cleveland Museum's Fifth Annual "Summer Solstice" world music concert LIVE for FIVE HOURS! Happy Summer Solstice everybody! (If you'd like the mp3s of the show just post a comment below and we'll get them to you!) What a way to start the Brick TeeVee Crew's Stay-cation! NEXT we've been cleaning up parts of the BTV Compound, pulling weeds out of the "jungles" and planting grass seed in their place, fixing gutters, mowing lawns, putting in mulch in the flower gardens and you-name-it working in between the rain showers getting ready for a high school graduation party! We also took a trip to Athens OH for "freshman orientation" at Ohio University. Yes "Da Kid" made it through high school and is attending college! Whodathunk? So the Stay-Ca has been work work work, with ample amounts of adult beverages mixed in! We've been "off the grid" for most of the time so we have just a short list of items, partially left over from last week. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Tentatively the WRUW Tech Crew will be broadcasting LIVE from the Ohio City Stages Transformer Station THIS WEDNESDAY July 2nd for "Chicha Libre, the Brooklyn collective made up of French, American, Venezuelan and Mexican musicians". The broadcast will start at 7:30 pm et so TUNE IN for the show LIVE on 91.1 WRUW-FM's 128K Stream! Of course "LIVE From Cleveland " is every THURSDAY at 10 pm et (yours truly producing & mixing the band). And at 9 pm et FRIDAY JULY FOURTH I'll be hosting a Special Independence Day "Second British Invasion" radio show sandwiched in between Rich Lowe's "Night of the Living Dread" at 7 pm et and Jazzbo's "Down by the Cuyahoga" at 11 pm et. TUNE IN for British 70's Art Bands, Glam Rock, and more Album-Oriented-Rock (AOR) format on Independence Day! The British are coming! The British are coming! Haha!
So let's get on with it!
- A Superbug Resistant to 'Last-Resort' Antibiotics Has Made Its Way into the Food Supply
- Malloy Chatter Flavorave notes "The internet is now 4 zettabytes big. NSA has 5 Zettabytes stored in their data warehouse in Utah." VIDEO! NSA Utah Data Center Will Have 5 Zettabytes Of Memory, Equal To 312 Billion iPhones
- Former Steelers QB and FOX Sports NFL commentator Terry Bradshaw - international politics expert! Fox invites NFL analyst Terry Bradshaw on air to talk Benghazi Who knew?
- Mass surveillance of social media is permitted by law, says top UK official
- Ed Doc "Ivory Tower" Asks If College Is Worth It Although it's full of information, the documentary Ivory Tower at its core poses a question: Is the price of college worth it? PLUS Things You'll Learn About Colleges From Watching The 'Ivory Tower' Documentary AND Ivory Tower Homepage
- BP allowed commercial drones by US regulators in unprecedented decision What could possibly go wrong?
- Juan Cole - Informed Comment 7 Myths about the Radical Sunni Advance in Iraq
- John Amato, CrooksAndLiars Supreme Court Rules Anti-Abortion Group Can Sue Ohio For The Right To Lie
- Jim Wright "Warmongers tell me WHY we have to go back into Iraq" Absolutely Nothing First, I’m going to need somebody to explain to me exactly what it was that we were fighting for.
- Dennis Kucinich Stop Calling the Iraq War a 'Mistake' In fact, the truth about Iraq was widely available, but it was ignored. There were no WMD. Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. The war wasn't about liberating the Iraqi people. I said this in Congress in 2002. Millions of people who marched in America in protest of the war knew the truth, but were maligned by members of both parties for opposing the president in a time of war -- and even leveled with the spurious charge of "not supporting the troops."
I've written and spoken widely about this topic, so today I offer two ways we can begin to address our role.....
- Iraq’s Depleted Uranium Threat
- Reaping the Seeds of Iraqi Hatred The uproar in the mainstream U.S. news media over the barbarity of Islamic militants in Iraq downplays or ignores the brutality of the U.S. invasion and occupation that unleashed the ethnic and sectarian hatreds in the first place, as Danny Schechter notes.
- Who Violated Ukraine’s Sovereignty? Exclusive: The West has accused Russia of violating a 1994 pledge to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty in exchange for its surrender of Soviet-era nuclear weapons. But the West’s political and economic interference might also represent a violation, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern.
- NYT Revamps Its False Ukraine Narrative Exclusive: Official Washington’s Ukraine narrative has been that it was all Vladimir Putin’s fault, that the Russian president staged the crisis to restore the Russian empire, a storyline that never made sense and is now being rearranged to explain why Putin is seeking peace, writes Robert Parry.

Headlines Monday, June 23, 2014
- Adel Fahmy, brother of Mohamed Fahmy, an Al Jazeera journalist imprisoned in Egypt & Sharif Abdel Kouddous, Democracy Now! correspondent based in Cairo, Egypt "Journalism in Egypt is a Crime": Global Outcry After 3 Al Jazeera Reporters Sentenced to 7-10 Years
- Patrick Cockburn, Middle East correspondent for The Independent "Baghdad is a Frightened City": As ISIS Gains Ground, Iraqi Capital Gripped by Fear & Uncertainty
- Dr. Nahida Gordon, professor emerita at Case Western Reserve University & Rabbi Alissa Wise, director of organizing at Jewish Voice for Peace Pressuring Israel, Presbyterian Church Divests from Firms Tied to Occupation of Palestinian Land
- Phyllis Bennis, senior fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies Should Obama Go to Tehran? How a U.S.-Iran "Grand Bargain" Could Help the Crisis in Iraq
- Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project Can the President Strike an American Anywhere in the World?: Drone Memo Raises Troubling Questions
- Maureen Taylor, state chair of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization & Meera Karunananthan, international water campaigner for the Blue Planet Project, Water is a Human Right: Detroit Residents Seek U.N. Intervention as City Shuts Off Taps to Thousands
- Sue Turton, Al Jazeera correspondent charged in absentia #FreeAJStaff: Al Jazeera Reporter Sentenced in Absentia Decries Egypt’s Imprisonment of 3 Colleagues
- Pooja Gehi & Angie Milan-Cruz "Trans Healthcare Now!" Lawsuit Seeks End to Healthcare Discrimination for Transgender New Yorkers
- Jerry Redfern & Karen Coates, Co-authors of the book "Eternal Harvest: The Legacy of American Bombs in Laos" 50 Years After U.S. Launched Secret War on Laos, Unexploded Bombs Still Killing Civilians
- Nathan Freed Wessler, staff attorney with the Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project at the American Civil Liberty Union Supreme Court Says Warrants Needed to Search Cellphones, But are "Stingrays" a Police Workaround?
- Rev. Julia Chaney-Moss, Angela Lewis, is the daughter of civil rights activist James Chaney & David Goodman, brother of Andrew Goodman Mississippi Burning at 50: Relatives of Civil Rights Workers Look Back at Murders that Shaped an Era
- Jerry Mitchell, investigative reporter for The Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Mississippi 50 Years After Freedom Summer, U.S. Faces Greatest Curbs on Voting Rights Since Reconstruction
- Janet Redman, director of the Climate Policy Program at the Institute for Policy Studies EPA Moves to Cut Coal Pollution, But Critics Say Plan Falls Short on Real Emissions Reduction
- Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now! co-host and award-winning investigative reporter with the New York Daily News New York City Approves Municipal ID Cards for Undocumented Immigrants
- Allan Nairn, journalist and activist Journalist Allan Nairn Threatened for Exposing Indonesian Pres. Candidate’s Role in Mass Killings
- Gerald Horne, professor of history and African American studies at the University of Houston "Counter-Revolution of 1776": Was U.S. Independence War a Conservative Revolt in Favor of Slavery? He is the author of two new books: "The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America" and "Race to Revolution: The U.S. and Cuba During Slavery and Jim Crow."
GRITtv @ with Laura Flanders
»»» FEATURED SHOW Kate Clinton and Urvashi Vaid: Revolutionaries - What Makes Them Irresistible? It is not often that long time partners political humorist Kate Clinton and author and activist Urvashi Vaid agree to do interviews together, but when they do it is an enormous treat. In honor of pride month, the dynamic pair joins Laura Flanders on GRITtv to discuss the LGBTQ movement, creating an inclusive feminism, the personal as political, and changing the world. ....... more!
BRICK TEEVEE SPORT!© »»» SUNDAY NIGHT BASEBALL on ESPN Red Sox @ Yankees 8 pm et »»» MONDAY NIGHT BASEBALL on ESPN Rays @ Yankees 7 pm et »»» FOURTH OF JULY BASEBALL on ESPN Yankees @ Twins 3 pm et THEN Rays @ Tigers 7 pm et
BRICK TEEVEE ACTION!© The 1st Amendment is Our Permit Our permit to occupy is The First Amendment. Quickly sign the following statement which will be delivered to mayors, police chiefs and major media across the country:
- Our permit to occupy public squares and parks is in The First Amendment, which affirms "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." When people across the Middle East occupied public squares, leaders in Washington mostly cheered those protesters and warned Middle Eastern governments not to use force to clear them. Those other societies don’t have a First Amendment. Yet Washington affirmed the universal right to assembly and protest. We do have a First Amendment. The force being used to clear nonviolent protesters from public squares in our country is unacceptable. It must stop. &! A bailout of the people by the people Rolling Jubilee is a Strike Debt project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, abolishes it. Together we can liberate debtors at random through a campaign of mutual support, good will, and collective refusal. Debt resistance is just the beginning. Join us as we imagine and create a new world based on the common good, not Wall Street profits. ADDENDUM: Naked Capitalism reports Top Tax Expert Confirms Our Doubts About Occupy Wall Street’s Debt Buying/Forgiveness Scheme
STOP the ACHE NEW WEBSITE! and Appalachian Community HEALTH EMERGENCY Advocating for government action and protection of the public from the health crisis in mountain top removal communities. The A.C.H.E. Act Is Re-Introduced In The 113th Congress!
- Washington, DC – Today a group of U.S. House of Representatives lawmakers introduced the Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act (ACHE Act, H.R. 526) to protect Appalachian families and communities from the nation’s most extreme form of coal mining, mountaintop removal. The Appalachian Community Health Emergency Act’s leading sponsors are Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) and Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), joined by original cosponsors Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ), Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD), Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA), Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA), Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Rep. Janice Schakowksy (D-IL), Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), and Rep. Jared Polis (DCO). a project of the Democracy Collaborative at the University of Maryland brings together, for the first time, information about the broad range of community wealth building activity. Featuring Overview: The Cleveland Model—How the Evergreen Cooperatives are Building Community Wealth Something important is happening in Cleveland. The Democracy Collaborative—the host of—in partnership with the Cleveland Foundation, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center, Shorebank Enterprise Cleveland, the City of Cleveland, and the city's major hospitals and universities—is helping to implement a new model of large-scale worker-owned and community-benefiting businesses. The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative is beginning to build serious momentum in one of the cities most dramatically impacted by the nation's decaying economy. Increasingly, this model is being referred to nationally as The Cleveland Model. Initial planning is now underway to assist other cities in Ohio and nationwide to replicate and adapt this innovative approach to economic development, green job creation, and neighborhood stabilization. Find more many resources at!
NET NEUTRALITY! Declaration of Internet Freedom Tired of fighting bad bills like SOPA, PIPA and CISPA? Want to stand up against those who are trying to control what we do and say online? It's time for something different. A group of more than 1,500 organizations, academics, startup founders and tech innovators has come together to produce a Declaration of Internet Freedom, a set of five principles that put forward a positive vision of the open Internet. Our goal: Get millions of Internet users to sign on to this Declaration. Build political power for Internet users to make sure that we get a seat at the table whenever, and wherever, the future of the Internet is being decided. It's time to stop playing defense and start going on the offensive. The open Internet is central to people’s freedom to communicate, share, advocate and innovate in the 21st century. But powerful interests want to censor free speech, block the sharing of information, hinder innovation and control how Internet users get online. And all too often, people in power are making political decisions behind closed doors about how the Internet should operate — and they're doing this without the involvement of actual Internet users. The result: policies that could close down the open Internet and destroy our freedom to connect. It’s time for us to reclaim the Internet for its users. Take action now and sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom. ACTION! Stop the FCC from Breaking the Internet The Federal Communications Commission is proposing rules that would kill — rather than protect — Net Neutrality and allow rampant discrimination online. Under these rules, telecom giants like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon would be able to pick winners and losers online and discriminate against online content and applications. And no one would be able to do anything about it. We must stop the FCC from moving forward with these rules, which would give the green light to ISPs eager to crush Net Neutrality. The agency can preserve Net Neutrality only by designating broadband as a telecommunications service under the law. Anything else is an attack on our rights to connect and communicate. Tell FCC Chairman Wheeler to throw out his proposed rules. Demand nothing less than real Net Neutrality. SIGN NOW at Stop the FCC from Breaking the Internet at NOW. Join the Day of Action on May 15! The Internet will rise up online and take to the streets. SIGN UP HERE to learn more!
Stop Media Consolidation! Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is trying to change the agency’s ownership rules to pave the way for Murdoch to get exactly what he wants. Worse, Genachowski and Murdoch are keeping this all very hush-hush, hoping you won't notice. These changes wouldn’t just benefit Murdoch. If the FCC proposal passes, one company could own the major daily newspaper, two TV stations and up to eight radio stations in your town. And that one company could be your Internet provider, too. What is the FCC thinking?!? We can still stop the agency from taking this perilous step — but we have less than a month to do it. By taking action, you’re joining a movement of millions who are working to stop big media from getting even bigger. Please take action today. Click HERE to view our infographic and send a message to the FCC! More info at Another FCC Cave-In: Julius Genachowski’s Media Consolidation Christmas Gift to Murdoch at! And Sign Senator Bernie Sanders petition to the FCC Protect Media Diversity: Stop Media Consolidation! NEW!!! NATION ACTION! Stop the Comcast/Time Warner Cable Merger! GO THERE NOW!
CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE American Majority Rejects Washington Austerity Consensus – And We Demand Media Coverage by Roger Hickey, President, Campaign for America's Future: No more silent majority. The Campaign for America’s Future is joining with the Center for Economic and Policy Research (whose Co-Director, Dean Baker blogs regularly about economic bias in the media) and with FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) to monitor the media’s coverage and representation of the American Majority views as they go into covering the big deficit fight. But we want to enlist YOU too. Send us accounts of unbalanced coverage in the national media and in your local newspapers and television. Call up reporters, editors, assignment people and tell them when they are under-representing the views of the American Majority. We should have at least half the experts, pundits, quotes and real people represented in their coverage. In a debate as important as the one we are going into, we can’t allow the media to ignore the American Majority. Much more at
MOVE TO AMEND! SIGN HERE NOW! And check out more actions on the Move to Amend Calendar for more! UPDATE! Legalize Democracy Film Premieres on Free Speech TV Jan 21 Move to Amend is thrilled to announce that the premiere of our mini documentary, Legalize Democracy, will be airing on Free Speech TV (FSTV) next week to coincide with the "anniversary" of Citizens United. Legalize Democracy is a 28 minute film by Dennis Trainor, Jr. about the movement to amend -- why it is needed, and how you can get involved. Watch live on our website here. Also visit Rep Alan Grayson's site GET INVOLVED! And Alan Grayson is BACK in the 113th Congress! Help out at and check out his latest effort!
REPRESENT.US IT’S TIME TO GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS SO THE GOVERNMENT CAN REPRESENT US. Represent.Us is a fresh campaign to pass the American Anti-Corruption Act: a law that would overhaul campaign finance, impose strict lobbying and conflict of interest laws, and end secret political money. We are mobilizing millions of Americans — conservatives and progressives, young and old, every issue group fighting K Street, online and offline — to join this campaign. Represent.Us is not just building a movement to pass the Act. The campaign will use hard-hitting accountability tactics to unseat politicians who fail to endorse the Act. If passed, the Act will completely reshape American politics and policy-making and give people a voice. See this Guest Blog at Greenpeace by Executive Director Josh Silver The $6 Billion Auction: Finally, A Plan to Get Money Out of Politics for more information!
SUPPORT THE TROOPS WHO REFUSE TO FIGHT See and Bradley Manning Support Network From the Bradley Manning Support Network Announcing the "Chelsea Manning Support Network" March 19, 2014. By CMSN. PVT Manning has filed to change her name legally to "Chelsea Elizabeth Manning" and to receive hormone therapy. To show our support in this struggle, we are renaming ourselves to the "Chelsea Manning Support Network." ..... UPDATE! New York Times publishes Chelsea Manning's op-ed Read the full text of Chelsea Manning's first op-ed since her imprisonment, published by the New York Times on Saturday, June 14th...... AND SF Pride's interview with Lauren McNamara, friend of Chelsea June 27, 2014. Lauren McNamara, Chelsea's representative at SF Pride, answers questions on her friendship with Chelsea and how we can continue to support her......
DONATE YOUR OLD CELL PHONES TO T.J. MARTELL FOUNDATION Help save lives. Donate your old & used iPhone, Blackberries, Droid and other phones to help the T.J. Martell Foundations fund life-saving cancer & AIDS research. For more information, go to
CELLULAR PHONE TASK FORCE EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, SUPPORT at The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made safe. We provide: education to the public concerning electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog); advocacy for an electromagnetically cleaner environment; support for individuals disabled by radiation from wireless technology and other sources. WATCH THIS MOVIE at Top Documentary Films Resonance: Beings of Frequency Now we live an an ocean of electromagnetic radiation. It’s all around us now, invisible, but we know it’s there. Every time you lift up your mobile phone you know it’s there. It is very hard to turn the clock back, in fact it is impossible, but we need to be aware of the adverse health effects so that we can have the choice of taking precautions against the exposures. How we could have possibly thought that putting microwaves to our brain was safe. We just don’t fully understand what we’re doing. "Resonance: Beings of Frequency" is the first documentary to investigate the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. The film takes a deeper look at how humanity is reacting to the most profound environmental change the planet has ever seen. Read more HERE!!

- This Week (ABC) Host George Stephanopoulos
Meet ABC News' Newest Contributor, Laura Ingraham 10 Moments That Illustrate The Right-Wing Radio Host's Fringe Viewpoints And Disdain For Civil Discourse - Ingraham has repeatedly engaged in inflammatory and hateful rhetoric, lobbing numerous attacks against everyone from President Obama to people who receive government assistance to her favorite target, immigrants. Here are 10 hateful moments from Ingraham in the past year...
• President Obama
• House Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee Chair Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y.
• “Sunday Spotlight,” ABC News’ Martha Raddatz speaks with documentary filmmaker Stanley Nelson on his new film “Freedom Summer.”
• ROUNDTABLE: ABC News contributor and Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd, ABC News contributor and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, editor and publisher of The Nation Katrina vanden Heuvel, ABC News’ Terry Moran, Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick, and the Judicial Crisis Network’s Carrie Severino.
- Face The Nation (CBS) Host Bob Schiefer
• Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.
• Sen. John Barrasso, R.-Wyo.
• former US ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey
• CBS News State Department Correspondent Margaret Brennan and TIME Magazine's Michael Crowley for some analysis on all the news overseas.
• ROUNDTABLE: Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal, Michael Gerson of The Washington Post, former Clinton White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers, and Todd Purdum of Politico.
- 60 Minutes (CBS)
• The Fox 'News'-ification of CBS News and '60 Minutes': 'The Cleantech Crash'
• CBS' '60 Minutes' admits to faking Tesla car noise
• Coming Up Sunday, June 29 at 7 p.m. ET/PT
• Disability, USA
• Lamborghini: 50 years of exotic supercars
• The Chameleon: Cate Blanchett
- Meet the Press (NBC) Host David Gregory
• Microsoft, NBC News Dissolve Joint Venture NBC is buying Microsoft's 50 percent interest in the MSNBC website for an undisclosed amount. will be rebranded as, and readers who logged into late Sunday were automatically redirected to Microsoft is preparing to launch its own news service this fall. Although he declined to provide many details about the operation general manager of Bob Visse said the news staff will be about the same size as the roughly 100 people who created original content for the "There is no question that we are going to have more flexibility to make our own decisions," said Vivian Schiller, NBC News' chief digital officer. "This is really an amicable breakup. We think competition will make us better." Okay then.
• exclusive one-on-one conversation with former President Bill Clinton at the 2014 CGI America conference in Denver, CO
• Reince Priebus Chair, Republican National Committee
• ROUNDTABLE: Kathy Ruemmler Former White House Counsel; Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI); Andrea Mitchell NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent; Nia-Malika Henderson National Political Reporter, The Washington Post
• NBC News political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd
• NBC News senior legal and investigative correspondent Cynthia McFadden
• Highlights from this week’s 2014 CGI America panel on economic justice and social mobility Roundtable: former Pres. Bill Clinton, founding chairman of the Clinton Global Initiative; Carly Fiorina, Chairman and CEO of Carly Fiorina Enterprises and Chairman of Good360; Sara Horowitz, Founder and Executive Director of the Freelancers Union; Monty Moran, co-CEO of Chipotle Mexican Grill; and Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation. PROGRAMMING NOTE: The extended CGI America panel discussion will air on MSNBC this Sunday at 3pm ET.
- State of the Union With Candy Crowley (CNN) Sunday at 9 am ET and Noon ET.
• Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and a lead investigator of the IRS scandal, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-California)
• Lois Lerner’s attorney William Taylor
• Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan)
• ROUNDTABLE: Stephanie Cutter, Neera Tanden, Liz Mair, and Mattie Duppler
- HEAD ON RADIO with Bob Kincaid
Headon Radio with Bob Kincaid 6 PM Eastern, 3 PM Pacific, 2300 GMT. Duration: 3 hrs. To be part of Conversation Radio call our Liberal community line at 304-658-3333. Email bob [at] headonradio [dot] com during the show!
• FRONT PORCH FRIDAY!! Featuring the H.O.R.N./Malloy skype group! Listen here NOW! Friday, June 27th, 2014 (mp3)! Amen to the White Rose Society! Bob's show archives at the White Rose HERE! Keep Bob on the air! Donate to Head On HERE! And join Coal River Mountain Watch at!
- YOUR GREEN NEWS REPORT With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen!
The Green News Report with Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen: 6 minutes of green news, politics, analysis & snarky comment! BOOKMARK NOW!
• 'Green News Report' - June 26, 2014 IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: The gloves are off - President Obama now just openly mocking climate change deniers; Pesticides linked to autism (again) and death of beneficial insects (again); Extreme weather kicks the FIFA World Cup in Brazil; PLUS: Shocker: Fox 'News' says the globe is cooling. They are wrong. (Again.)... All that and more in today's Green News Report! IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links at site): Is Congress lifting US crude oil export ban? No, not really.; If you think US climate politics are crazy, wait'll you see what just happened in Australia; Detroit shutting off water to thousands; Next-gen GMO crops are here and will increase use of pesticides; Doctors fail to instruct pregnant moms on toxic chemical risks; New study proves air pollution regulations save lives.... PLUS: 1 In 10 U.S. beaches too polluted for swimming ... and much, MUCH more! ...
• 'Green News Report' - June 24, 2014 IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: U.S. Supreme Court upholds EPA authority on greenhouse gas emissions --- again; It's official - May 2014 was the hottest May on record; Canada's First Nations vote to fight the other tar sands pipeline; PLUS: Titans of Wall Street warn climate change is really, really expensive ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
• BRADCAST! KPFK 'BradCast': Keep on Iraqin' Me, Baby Brad takes on Cheney's epic trolling and the MSM'samnesia on Iraq; Plus: Great callers; good voting news in OH and MUCH MORE...
• BRADCAST! Walker Case MUCH Bigger Than Walker: KPFK 'BradCast' Brendan Fischer of Center for Media and Democracy joins Brad to discuss this very important case for the entire country; Plus much, much, MUCH more...
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! Prosecutors 'Targeting' Christie, Walker New reports on criminal conspiracy probes in WI and NJ suggest two GOP Governors and 2016 hopefuls could end up in the 'Big House' rather than the White House...
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! Shadowy Photo ID Voting Initiative Fails in CA A ballot measure slated for the November election has failed to qualify, but who is really behind the scheme to disenfranchise California's otherwise-legal voters?...
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! 'Most Prolific Multiple Voter in Memory': More Republican Voter Fraud in WI GOP voter charged with 13 felony counts for illegal voting in Scott Walker recall election, others; Undeterred by Photo ID restrictions...
• BRADBLOG UPDATE! SCOTUS Declares 'Open Season on Reproductive Healthcare Clinics' Activist and clinic escort, Katie Klabusich responds to the U.S. Supreme Court's disturbing 'buffer zone' decision...
- The Peter B. Collins Show PODCAST!
Listen at!
The Peter B. Collins Show covers American news and politics from the Left Coast. Veteran talk radio personality Peter B. Collins, based in San Francisco, delivers fresh interviews, commentary and analysis on a range of important topics, with views and voices you don’t often find in the corporate media.
• Holiday Break and Website Changes
- To my valued listeners: We are making some changes to the website and our terms, effective in January. We will continue to offer free podcasts–my new daily news and commentary. Our in-depth interviews will be available for $1 per episode, or to subscribers who pay $5 per month or more. Loyal listeners who simply can’t afford it should send an email to, as we will be offering a limited number of scholarships to our friends who are hurting during these tough times. More information will be posted as we complete the revisions. I’m grateful to each of you for listening and supporting this work, and hope that the new model will enable us to keep it going well into the future. All the best, -pbc
• PBC On Vacation, Returning July 7 Your humble host has left his post for a fact-finding mission in his own backyard, northern California. I’ll be off the grid (except when I’m not) recharging body and mind with grape-based beverages, campfire cooking and good friends. I’m hosting my friends from Brazil, Alberto and Heloisa, on a tour of the Mendocino coast, Mt. Shasta, and Lake Tahoe. I will break radio silence to post a few pix on Facebook, find me there as Peter B. Collins Show. While I’m away, browse below and catch up on some of my recent juicy interviews on many topics that get short shrift in the corporate media. And make my day by taking out a new subscription…it provides me with revenue and validation!
• PBC News & Comment 18 Jun 2014 PBC News & Comment: Obama Continues “Star Wars” Missile Defense Boondoggle LA Times publishes comprehensive review of US missile defense program, as Obama continues to fund program that fails rigged tests…
• PBC News & Comment 19 Jun 2014 PBC News & Comment: Roger Shuler Subject to Imminent Arrest in Alabama In aftermath of 5-month jail stretch on bogus defamation and contempt charges, journalist Roger Shuler faces arrest for being broke…
• PBC Standard Podcast June 18, 2014 “15Now” Activists Pass $15 Minimum Wage in Seattle, Next Target is Oakland SJesse Lessinger is National Organizer for and just won a campaign in Seattle to raise the minimum wage to $15. We talk about the needs of working families and the failure of Democrats to champion those needs.
• PBC Standard Podcast June 13, 2014 Filmmaker Brian Knappenberger Talks About New Aaron Swartz Documentary The Internet’s Own Boy is a great new film about the internet prodigy Aaron Swartz. We talk with filmmaker Brian Knappenberger about the impressive contributions of the young man who ended his life in January, 2013 while facing heavy-handed prosecution for a minor offense.
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder
Ring of Fire Radio - GoLeft TV - Robert F. Kennedy, Mike Papantonio, Sam Seder - Politics, Commentary, and News.
This Weekend on Ring of Fire Radio! June 27, 2014 Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern.
• This week on The Best of Ring of Fire Radio: Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig will tell us his plan to get corporate money out of our elections.
• Author CJ Werleman will discuss the dangers of America’s political ignorance.
• Elliot Fineman from the Gun Victims Action Network will join us to discuss the absurdity of open carry gun laws.
• Mike Burg will explain why the Department of Justice continues to fail to protect consumers from financial fraud.
• Ruth Conniff, editor of The Progressive magazine will explain the latest happenings in the Scott Walker criminal investigation.
• Howard Nations will discuss the growing threat of 18-wheelers, and a recent Congressional action that will make the roads even less safe.
• Lauren Windsor will tell us what happened at the recent Koch brothers’ retreat.
• And Progressive Voices’ political director David Bender will give us his take on Thad Cochran’s narrow primary victory this past week.
• NEW! This Week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV! June 29, 2014 Sundays at NOON!
»» Guests TBA
• Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind Posted on June 28, 2014 by Joshua De Leon - Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week.
• VIDEO! THE HISTORY OF CORPORATE CORRUPTION & FRAUD with Robert Kennedy Jr & Mike Papantonio “Call us if you have a personal story about Fraud on Taxpayers or False Claims for Payment made by Corportations at 1-866-389-FIRE (3473) or contact us by email at if you have evidence of fraud that robbed taxpayer dollars. If our government is paying too much due to fraud by a corporation, Ring of Fire wants to do a story on it.” Also see Papantonio & Kennedy on Corporate Corruption and Fraud — Pt. 1/4
• Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind Posted on June 7, 2014 by Joshua De Leon
• Sam Seder On Progressive Voices Our friend, Ed Schultz, will no longer be doing his regularly scheduled radio program. Thom Hartmann will be moving to Ed’s weekday spot from noon to 3 p.m. from his usual 3 – 6 p.m. slot. Sam Seder is taking the Ring of Fire radio show live weekday afternoons from 3-6 PM East and Noon – 3 PM West on radio stations nationwide, and The Progressive Voices Network on TuneIn. Listeners can also expect Mike Papantonio and Bobby Kennedy to drop by regularly. .........
• VIDEO! Papantonio: Illegal Money Kept Walker in Office (VIDEO) Posted on June 26, 2014 by Gary Bentley
Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio appears on The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann to discuss the latest...
• Join our blog at You can now SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST by clicking on the "Podcast" tab at the top of the Ring of Fire blog. Please help support progressive radio by signing up! Ring of Fire Radio Ring of Fire, hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts 7-10 et Sunday evenings on Chicago's Progressive Talk WCPT AM & FM and 4 pm et on Sirius/XM 167 featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week."
- Majority Report with Sam Seder Streaming LIVE weekdays 12 NOON et @!
• MONDAY 6/23/14 Ali Gharib: Iraq: The Next Phase of Obama’s Secret War?
• TUESDAY 6/24/14 Beth Schwartzapfel: The Great American Chain Gang
• WEDNESDAY 6/25/14 McDaniel Tears, Tea Party Grift & Cellphone Privacy
• THURSDAY 6/26/14 Philip Mirowski: How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown
• FRIDAY 6/27/14 Casual Friday: Guy Lawson & Scott Lemieux
• MORE Podcast Interviews at!
- KEISER REPORT Podcasts and more @!
"HI Y'ALL! Tell the people! Tell the people!"
WHO IS MAX KEISER? Max Keiser is a financial expert, Prediction Markets analyst, inventor and filmmaker. He is the creator of the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) the first Prediction Market. Max Keiser co-hosts "The Truth About Markets" on ResonanceFM 104.4 in London. He also produces and presents documentary films covering markets and finance for Al Jazeera’s "People & Power" series. Max Keiser started his career on Wall Street in 1983. He is the creator of KarmaBanque a site that enables activists to challenge corporate power.
• VISIT!!! Crowd Funding for Pirates!
• MaxKeiserTV on YouTube! MaxKeiserTV
• KEISER REPORT ON FACEBOOK STACY SUMMARY: For once and for all, here are our real Facebook pages, the other ones are fake. But if you feel like chatting to the fake ones, by all means, go ahead.
»» Max Keiser
»» Keiser Report
»» Stacey Herbert
• Assange: How cryptography is a key weapon in the fight against empire states by maxkeiser - READ What began as a means of retaining individual freedom can now be used by smaller states to fend off the ambitions of larger ones (
• A Cast of Creepy Characters: U.S. Authorities Target Barclay’s “Dark Pool” by Mark O'Byrne — New York’s State Attorney, Eric Schneiderman, a quasi political position, announced his lawsuit yesterday as part of his investigation into abuses by the “High Frequency Trading” industry, where certain participants may have received unfair market access and or knowledge of trade flow and thus profited by positioning themselves accordingly.........
• Massachusetts SWAT teams claim they’re private corporations by Stacy Herbert — Stacy Summary: Bizarrely, many Americans will find this comforting as they think that private corporations are better than government. But, as you see, private corporations also have rights to trade secrets and do not need to answer to the communities in which they operate. Personally, I find this corporatism/fascism terrifying. Looks like the unaccountable, capricious tyranny many claim they would fight against were it ever to happen. READ Massachusetts SWAT teams claim they’re private corporations, immune from open records laws (WaPo)• The Pitchforks are Coming…– A Dire Warning from a Member of the 0.01% by Michael Krieger — Over the past several years, I have been extremely critical of the 0.01% as a socio-economic class, often referring to them as criminal oligarchs. This has nothing to do with the incredible sums of money they have amassed. I’m simply not interested in chasing that kind of wealth, nor am I an envious person. I don’t care how much money anyone has. What I do care about is the kind of power that such money can buy, and how that power can is then abused to purchase politicians and run roughshod over entire societies. I have also been disgusted with the fact that the 0.01% as a class seem self-absorbed, apathetic and delusional when it comes to the catastrophe the current economic and financial system is reaping upon the planet. So busy are they patting themselves on the back and scrambling to acquire that next billion to see what is rapidly unfolding beyond their moats. READ more here .....
• KEISER REPORT [KR618] Keiser Report: Wall Street Jihadists We discuss the fact that neoliberal capitalism has become terrorism and that the ‘terrorists’ don’t see themselves as any different than Halliburton or Chevron, producing glossy prospectuses filled with gory facts for prospective investors. In the second half, Max interviews Luke Rudkowski of about crowdfunding, cryptos, independent media and mass protests in Berlin against the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
• KEISER REPORT [KR619] Keiser Report: Tax Dodging Deals We discuss American corporations fleeing the USA for lower tax, higher wage areas abroad – like Ireland and the UK. We discuss the one single ton of aluminum that could be the collateral for tens of millions of pounds worth of properties and passports in the UK [SH: since recording this episode, this story re: falsified gold collateral]. When the banks go to collect on the collateral, all they will find is a pair of crickets in the corner. In the second half, Max interviews Ronnie Moas of about blacklisting and boycotting ‘bad’ companies.
• KEISER REPORT [KR620] Keiser Report: Russell Brand talks revolution with Max & Stacy We are joined in the first half by Russell Brand to talk about the austerity headlines. We chat about the UK government’s expanding debt and growing deficit, despite the alleged austerity and GDP expanding thanks to heroin addiction and prostitution. Russell learns about the water cannons bought for use against anti-austerity protests which the government itself will stoke. Finally, we talk about the people revolting as they must do when the social contract has been broken: and crypto currencies are one of the most visible revolts. In the second half, Max interviews Russell Brand further about his independent media outlet – The Trews; they discuss revolution and spiritual journeys.
• THE TRUTH ABOUT MARKETS Truth About Markets – 14 June 2014 Download show HERE (mp3)
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- The Scott Horton Radio Show
Scott Horton is host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles and KUCR 88.3 in Riverside, and the Scott Horton Show on No Agenda Radio. (You can listen live Monday through Friday from 3-5 PM Eastern HERE.) Plenty of archives too!
• Scott Horton Radio Show Progress Report: All right, yall, welcome back to the show to the inaugural Scott Horton Show progress report! It’s been an eventful year since the show and I (amicably) parted ways with, so I thought I would highlight just a few of the show’s important milestones, as well as preview some of the exciting projects to look for in the near future. ........ The show on Pacifica KPFK 90.7 FM in L.A., still called Antiwar Radio, has now moved to join their Sunday morning public affairs line up (8:30 am pt -, and remains the largest source of listeners, with 15,000-20,000 people tuning in weekly. The future: Liberty Express Radio is growing and bringing me along for the ride. The great Charles Goyette hooked me up with Alan Butler and the Liberty Express earlier this year, and what has been the daily replay there from 3-5 eastern time has become my best listened-to show. And now they’re adding my friend Tom Woods to the lineup from 2-3 PM. That does it. I’m making the switch! Starting Monday, October 14, the live show is moving to 3-5 PM Eastern time on, as well as NoAgenda and my own stream....... New show hours effective 5/26/2014: 12-3 PM Eastern!
• Scott Horton Radio Show 06/25/14 Marcy Wheeler: Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses the US Supreme Court’s unanimous decision that cops need a warrant to search phone data, and the possible legal problems facing the NSA’s phone dragnet if the SCOTUS decision is applied to them as well.
• Scott Horton Radio Show 06/26/14 Patrick Cockburn: Patrick Cockburn, an award-winning journalist with The Independent, discusses why a unity government in Iraq is very unlikely to succeed; why the Sunni rebellion will be very sorry they enlisted the help of radical jihadist shock troops; and how the new Iraqi civil war, as bad as it is, could get much worse.
• Scott Horton Radio Show 06/27/14 Kara Dansky: Kara Dansky, Senior Counsel with the ACLU’s Center for Justice, discusses the ACLU’s report on police militarization; why multi-juristictional task forces think they are above the law and not subject to public records requests; and the “threat matrix” automated decision making for SWAT deployments.
• Scott Horton Radio Show 06/27/14 Mitchell Prothero: McClatchy Foreign Staff journalist Mitchell Prothero discuses the modern Iraqi state’s dissolution; Obama’s request for $500 million in aid for the “moderate” Syrian opposition; why the Kurd’s won’t keep control of oil-rich Kirkuk easily; and the possibility that the US will provide air support for an Iranian invasion of Iraq.
• Older interviews at Antiwar Radio!
- fauxnews
• Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee
• Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.
• former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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