Brick TeeVee is a preview of the Sunday Talking Head Shows beamed across America by Corporate Media, plus some good progressive radio and who will be on which show. If you have other Sunday Talkie shows' guest lists we don't have, please share below. Post your comments while you watch! It's fun, it's healthy and doggonit at least we'll know others can also see through the media manipulation that blankets our public airwaves. DEBUNK HERE!
So, with no further ado, I present to you This Week's Brick TeeVee entry!
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ALL LINKS OPEN A NEW WINDOW!!!Only TWO MORE DAYS until the end of the Bu$h Administration. (Can you believe we made it this far?) And with all the hoopla surrounding the Coronation Inauguration you would expect lots of Dems on the Sunday Talkies this week. And you would be right! The lone GOPhers this week, DANA "too much cappuccino" PERINO & ED GILLESPIE, seek safe harbor on CNN's new four-hour Sunday show "State of the Union with John King", which replaces U-Boat Captain Wolf Blitzer's "Late Edition". State of the King gets first dibs on the Prezident-Elect OBAMA with his side-kick DAVID AXELROD, who then takes the Prezident-Elect Limo Ride to meet with This George. Another casualty of the Sunday Gab-Fests will be FACE THE BOB SCHEIFER, who CBS announced a year ago would "plan to step down from the Sunday morning political talk show with the inauguration of a new president". Who will replace Bob is anybody's guess! What's your's? Face the Bob gets LARRY "Africa is Under-polluted" SUMMERS and ERIC MICHAEL DYSON. Meet the David lands RAHM EMANUEL back from his "family vacation in Africa" (say, isn't Israel in Africa?) and asks him if he's sold his US Rep seat yet and if he likes ROLAND BURRIS. (We at Brick TeeVee like Tom Geoghegan in IL-5! And we're not paid to say that!) Then NANCY "Impeachment is off the table" PELOSI travels to the Dark Side on FAUX NEWS. Listen for SAM SEDER on with Bobby and Pap on RING OF FIRE RADIO along with MELISSA ROSSI talking about her new book “What Every American Should Know About the Middle East” on the Sunday night rebroadcast. The Brick TeeVee Crew is surely as happy as the next American to see the BCF leave the scene but we thought FOR SURE Ralph Nader was gonna win. So we're "keeping our powder dry" as "they" say to see what the new administration will bring, but all this talk of taking on "entitlements", extending Gitmo detentions, hedging on Iraq withdrawal, "surging" in Afghanistan and threatening VETO on another unaccountable $350 BILLION to the same wize guys who got us into this mess with some of these same wize guys now in his administration, well, you get the idea. Tune in next week!
NFC Championship Game Eagles @ Cardinals on FOX. Coverage begins at 3 pm et
AFC Championship Game Steelers @ Ravens on CBS. Coverage begins at 6:30 pm et The winners of these games will face off in Super Bowl XLIII in two weeks

image ©2006 arkysue
2 days until our national nightmare is over
4,227 Military Dead as of Jan 16, 2009
2,091 days since "Mission Accomplished"
- This Week (ABC)
• Incoming White House senior adviser David Axelrod
• ROUNDTABLE: George Will, Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, PBS' Gwen Ifill, and the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne - Face The Nation (CBS)
• Lawrence Summers, incoming director of the National Economic Council
• Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown University
• John Dickerson, Slate Magazine. - 60 Minutes (CBS)
• 60 Minutes is pre-empted Sunday, Jan. 18, by CBS Sports coverage of the American Football Conference Championship game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens. - Meet the Press (NBC)
• EXCLUSIVE Rahm Emanuel
• ROUNDTABLE: NBC's Tom Brokaw, The New York Times' David Brooks, presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, PBS's Tavis Smiley and NBC's Chuck Todd. - Late Edition (CNN) CANCELLED!!!
- State of the Union With John King (CNN) PREMEIRE!!!
The new program, hosted by CNN Chief National Correspondent John King, airs every Sunday from 9 a.m. through 1 p.m. et
• President-elect Barack Obama
• David Axelrod, senior Obama advisor
• Ed Gillespie, Bush White House counselor
• Howard Kurtz (formerly of CNN's "Reliable Sources", now a part of "State of the Union")
• Dana Perino, Bush White House press secretary
• Dee Dee Myers, former Clinton White House press secretary
• Dan Lothian, CNN White House correspondent
• April Ryan, American Urban Radio Networks.
• more! (Hey we gotta fill up four hours!) - MARON v SEDER Mark Maron vs. Sam Seder LIVE Weekdays at 3 pm et!
amazing graphic & logo by nicole s. Go to to watch & listen! Very cool! And SEDER ON RING OF FIRE this week, too!
- Ring of Fire Radio
Find us at and
• Senator Bernie Sanders will be joining us this week to talk about the dismal state of our US economy, and what Congress is doing to get us back on the right track.
• Author Adam Michaelson will give us the inside scoop on how Countrywide Mortgage Co. helped bring about the collapse of the mortgage industry.
• Patrice Simms, senior attorney with the NRDC, will be here to talk about the recent legal victory over Duke Energy in North Carolina, who was trying desperately to make their new coal plants exempt from environmental regulations.
• Melissa Rossi, author of the new book “What Every American Should Know About the Middle East,” will be here to tell us all about the sordid history of United States’ foreign policy.
• Susan Casey-Leftkowitz, a senior attorney with the NRDC, will be joining us to talk about how the destruction of tar sands throughout North America is destroying a valuable part of our ecosystem.
• And Air America’s own Sam Seder will be here to help us run through this week’s buried stories.
Ring of Fire Radio hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio: Saturdays at 3 o’clock Eastern, rebroadcasts Sunday nights at 8 pm Eastern featuring The PAP Attack! "We’ll bring you the stories that the mainstream media didn’t feel like reporting this week." - NEW SHOW! UNREPORTED NEWS on Nova M The Unreported News Radio Show is a show about how Main Stream Media ignores certain News Stories about the issues that affect the Lives of so many people. The Unreported News Radio Show will look at these issues and discuss the ways we can pushback on Mainstream Media for fair Reporting. 11 am et on
- fauxnews
• Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
• Robert Gibbs, senior adviser and press secretary to President-elect Obama
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Brick TeeVee - THEY report. YOU throw bricks. ©
First brick is on us!

1 comment:
Hey FR -
Another week, another president, and another pile of dismay. A few flickers of hope (guantanamo, full disclosure re options in overseas medical aid, stemcell research), but tax cuts rather than public work assistance? Bellicose bullshit directed at the indigenous people in occupied territories in Gaza? And Iraq?
A Republican in the White House again, really. At least he's not a whacko radical Republican like that last guy. But I'm having some nasty flashbacks to the Bill Clinton era of disappointment.
Hey FR!
Thanks for putting a link to our blog up here. Treebu just added a link to yours on ours.
Happy Saturday.
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